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Everything posted by admin

  1. I've got at least 6 packs of olive marabou and about 20 spools of black thread.... I have way too much stuff in my tying room.
  2. Great fish, great scenes, great video!
  3. That rocks. I love those sunfish (pumpkinseed you have there I think). I've never caught a largemouth, just lots of smallies. Thanks for posting your pics.
  4. A few video's to share from youtube. Bleeding Billboard Inovative music video please add your own videos to the thread. use the format as follows too place the video on the board [yt]WfBlUQguvyw[/yt] The WfBlUQguvyw is found in the URL of the youtube video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfBlUQguvyw
  5. Steelhead books I recommend are John Shewey "Steelhead Flies" and H. Kent Helvie "Steelhead fly tying guide". These 2 are awesome for the diffrent wing techniques, spey, dee, shrimp style flies. If you also want good reference for patterns with a bit more history, the Chris Mann books are great for this. The benchside books are great and should be in every tyers library IMHO. Schewey's books would be my top pick though.
  6. Both nice looking flies. I would maybe switch up the dubbing on the trico to a quill or something synthetic. Looks like you used hare's ear dub on that and it may cause it to take on a bit extra water and sink quicker. Mind you, if you treat it with floatant, it should be cool. The post is a great feature. What size did you tie that trico in?
  7. Great looking pics as always. really love this one
  8. Looking good. you might want to take a pair of flat pliers and pinch the ends. A couple look like they could damage tippet. I've got a bunch of that wire, I might tie err wind a few up.
  9. admin


    Nice shots. which camera are you using?
  10. Ed is a great guy, so is Randy (Another advocate of Liquid Lace) I make a point of watching them tie up flies at the Calgary show every year. Randy does some incredible golden stones with the product. I use a 29 gauge needle for all my Liquid lace, and don't find it too messy. You do really need to fill them to get the best effect. Using tinsel and some markers, you can create some killer flies. A few years ago, we even did some experimenting with glow in the dark materials being injected into the lace. Lots of fun.
  11. Awesome. Can't wait to do the same in a few years.
  12. At least I don't have to get up to feed him.
  13. Lots and lots of Chironomids and bloodworms. Dragon fly nymphs, leeches and a few scuds. A good book to tie from is Phil Rowley's Patterns for Stillwater. Lots of great Kamloops patterns inside.
  14. About 50 bucks but I'm guess they were asking about 90
  15. You could tie up some minkie's http://www.danica.com/flytier/mwestbeek/oostvoorne_minky.htm
  16. It's set up as a forced skin on the NFR board. If you visit this part of the site, you'll get the new shin for now. Once we make the full change, you'll be able to select the skin. I'm testing in IE / Chrome / Mozilla firefox and safari. If you notice any bugs, let me know.
  17. Thanks for the comments guys. Keep them coming. For those who don't like the "new" look, there is always the option of choosing the old skin. If you want to change to the new skin completely, scroll down to the bottom of the page and switch the dropdown menu beside the orange RSS button. The old one is called IPB default and the new is BMG_FORUMSET_09. I think we'll be making a change to the names though.
  18. Congrats. It's fun going back to school when you are a bit older. You get to be the wise old man for a while.
  19. admin

    Last Few Days

    Great Fish! Certainly one to tell the grand kids about in 40 years.
  20. Sweet fish!
  21. Slits and ripples... That sounds a bit dirty.
  22. I've done lots of pikin' from a tube, but mostly smaller ones, 20-30 inches. Larger than that can be tricky. I'm always scared they are gonna "jaws" me when they get over 40"
  23. Cool! That's a nice looking rainbow.
  24. Thanks for the great story Rick. I went out fishing this week with my father in law and he would have none of this sunscreen nonsense... It was +30 here and he now looks like a lobster.
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