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Everything posted by Glenbow

  1. And don't lick it repeatedly.
  2. Sorry lads, I scooped both bottles. It's gonna be winter for a while yet, now I have something to do.
  3. To quote Dave, "On the Sheep" I thought I saw some of that in New Zealand.
  4. Good seeing you guys down there today, thanks a lot to the folks who dropped in to say hi.
  5. I think I'll go fri, sat, & sun.
  6. Ya. It'll take you twice as long as before. It's darn near Fort McLeod. Not a fan of driving down there.
  7. Bull Trout burgers are gonna be a hit.
  8. I lost way more when our great Prime Minister broke his election promise & taxed income trusts. I will for ever be indebted to him for that.
  9. I, on the other hand, will stay waaaay the hell away from those bugs. On a side note, I have used Intraspecific mimicry with a lady on a date when we were playing cards and the loser had to drink shots of vodka. She drank them, and I chucked them over my shoulder (we were outside on a picnic) and made a face like I just drank it - it was a tactic that paid dividends. I got to remember the events that followed! There was no mate-guarding to be wary of, and I have since returned to my own territory thereby eliminating the competing male's territory claims.
  10. I have fished the DC 5/6 and think it is an excellent rod. With that in mind, I just purchased a Snowbee Torridge 5/6 and it is a wonderful rod although not in the same price range. I enjoy fishing the Rio Windcutter line on my other Spey rod & have no complaints with it. I purchased the Beulah Elixir line for my Snowbee, but have yet to really fish with it for comparison. I do not have any complaints with the Rio Windcutter line. I hope this is of some help to you. Remember, anything can be shipped anywhere, so don't worry if something's not local.
  11. Thanks Don, will do.
  12. That's what I'm talking about. You have to pay for everything these days - I am reluctant to 'offer' any more of my money. We need to convince the Gov't that the resource deserves more funding from the funds it already collects (all sources). We already have to pay stupid amounts for gas to go fish in the mountains. If you want to fish in the national park, you then have to pay for a National Park Pass as well as a national license. We already pay a lot in various forms of taxation, and I am not inclined to offer any more of my money to the Government when I cannot trust where that money will go. There is no guarantee that the money will go where it is intended. Like I said before in a previous thread that was very similar to this one, I would rather take part in fund raising for more C.O.'s to pay their wages and then there's a certain amount of accountability. I could be wrong, I've been wrong before, but to me it's something that fits better for me. The Gov't must be convinced that our fishery deserves more money and attention. How to do that, I am not sure.
  13. NAH. I just left 'em there & bought new ones here.
  14. They grow 'em big over there, eh? I can't wait to go back. Nice broonies man, real nice. Reminds me of one I got over there in Nov.
  15. I don't favor an increase in the resident license cost. I wouldn't mind seeing the stocked vs. all waters license, it sounds like a reasonable idea. I already pay too much for other things that our infinitely wise Government has decided to charge more for, so no increase in fees is my vote. For more revenue, jack-up the non-resident license like everywhere else.
  16. Cell phone & a zillion flies. And many pliers. Probably some other things that hardly matter. Made lots of friends though & been to lots of cool places and that rocks.
  17. Glenbow

    Hi All

    Welcome aboard, nice to have you. That's a nice trout you got there.
  18. Sorry to hear this Birch, that really sucks big. I hope everything works out well for you guys on this. Glad to hear they are now suffering for their choices.
  19. I'd say buy from Icky. Save yourself some $$ and support a board member. Besides, they wouldn't sell something that doesn't work well, they are a good bunch with good product. Thanks a ton to the board members who suggested using board members based on experience.
  20. Wicked Bow, way to go. Man, I love the Crow.
  21. Very cool, thanks for the post. I really dig those artworks.
  22. Rev, You took the words right out of my mouth.
  23. You could try just using black electrical tape to hold it in place (like on Spey rods), or get ahold of CDone - he does repairs I believe.
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