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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Must be the same sumbitch who winched out my anchor posts because my pasture gates were strung too tight...
  2. quacking good fish them blackfoot rainbows
  3. True that but there'll be more brookie streams not less. It's pretty decent as a general guide though.
  4. Some pretty good suggestions above. Also may help to pickup a copy of Barry Mitchell's - Alberta Fishing Guide. It'll gives you a fairly accurate breakdown on the streams local to you.
  5. Pay no attention to Weedy, he apparently overdosed on smartass pills or the bluebird of happiness pooped on his bald spot, either or.... Plenty of brook trout streams around, unfortunately more than there were 20 yrs ago. How far you want to drive and how soon?
  6. Probably safer than floatin' it in a $39 inflatable raft from wally world
  7. I wonder how loud one of them grey squirrels could scream if you launched them from a propane powered potato cannon???? I already know how far away a gopher will land from a oxyacetylene powered irrigation pipe.... Might be a pain in the ass to get them into those little parachutes.
  8. Yeah I know Don but I think the need for more and better is hardwired in the Beast. Do you and I really need 30-40-50 different fly rods and can we fish them all or even want to fish them all in a single season?
  9. Give them to Monger, he likes the bigger imports
  10. Gawd I hate it when people insist on bein' pragmatic
  11. Piss on that noise, I got 3-4 more inches of life's irritant fallin' outta the sky at this moment......................
  12. I wonder how well a smartassed Texican can float with a 25 kilo rock stuffed in the back of his waders????
  13. Jared, Had a sudden epiphany, if you take 22 south and turn where 520 takes off east for Claresholm @ the top of the ridge 2 side rds join, one on the right is the sky line rd and I know its plowed 5-6 k to the south to a gas well. There'll be some places to camp along it, quite a few elk camps along that stretch in the fall. The rd to the left is the east trout creek rd and it may be plowed because they punched a well in there last fall. If it is open, plenty of camping along ck 8-9k in and all forestry both sides.
  14. Snow still pretty deep in both the foothills and mountain reserve areas @ least down here. I'd do a flyin' check for you but I gotta head east this mornin'. Cottonwood treed riverbottom somewhere out in the flats? Sorry couldn't be more help.
  15. zed, Thanks for that, I knew I'd read it somewhere in the past couple of yrs. Clive, Will it go too far? Probably, it seems to part of human nature, if some is good then more will hafta be far better.
  16. The ones from confluence to the falls are probably Highwood fish, I haven't seen or heard of a cutt being caught anywhere above the Cataract falls in 5 or more years. troutsteaks, don't worry about it. I'm an old flyfishin' cowboy, 'bout as subtle as train wreck at times but if I lived near the Appalachians or Nova Scotia I'd be just as passionate about preserving and restoring the native eastern brook trout.
  17. and the profanity comes with the redneck *hit disturbin' attitude, ain't changin any time soon... Thanks for that Smitty
  18. A bit of an aside; Anyone catch a cutthroat in Cataract recently? Used to quite regularly 15 yrs ago but haven't caught a single one in the last 5yrs and I've fished @ least 6-7 km upstream of the trunk rd 10 times in the 5 yrs. I think the cutts are done in Cataract
  19. ID tests to be able to fish for a species are flatout bullshit, poachin' tickets ain't. Do some research and see how many id tests are required down south where the bulls are in a more fragile state than here and the F&G departments are just as underfunded. All that's bein' said is that native species should be given a priority over the introduced where they interact. The emphasis has to change.
  20. That right there was a typical smartassed Scandihoovian reply, LMAO
  21. Where's the pics of the above described OFers
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