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Everything posted by admin

  1. Rats are great flies. It's one of the first real salmon flies I even tied. (poorly)
  2. I just got word from an acquaintance that Mel Krieger has passed away. Sad news as it was Mel who first inspired me to start fly casting. I watched a demo he put on in Edmonton, Alberta, snapping tippet above some lady's head. It was awesome.
  3. Rick. Your Banned.... for life...
  4. Great pics Wes. Where in Ontario were you guiding?
  5. Just reading about some polls sugesting the penny is not work producing anymore. Some shops in Ontario (and I'm sure other spots) have already gotten rid of their pennies, opting to round to the nearest nickle.
  6. I'm considering charging a service fee every time one of these companies calls me. I have a registered business and let's just call it a consulting fee.
  7. I got in on the second refresh Hit F5 until it loads
  8. Ram's wool is a good material for the head. This isn't the best pattern, but it should give you some direction - http://www.onlineflytyer.com/article_n2sculpin.asp
  9. I take mine back to the Mazda dealer. They wash it for me too no extra charge.
  10. Nice video. You just need to learn how to use transitions between cuts to smooth it out a bit. Gorgeous water, too bad there is always garbage around on runs such as these.
  11. Don't be givin people ideas or you might see these taking over the bow soon.
  12. Materials were put to good use. I love tying streamers with the Yak hair.
  13. They will likely be small on your head. We are getting in some larger sized toques shortly and will be getting hoodies in as well.
  14. admin


    You could also check out the hook and hackle club in Calgary. I'm not sure what they have in terms of lessons, but I think there are a couple members on the board here that can let you know what they offer.
  15. Thanks Rich. Will add this as well.
  16. When posting pictures of fish please do not post any images that show fish being handled in the following ways if practicing catch and release. - fingers under gill plates or lifting fish by the gills (it can harm the gills and stress out the Fish) - fish laying on the bottom of boats - pictures of fish laying on dry rocks, grass, snow, ice or any stream side area were it may be harmful to the fish. These surfaces remove the protective slime and put the fish at risk. - handling of fish in a vertical hanging position. (internal organs may be damaged from holding fish upright by the tail or the head) Please try to practice taking pictures of fish partially submerged in the water (i.e streamside in the river, on aquatic vegetation along the shore in the water, laying on a wet net etc.) this way we can ensure a better practice of catch and release and proper fish handling. Keep fish in the water until you are ready to photograph it. Please also take a minute to read through Brett Svoboda's article - Stressed Fish and a Proper Release If you do post an image of a fish described above, the image will be removed. If you see an image like this, please use the "Report" button found on each post to flag it to the attention of the admins.
  17. Signed... Thanks for the info Paul, can you post this up on Flyangler.ca as well?
  18. I don't think it would need to be perfect. If that were the case, not many of us would be catching fish. Tie one up and post a picture and we can provide some valuable feedback and some tips. On a side note with the hackled SJW, check out this pattern from FAOL. http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/f.../010305fotw.php
  19. Very Cool. I'd love to grab a steelie like that in front of a bunch of center pinners.
  20. You will need to tie in the thread at the head of the fly and bind down the Larva Lace or Liquid lace with the thread. Use close touching wraps and wrap back to the bend of the hook. Then wrap the thread back to the eye, again using close wraps, it will keep the underbody even and smooth (Bumps are ok, as the fish won't care) Wrap the lace back to the eye, put some tention on it to keep it tight, and tie it off at the eye.
  21. People will need greener energy at some point and industry to supply it when the ground dries up. The oil has a limit.
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