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Everything posted by reevesr1

  1. Raffle is over 1/2 full. Following numbers are left: 3,6,11,14,15,19,20,25,29,30,31,34,35,36,38,40,42,43,46,47,48
  2. Hello Everyone, I am running a raffle, proceeds to the charity I helped create to help families with both the immediate and long term affects of Hurricane Harvey in my home in SE Texas. The raffle explanation is on a public post on Facebook, Just look up Rick Reeves Calgary and you should be able to find it. If I could figure out how to link it here I would! Here is the full explanation: Hello Everyone, I am going to run a raffle for a brand new Bauer M6 Fly Fishing reel, original retail $575.00 USD, donated by Hanson's Outfitters. This reel was found at an estate sale recently. It is brand new in box, with all original warranties. Bauer reels are warrantied for life. Here is how it works: I'm selling 49 squares for $20.00 CDN each ($16 American).Once the tickets are all sold, I will use the bonus number on the first 649 draw after the raffle is full to pick the winning number. Additionally, the numbers just before and just after will win consolation prizes. One is a $100 gift certificate to Fish Tales Fly shop. The other is still to be determined. Please feel free to share this with your friends. The proceeds will go to The TCHS Phoenix Foundation, which is the charity I helped create to deal with flooding in SE Texas. We still have several families in need. To participate, just tell me what number (1-49) you want. I will be in contact to set up payment.
  3. I know I'm not supposed to cross reference posts, and I hope the mods let it go this time. Please see my post on the blog feed and give it a read if you have some time.
  4. Hey folks, I know there are lots of charities asking for donations, I ask you to have a read about my home town and how the flood there affects more than just Texas City. My hometown makes most of the materials that are in your fly rod, reel, lines. In your smartphones. On your keyboards. In you gas tank. In a very real way, my home town sacrificed it's environment so you don't have to. Not saying they did it on purpose, but they did do it. Please read and consider donating. We have families who have lost pretty much everything, from single mothers to disabled folks. The fund we created will donate 100% to the families in need. Thanks!https://juststumblingthroughlife.com/2017/09/16/we-shall-rise-with-a-little-help-from-our-friends/
  5. Here is a bit of an update: So far, our relief fund to aid folks from my high school who sustained flood damage is at $5500.00, not a bad start. I wanted to give a list of damage to fellow alumni we have compiled so far, and we know it is far from complete. Keep in mind that many of these people may not have had flood insurance. Funds raised here will go directly to help these people recover. The faster we can help the better as mold in Texas happens fast! While we are trying to help with cleanup, (along with a lot of other groups who excel at this task) our goal is longer term than that. We want to assist in the recovery over the next several months. Please consider donating to the link at the bottom of this post, and thanks to everyone for reading/ Needs: Shelter/Temporary residence and repair work Damage: 6-8 inches of water throughout entire 3600+ sq ft one story home + 3 car garage and yard shed Currently: Temporary, with family/friends Details: "I have 3 dogs (1 Great Dane) and 2 cats. We are hoping to find an RV or travel trailer to stay onsite while dry out and repairs are underway." Needs: General assistance and repair work Damage: Flooded with 16+ " of water. All flooring and sheetrock 4' down destroyed. Most all trim and possibly kitchen cabinets destroyed. Waiting on FEMA report. Currently: With his daughter Details: Help packing assorted items. Demo flooring, trim, and sheetrock when time comes. Needs: Demo, clean-up/mold remediation Damage: "Yes, 9in of water within our home." Currently: Temporary, with family/friends Details: "We have demo-ed what we can, but we need help with getting the tile, fire place, bathtub and toilets out of the house. Needs: Repair work, cleaning supplies Damage: Yes 15 inches in house 23 inches in garage Currently: Temporary, hotel/motel Details: "Need contractor to do rebuild" Needs: "Financial" Damage: "My first floor had water damage and car was totaled. Kitchen, living room, master bedroom and bath, closet." Currently: In residence Needs: Repair work Damage: "Yes. Flooring in living room had water come in from driving rain. Had to pull up laminate and baseboards. Mantel is swollen at bottom from water. Back door also had water come in. No damage to tile but yes to door jam and baseboards." This is the youcaring fund we have set up. Basically we have gone from 0 to incorporating our non profit and setting up a fundraising site in a very short period of time. https://www.youcaring.com/tchsalumni-942651
  6. If anyone on here is from SE Texas, shoot me a PM. I have created a flood relief site (it was specifically for Texas City, but could be used for assistance in nearby communities) and if you have family or friends who need help I might be able to point you in the right direction.
  7. You are pretty good at the picture thing!
  8. Starts with baseball references, goes to music, ends with fishing. Not fly fishing, but still my favorite fishing day ever. https://juststumblingthroughlife.com/2017/08/17/the-houston-kid/
  9. When fishing cutthroat rivers, I tend to carry two double sided fly boxes. Each with about 300ish slots. The big one typically has 50-80 flies in it I would guess.The other is my small dry box. It has 250 to 300 flies at any one time.Many of them I fish, many more I should fish, and some are of the "what in the hell was I thinking when I bought that?" type of flies. A few were bought on discount sites, the vast majority at my three go to fly shops. So say $2.50 to $4.00 per fly. I keep one of the boxes in my wader pouch. It barely fits, so I rarely bother to zip up the pouch. This weekend on the Oldman, I paid the ultimate price when I noticed it was gone. I looked around for it, but I remembered distinctly messing around in the river and bending down, so I was pretty sure it had fallen out and drifted away. I was also pretty sure it was my big dry box. Sad, sure, but it's pretty late in the season now and the big foams are not really producing any more. I figured i could go get some hopper patterns for the bow and I'm set for the rest of the year. A little later I realized it was actually my small dry box. I then looked harder for it and wished I had put my name in it somewhere. I'd never really thought about the sheer $ value of the flies in that box. Here is a news flash, as one of the guys at fishtales said "you'd rather lose a rod." That is totally true. There was AT LEAST $750 worth of flies in that box. I'm $600 into the replacement cycle, including the box, and I'm sure I'm not done yet. I have a big trip coming up and I'm not going to be short of flies. As always, I'll probably end up throwing a purple adams or small pmd's (cutties love white flies!) most of the day and whatever fly I really need I won't have, but it won't be for lack of trying. Oh, and my name is in my new box. So when I lose that one I'm sure to get called. I can promise that I'll zip up my stupid wader pouch from now on. If I lose it again, I'll offer a $0.50 per fly reward. And I broke the tip off my rod when I tripped in some dead fall. $50 for a new tip. Small potatoes.
  10. reevesr1


