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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Check ebay, I picked up a NIB older model WP30 Pentax for under a hundred bucks a while ago
  2. I'd blame Shaw, payin' for Extreme, sure as christ ain't gettin' it
  3. Friend of mine has the same skin sensitivity, he's taken to wearin' a pair of 13"-14" tall medium-weight smart wool socks and lightweight polyprop longjohns under his G3's and he claims to be good to go. He seems to have quit bitchin' about neoprene since.???
  4. Honest question Rick, if there's only to be non-consummative use of the Parks how will the invasives be managed?
  5. One query/observation from the Rebellious Alliance, if the National Parks were created to protect and preserve "native" original species within their boundaries, what is to be done with the introduced species?
  6. Na, don't need fertilizer we got all them random campers shittin' in the buck brush.
  7. Cracked driveways and dinged garage doors... neighbourhood goin' to hell. j/k
  8. Some, mostly around the Caresland, problem was I had miles of the OM with everything from sturgeon to trout 15 minutes from my house and you could actually eat the fish without the gag reflex.
  9. Better'n the good old days. Back then they smelled and tasted like gasoline.
  10. The mixed Westslope and Yellowstone DNA are in the Ram, the National Parks and maybe a few native range drainages outside the Parks. At one time we all thought that most of our southern native range cutthroats were of mixed genetics because of the heavier than the typical Westslope spotting patterns. DNA testing for the SARA listing has now proven that assumption to be wrong, re: the above cutt picture. That fish is pure Alberta Westslope Cutt.
  11. Not quite pap Don, no cutts or bulls left in the Crow's headwaters. Maybe in Gold. Pretty? yes. Desirable? Down East yes but here? Too many southern creeks where I used to catch cutthroats contain nothing but brookies now. At least our generic rainbows don't like real cold water and nothing pisses me off like hiking 6-8 km up Cataract and not finding a single native fish.
  12. summbitch tasted good too.. he's the middle one
  13. In the cubby hole back at your ride keeps your phone dry too. Keepin' connected is way overrated.
  14. Plenty of room left on the Bow for 'nother Newf, just elbow one of those ex-Saskabushyians outta the way.
  15. No worries Al, just Taco bein' a terminal smartass and dysfunctional typist
  16. ImageShack will give you the option of size to upload, mine are usually uploaded 400x600
  17. -35 one week +12 the next week pretty much guarantees some driveway cracking and heaving
  18. Taco


    Voice of experience??
  19. Ol' Tex's gettin' a tad long in the toof ain't he?? Have a gooder Rick but I'll still out canyon fish ya.
  20. Just think it as a little urea injection, good for the bug life grows bigger fish. As far as pissin' into the wind, don't think so and as hard as it's blowin' right now you don't even wanna aim downwind. Expo? Missed it, maybe next year or the yr after, depends on the presentations, ain't much interested in the latest and greatest, hell my last purchase was a 6 foot 5wt built in 1971
  21. 50 is the new 20, go out and make a complete fool of yourself Have a Good'un
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