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Everything posted by Taco

  1. OK wild generic rainbows piss me off too, we lost a slowly regenerating cutthroat stream to mongrel effin' rainbows recently. God knows where they came from, blown out private stock pond in '05 probably (??) all but the very extreme headwaters seemed to be basically fishless since the drought in 2000 and/or 2003. It's what the westslope cutthroat are specially good at, surviving Alberta's extremes.
  2. Bought a pair of Simms guide boots w/Vibram soles this summer. Can't vouch for how sticky the soles are because I loaded them up w/cleats but I'm impressed with the build quality and how comfortable they are after a long day. If they're half the boot my old Simms Freestones were then the new boots should last me 5-6 yrs.
  3. Because they're a plaque in western streams crowding native trout to extinction and hybridizing bull trout. Outside of it's native ranges there should be a must kill regulation if any angler catches a brook trout I was ignoring this thread until that question
  4. Taco

    Holy Torpedo Batman

    Na them texicans is far too sensitive for personal jokes
  5. I've got some experience fishin' but I can't catch my gawddamned hat in a friggin' lake
  6. reminds me of a country song I once heard........ Why's Everybody Always Pickin On Me?
  7. Yeah it's a nail biter, betcha Kalgree will see at least 25% voter turnout. ki-ki-yippee-ki-yippee-ki-yay
  8. Rumor has it that there's now wolves on the British Block and the block elk are scatterin'. Jenner Colony has been fattenin' a fair bunch lately and they're farmin' in both 150 and 151
  9. You got to know where to look I guess, christ I saw half a dozen nice bull elk north and west of Jenner today
  10. BTW; it's been awhile but put in for the Cypress Hills special draw, that way you don't have to wait till she's 40 gawddamned below and effin' windy to hunt them big assed park bulls.
  11. don't get excited and shoot yourself in the foot Sarge
  12. "Special" draw huh.... get to ride the sh...ahh.. special bus too Ray?
  13. I'd wouldn't mind goin' fishin' with chris but he likes to take pictures of smartassed sarcasmography expert's plumber's crack, the guy is just plain weird that way and it freaks me out.
  14. Yeah but will he source some kine bud?
  15. Good job Rev good job and other than the siggy not many flowers
  16. Cool kids Hike, you got them out there instead of lookin' at the rocks through a windshield And yeah the fall wind can blow in the mountains, I've watched it take shale off the ridge tops and blow boxcars off the tracks
  17. Brook trout are brush spawners, if you catch a water rat huck'm in the bush to help them reproduce
  18. might be worth it if it was from someone who actually fishes
  19. No were you? If the logging is stopped what about controlled burns??
  20. The Police Chiefs say they like it, the line officers not so much. Any cop who goes into a domestic dispute call thinking no firearms based on what the registry tells him is a complete idiot and should be ridin' a desk or workin' the call centre. I can buy blackmarket handguns in Claresholm for christsakes not to mention the millions of longguns that went underground 14 yrs ago.
  21. Or 3N trips.. I just relearned something today. Thanks for posting that troutfriend
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