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Everything posted by admin

  1. Based on the videos Dave has been sending me, I'll guess he's having a hermaphrodite on the 24th of April. JK Dave - April 27 - Girl Darren - April 24 - Boy
  2. Make sure that you have updated your OS and virus software. You might want to turn on the news channel before surfing tomorrow as well. And be sure to back up anything important. http://lastwatchdog.com/combatting-conficker/
  3. This is pretty cool. Was just browsing and wanted to share. - Here is the link to the translated text
  4. There are a few model out now with the Water proof feature. The 2 that have been out for a while are the Olympus Stylus SW line and the Pentax Optio WPi line. Both are pretty good and you can find the older models for a decent price. The newer ones are more expensive, but the older models, 6/8mp you can get for under 300.
  5. A 4 yearold hamburger from Mc Choke and Puke.
  6. Lots of gooders in there Max. Thanks for sharin'
  7. Ontario has a two tier system of a Regular Limit licence and a Conservation license that has lower keep limits, meaning you can still keep a few fish if you want. The conservation licence is also a bit less expensive. I think Taco has the right idea with better coverage of CO's. In the 20 some odd years I lived and fished in Calgary, I was only ever checked for a licence once. With the ID issue, perhaps there could be some small written exam taken before a licence was granted. If you can't ID the fish, the regs are somewhat pointless in some instances.
  8. I was doing fine until I saw that. You are one mean dude
  9. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Politics/2009/...8859086-cp.html
  10. http://twitter.com/DougBenson I'm sure he wouldn't mind hearing from you.
  11. Have a sweet one you Dirty Hippie
  12. How about a comparison of fly chucker phrases vs bait chucker?
  13. 7:44 this morning. Glad it finally arrived.
  14. Dave, i think your goin' two far .. if you keep it up its knot going too bee eni fun round hear.
  15. That's great news. What is the new show going to be called?
  16. Killer looking fly. I agree with the Dr. to let a bit more hook show. There are a couple of the Oliver Edwards video's up on Youtube that you can check out as well. Click here if the movie does not play. Click here if the movie does not play.
  17. Not the flysim, but I do play the pishtech one. You can even tie your own flies if you want to in it. http://www.pishtech.com/ I just got an email that they reduced the price of this to 20 bucks too.
  18. LMAO... Classic. Jeremie, We all hate ya. Have a blastie.
  19. I think you can also get a Cd-rom version of this. It is a great book and I would consider it a must have for any tyer. There are an amazing amount of techniques covered inside.
  20. admin


    Sorry for your loss Gary. Agreed, that looks like a great memory that run. I hope I get the chance to make a few myself.
  21. Yes, SS is an awesome material to work with. I have about 14 patterns i tie up with it. The usual is a hot ticket and likely my #2 fly on small streams... er I mean, don't even bother with it.
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