    Or someone got their panties in a wad and messaged him. Probably one of those top secret stretches of the Oldman, or Liv or something.
  11. reevesr1


    Hey dxh, don't sweat it. I didn't see the post but can imagine. Let the garbage just roll off. One of my favorite quotes I've ever heard was from a fly shop owner who said "I love fly fishing but don't really like fly fisherman."
  12. No fishing. But music, meeting musicians, and stories about bad ass grandpa's. This link will work better. https://juststumblingthroughlife.com/2017/07/31/where-do-the-great-ones-go/
  13. My Smith's came from the Bike Shop. Sensing a theme here.
  14. I named him Kenny in honor of my friend Kenny Davidson who had the biggest head I'd ever seen until now. Kenny lives in Southern Alberta, likes inside seams of plunge pools and has a weakness for small purple mayflies. See ya soon Kenny! I'll bring the mayflies!
  15. I have done some nose over work.
  16. Not a fish story exactly, but there are two fishing videos, and a pretty cover shot of a cutty! https://wordpress.com/post/juststumblingthroughlife.com/1917
  17. reevesr1


    Heretic! The simms crowd will froth at the bit over this. Just FYI, I have Orvis Silver Sonics. Love them as well, but they are on year 3, and the little problem phase. I'll get them through this year and go with something new. Maybe some Hodgman. Honestly, takes me back to my roots. Probably have owned more Hodgman waders than anything.
  18. Keep me a spot open in the post run off early morning stone fly extravaganza float Jared. Maybe this time we can get out of site of the extender bridge before noon!
  19. It is one hell of a cutty Rob, and a better picture!! In the future though, just pull the fly. We will all assume dry fly. I made a similar mistake during my practice retirement last year. I had my first hole in one, and made the mistake of taking a picture of the ball in the hole- a yellow Chrome-soft. I received an easily anticipated mound of abuse. If I ever do it again I keep a Pro-V1x in my bag to replace the offending yellow ball. Marginally dishonest, but keeps the haters at bay!
  20. Unless they are making bead head dry flies, I'm confused by this picture. I have to admire the irony though.
  21. Always listen when Japanese people try to help. https://juststumblingthroughlife.com/2017/05/24/kuma-dont-mean-fish/
  22. Ah, you don't have to cast that far for those pike anyway. Great shot!
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