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Everything posted by Glenbow

  1. Sweet pics Max. Those bullies are nuts. Great shots. BEEeeeeaaahhhhh!
  2. That's Mr. Barbie. Thank-you.
  3. Ladystrange, In all fairness I did not ask what my IQ & waist size were!
  4. And the BAW. And the Poo Hole.
  5. Look - I even have clean fingernails in both pics! Boy, my GF would be proud.
  6. Size these! I know they're not trout, or at least I'm pretty sure. Smallie Ugh Fish
  7. I think you'd be best off drinking several bottles of wine (with preferred company of course) then glue some of the corks together & drill out the centre for a mandrel (whatever size you need). Insert mandrel, put in drill-press (or hand drill in vise) & begin shaping with a file & then sand paper. Cut in half with a scroll saw, band saw or hacksaw & voila. That'll be $75.
  8. Lone 26" Rock 22"
  9. I use a rio tapered leader at the moment, but as soon as I wreck it I am going to straight flouro, knotted down in size. Works very well on the 1 handers, and I can't imagine it'd make any difference on the 2 hander.
  10. Some things will get worse, likely some things will get better. Another period of adjustment for us eh?
  11. Wheels, I sometimes use the plain old red & white bobber (tiny one) and they work quite well. They will smash pretty good if bonked into rocks on the back cast (not supposed to do that anyhow), and they are always in my vest if I run out of other types or just want to quickly tie one on.
  12. Right on Kungfool, I'd love to hear what's happening and what's planned there.
  13. Ya, nothin' like ketchup & mustard. You hot dog, Rick.
  14. Olive. Fits with fly fishing.
  15. Want another example? I can't use my new JVC digital camcorder on my Mac unless I buy software. I need Quicktime MPEG2, available on apple.com for $19.99US. Once I go to buy it, it asks my state or country if not in a state where I get redirected to apple.ca where I am afforded the luxury of purchasing the same software for $37.99CDN. I phoned apple to complain & was told 'we're sorry, but we're working on it'. I said thanks a lot for the opportunity of paying twice as much with a more valuable currency than the US customers. By the way, you can't get around the state or country thing on apple.com as I already tried to and then asked about it. No can do. So there you go, yet another example of how we get screwed as canucks.
  16. I've heard nothing about that, and like Lone says, it will depend totally on those that own the lake. I sure hope they do allow it to be managed properly, it would make a stellar fishery (as it once was).
  17. Finally, some spice of FFC (not like KFC, who has 11 SECRET herbs & spices......)
  18. Those are really, really pretty fish in the pics above.
  19. Don, I appreciate your reply & suggestion. As a member of TU I already donate to TU each year, but am willing to look at more ideas too. I am thinking of a fund raiser for TU and hopefully soon I will be able to report with more info. Anyhow, this thread is about license increases and not TU.
  20. What about community fund raisers for more fish cops? If we were to raise the $$ for more guys out there, we might even make it happen. I am leary of giving the government more as we cannot control where it goes.
  21. I have to say that in the age of ever-incresing fees/costs, I am not in favor of charging Albertans more for fishing licences. Once we open the door to increased fees, they never go back. I can hardly imagine that the fee increases would honestly be solely applied to the management of the fishery. I would favor charging non-residents a higher premium, but not even as much as BC for classified waters, as non-resident anglers add much to the economies where they come to fish and I do not believe that gouging non-residents is beneficial. Make them pay a little more, but don't scare them away. I already pay too much for numerous things, and I think that the cost of my fishing license is fine. Only if there were a guranteed way to check on the allocation of funds from licensing and ensure that they were all going to the fisheries management would I even consider an increase to be acceptable.
  22. See? Nana is Waaaayyyyy bigger than Radiohead.
  23. Hawg, That thing is a monster. I can't believe how fat that fish is. What a fish! I woulda' guessed 27. LK, I was gonna guess 8.5" Bobloblaw - good seein' you on the water too brother! Hope to see you more out there. Thanks for shootin' vid & I'll hopefully get it sorted out soon.
  24. Rather than edit my post, I goofed & that Bull is 28.5. Hawg wins! rickr, that is crazy- it looks way bigger than that.
  25. Bull is 29.5 I guess rickr's is 34
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