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Everything posted by duanec

  1. wish i wasn't such a cabbage today...was good to meet and looking fwd to next time
  2. nice! do you charge extra to rip circles around guys in pontoons or roostertail w&w's?
  3. agree he's got some legacy issues to deal with...king ralph was too long in the big chair and he lost focus & perspective. it's been pretty soft gig to run this province thru some very very fat times: keep the big resource players happy, do right by joe average [in this province that usually means not liberal/socialist] and you'll get re-elected. lots of people made out fairly well in the last decade [what they did with that it is of course another story]. oh, and don't forget your ralph bucks... ed's got his hands full more now for sure. i certainly believe considering his background & home turf he's got the voice of rural average joe in his ear. i think he tried to solve some things for that voice in the first while? will he screw up so bad he runs things into the ground? highly doubtful. don't forget he's the face on the front cover, and it's a thick book [caucus] with deep pockets behind the scenes [big c or little c]. i believe he's taking regular readings from the book now...if he's got any clue he'll learn to balance all the interests a little better and given time he could emerge as 'steady eddie'. maybe. we'll see how much af a personal hit he'll take as a result of the price of oil dropping below the magic number. you may regard ed as not particularly stellar, but seriously would you prefer taft [nothing against him - he's actually a sharp dude] or mason? and you do remember teflon don getty was in charge for a while, right?
  4. very large pike. they are called slough sharks for a good reason...
  5. intolerance. religious extremists/evalngelists [pick your flavour, from baptists to the taliban to peta]. politics. the angry mob mentality. ignorance. threats to basic freedoms & rights. people with no sense of ha ha.
  6. ???????????????????? never ever have seen a banner like this on this forum.
  7. yeah, like i said i need to get w/ the program. can't wait for some skoolin'
  8. it's a broad target. ha. personally i'm looking forward to the visible minorities bit, and the 'people with mental/physical disabilities' section gets really fun.
  9. and i learned lots of ff people like cake. often. it's a sign... and yes congrats sjw.
  10. -chirono patterns are deadly when it's going, and the research & trial/error was well worth it -when you're fishing, estimate your time to be back home and + 2.5 hrs so your wife doesn't freak out at 1 am -ask lots of questions no matter how stupid you may appear -night fishing w/ streamers is good comedy -be bear aware, always -i know now i need to know more now about tricos, midges, other bugs... -there's a wealth of knowledge posted here and good peeps willing to share on the forum -there's some total shite posted, some real nut-cases out there, and some of it is very entertaining -getting out more often [even f/short trips] = more knowledge = more success -when someone is on the oars and don't know wtf they are doing it's really frustrating -some people are more courteous than others, some peeps just don't give a rats ass -i need to explore more waters more often -i need to spend more time on the bow -red is not the only color that works -shut up and listen/engage brain before typing -need to try to spey again -fishing alone is fun -fishing w/ pals is fun, more so when you out fish them -3 flies is more challenging to cast -there's lots of great water within the city that does not get pounded -everyone has an opinion, some of them quite strong...especially on the 'net -drifting the bow at night is way cool -more expensive kit does not equal better success, or mean someone is a better fisher -don't buy crap kit once you're into the sport, as, if taken care of, quality things will last a while -be open to suggestions, but put your filters on as well -i need to be more financially independent to continue to support my growing fishing problem -there's always much room to improve, esp. w/ dries on the bow [still] -watch & learn, smell the rocks, eat the flowers, look up once in a while... -dark rum is never, ever a bad idea
  11. holy motherf*& that is unbelievable
  12. read part of it over lunch. they are gonna do whatever they do. if we oilbertans don't like it, they don't give a ratshit. it's bc, economics doesn't take the lead over there. i have some faith that the guides won't allow the daily licence cost to be so high that their businesses fail because those who can afford to come no longer come. if the commercial fisherman...ah crap. anyway, it is a complex issue i'm sure. i guess if i lived there i'd have an entirely diff. p.o.v. what i/we think don't matter. just hope i can afford to go back someday soon. and i keep wondrin' if within my lifetime we see this type of issue arise on our waters...
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