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Everything posted by admin

  1. Great series of pics.
  2. Is this sort of talk really necessary? I'm just starting to forget winter.
  3. It'll be a good tough series. I'm sticking by my previous prediction of Pens in 6.
  4. Yo, Hoep itws a sir-eel day of fission. Have a good one.
  5. I haven't seen it yet, but it looks like it's worth checking into.
  6. Great pics. Slim fast for some of those bows, wow they are being well fed.
  7. I'm not a fan of the danvise personally, but it is a decent price for a rotary vise. If you are going to buy it on Ebay, look at the crown vises there as well. Crown vise If I were to upgrade to a better vise, I would go with the Montana Mongoose, Renzetti or something similar. Vises can be a tricky subject because everyone has their own preference.
  8. Wayne A warning that fly tying can get quite addictive. There are a few Canadian Mail order retailers that can get you whatever you need if it isn't available locally. Shop will also special order items they don't stock regularly for their customers if you ask. I wouldn't recommend starting off with a kit as they don't serve you all that well. You will get a nice variety of materials, but you may not actually need everything in there. I would start off with a crown vise, one that looks like the regal vises but retails for around 65$. It'll last you a long time and is good for flies size 18 - 1/0. You will also need a decent pair of scissors, hackle pliers, bobbin holder and a whip finish tool to get you started. Buy the materelli style whip finish tool, or learn to whip finish by hand. Look at a few fly patterns to get you started. What do you use most often? Buy materials to tie that pattern in one or 2 colours and go from there. That is around 120.00 investment for tying a few dozen flies.
  9. Here is the real product the above is spoofed from..... Click here if the movie does not play.
  10. This was on CBC radio today on the As it Happens Program. Here is a link to the podcast. Skip up to 14:40 to hear the section re the ban. http://www.cbc.ca/mrl3/8752/asithappens/20080513-aih-3.wmv
  11. Awesome SBS on the stones. Thanks for sharing a few secrets.
  12. All the Best Jim. I'm wishing you a speedy recovery.
  13. No, it's cool, Thanks all for taking part as I find it a lot of fun over the season.
  14. What type of fishing are you planning on doing? I haven't tried out the Gold yet, but I do have favour for most other RIO lines like the Selective Trout and the Nymph lines.
  15. Good luck on the water. Have a good one!
  16. Pens and Wings - Pens in 6
  17. Wow! Any word on what the total fines were?
  18. I think I have in everyone's flies that got an address to send them in. Lundvike had the highest finish with a dozen sent in, so I'll be sending a package of flies your way. I'll be donating the remaining flies to Casting for Recovery. Thanks again everyone who took part. We'll do it again next year with some revamped rules and hopefully it will level the playing feild a bit.
  19. Sweet looking nymphs Bro.
  20. Cool Shots. Is stocking the trips something new here at BH? I wonder if that will allow these fish to get even bigger than some of the spawners we're seeing out of the waters.
  21. It's there, it's just well disguised as a nose type thing. Stellar job on the flies peps. It was a hard choice to choose one.
  22. For Sure There is some decent Camping out past Ols as well at West Ward Ho. There are a few stillwater lakes / Ponds nearby and the Little Red Deer River runs through it. We used to get out there a few times a season. Little Elbow down south is another cool spot. I think they even have a stocked grayling pond there, but I'm not 100% on that. The little elbow runs beside it and there are tons of great hiking trails around there.
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