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Everything posted by duanec

  1. pammie is no doubt stepping up to help peta out with this one too?! peta is full of completely certifiable nut jobs, and after the greyhound bus ad fiasco, they are on my list.
  2. caught many a white in the bow. some do consider them to be a 'coarse fish' here but they can sometimes take the skunk off a day, and yes i've landed some absolute pigs in the 4-5 lb range. used to target them and get a bunch for the smoker every fall up in n. central ab. back in the day. big fun and they are very tasty. found the most successful method was to fish nymphs or wet fly patterns or a combo thereof. have one pattern a buddy tied many years ago, used to hook 75-100 in a single day. tried it on the bow a few years ago... it's deadly for targeting them here too. but as others mentioned they eat lots of stuff.
  3. yep - way funnier with an irish accent!
  4. bon iver the hip [always] neil young [does anyone have an extra ticket?] neko case the knife death from above 1979
  5. then i say: just giv'r. more power to ya. fill your boots. ode to joy. thanks for clearing that up. i know what i yams now. i guess the forum should be renamed "meat fisher in different clothing calgary"? and this thread still needs more cake.
  6. agreed that's a damn shame, it's why i signed up. don't know anyone else on here yet, but hope to meet some at the clean-up & the future charity event you posted. i sense there are some good peeps here. i plan to stick around as i think the concept is still good and hope the bs gets weeded out. thanks for posting the clip, missed it the first time.
  7. really? how could one refuse that? do you mix drinks as well ? busy sunday? pm me in case on of the lassies bails, then!
  8. feedback appreciated. just hope the front moves in overnight and is stable by then [wind/barometer], or comes in later. i too am a 'foul weather' guy, agreed traffic is lower and it can be killer. i'll be looking for the pig's cousin, or any of it's relatives. anyone who whines gets the oars to keep warm. police-->mck or mck-->legacy?
  9. duanec

    Fall Bulls

    cool. awesome fish...thanks for sharing and the background story...i kinda suspected some of that by looking at the pictures, thanks for confirming. i certainly appreciate reading the 'seasoned' members posts, opinions and comments. please, keep 'em coming!
  10. been on board for a year and become a more active reader & poster in the last few months...gotta say that there's some tremendously good info posted here by a knowledgeable group, awesome to read others opinions and thoughts and see the diversity within the local/extended community. i have started to share my opinion occasionally here and so far no one has set the dogs upon me. yes occasionally [like so many other forums of this type] a thread with polarized opinions can get a little ugly [but it's also highly entertaining!]. i read that post and was not surprised by the overwhelming negative response it got. not defending some of the comments at all, but go figure that one hit a nerve. no matter where you are, if you go out on a limb and make some grand statement one way or the other, someone is gonna try to knock you down a peg or 2. much to be said about how you present that differing opinion, esp. in a forum setting like this. pass the cake.
  11. http://www.amazon.com/What-Fish-See-Unders...g/dp/1571881409 ok, 2 replies to my own reply. shutting up now...
  12. although an argument against that would be some wacky streamer patterns that are very effective
  13. duanec


    fierce. great photos and awesome fish. nice setting too. i'm adding that to the list...
  14. i used a product before to rubber coat some tools and roof rack - it comes in a can [called ready dip or something] and you literally dip the part into it. repeated dips made the coating thicker. got it at crappy tire or home depot. it has stood up to some abuse so far. can't comment on how it would fair on something soft like lead though.
  15. there's actually a book available that goes into great detail about how fish see colour with some science behind it. forget it's title - saw it in hansons before. i flipped thru it and alot seemed to be more focused on plug colours, salmon & steelhead. hansons said they sold a bunch. i might be missing something here, but i've seen the red worms in the water, and so that is what i will try to match...if they are red at 2" that's good enough for me. i don't argue that at 3', 6' 10' the natural would appear to be different color [to varying degree due to all factors listed above], however so would my red SJW at that depth? i was taught to match what you see, not what you think a fish sees...if there are eating olive naturals then your fly should be representative of that, no matter what the depth [case in point: chironos]. i have used a multitude of SJW patterns and hues, as well as some of the golds, pinks & browns. i have never considered a blue or grey SJW, as i've never seen a blue natural. i've got my fave red patter/hue that is by far my most productive fly all year. would you switch the color of the productive dry you are using after the sun has set/nearly dark [lighting conditions changed]?
  16. i have a drift planned this sunday. the updated weather forecast goes from 25 on saturday to 70-90% pop, 5 mm accum. & 16 degrees sunday. winds calm. in my past i have had fantastic days both in lakes & streams on rainy days. i have also days where it's turned into a forced march. q: apart from the usual inconveniences, in your exp. has the bow fished well in similar conditions to what's expected? is this dramtic swing going to put the fishing off? should i tell the girls to stay in bed?
  17. that's awesome! i gotta get me some of that some day...
  18. my daughters have decided that this is the look one should aspire to when flyfishing, so they sent me this... lmfao
  19. very nice shots, and some great fish!
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