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Everything posted by admin

  1. admin

    New Addition

    Everyone stay off the sidewalks..... Nice rocket TS
  2. Partridge and the Mustad signature hooks have been good. Eagle River have been really good as well for the price.
  3. Anyone is welcome to write up an article. If you do, send me a PM and I'll get it posted permanently on the site. Fly patterns, extended fishing reports, casting advise or whatever.
  4. Cool video. zzIf they get into the Great Lakes, that would be devastating.
  5. Sweet dude. Sounds like a stellar night. Welcome to the site.
  6. You and Lynn need to take a week off and go trout hunting. Have a good one.
  7. Gratz. She's a Beaut
  8. I've had Grayling on many occations and Crayfish on one.
  9. I've had a couple "Double doubles"
  10. Whiting just has a single grade now and they are tough to get. Whiting has the same issues with supply. You can special order it from Superfly through one of the shops in town that deals with them. They didhave a good supply.
  11. Ya gotta love that. Pass around the names here and we can hammer that message home too. Sorry that you had to witness that kind of blatant disregard.
  12. Anyone tried out the new Google Web browser yet? I'm test running it this morning and so far it's been great. http://www.google.com/chrome
  13. You'll need the cord to transfer those. Look on ebay and you can get one for a decent price.
  14. Yes, I've had that feeling a few times. That reminds me, I need to fish more often...
  15. Sweet. He's a pretty cool looking puppy.
  16. I would first off take a look at the fly. Is there a large tail on it? It could be fish hitting the tail of the fly and not connecting ith the hook. This used to happen often to me when fishing wooly buggers. Shortening the tail helped to increase the hook rate. The other thing I would suggest is to wait an extra second or 2 before setting the hook. See if you can get together with one of the more expreienced fishers on the board. They can offer som great tips if they can see you in action. Try a few different flies as well. Once the clouser has crossed the pool a few times, it wouldn't hurt to change things up. San Juan Worms, Bead head nymphs and other streamers would be a good start here. Hope that helps a bit.
  17. Seriously? We stayed at the Maui Kamole as well. The condos were great there BTW, located in Kiehi in the south west. Did you guys drive out to Hana?
  18. We do have some hats, toques and shirts around. we're working on getting up a storefront in the next little while. We'll be making an announcement when everything is good to go. Stickers and bumper stickers are planned in there as well.
  19. I have the Olympus 850SW. I've bounced it quite a bit on the water, so I'm glad I choose it over the optio. Both are decent cameras for point and shoots. I used it on my vacation and left my D80 at home. If I lost it tomorrow I'd buy another.
  20. Cool series Clive.
  21. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,402882,00.html
  22. Lots of Killer shot Max! Great stuff.
  23. They are looking great so far. I would work on getting some smaller heads on a they, but other than that, they look great.
  24. admin


    Great pics all so far, keep em coming. Jeremie, I love to colour on that sea perch.
  25. Images need to be under 100kb in size in order to upload them to the site. If you don't know how to resize or shrink your pics, using photobucket or my favourite flickr.com will allow you to link the picture using the URL of the picture. You need to use BBCode to embed the image. You will need to URL where the image is stored. [img=http://farm1.static.flickr.com/177/413698060_92d16c8e73_o.jpg] The above displays as this
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