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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. Sorry to hear about your loss...Happened to me once(not the truck stolen)....But a big box of Flies amoung other things that were in my back pack...I stopped for gas in Lethbridge....Came back out...and gone....Hope you make out ok with everything... ...Jeff...
  2. Was in Calgary yesterday...Stopped in Fish Tales to pick up some supplys...Had a list my buddy gave me for some fly tying material...Some of the stuff that was on the list was not familiar to me...Asked for some help...And the guys were right on it...Good stuff...Had great friendly service there many times in the past aswell...My daughter had 20 bucks to her name...and she bought fly's....How many kids do that??? ...Just thought I would share that.... Cheers...Jeff...
  3. If I didn't have my kids for the weekend....Have a birthday party to go to tonight....And have to drive to Calgary in the morn....I Would go out to B.H....Just to get a fix....Myth 1228 have fished in some pretty crazy weather out there in the past...
  4. Thats what I'm starting to think???...As I casted my buddy's 4wt DT...For most the day...And really couldn't tell a big diff...But I am used to casting a 5wt...So can't really say as of yet...
  5. The reason I ask is...I casted Myth1228's 4wt rod two days ago...For most the day...And it seemed to cast just fine with a 4wt DT. Scientific Anglers Mastery series line...And it was a fair bit windy
  6. Sent my Orvis in for repair 2 weeks ago to Manchester Vermont...Guides were wore, cork was worn on it , tip was broke...So on and so on....Well they sent me a new one!!!...And a upgraded model too...Very impressed....Just thought I would share that...I put many of miles on that baby...I think that is what they thought aswell...
  7. Nice job!!!...Them would work awesome on the Crow at about size 16-18....My thoughts....
  8. When I started flyfishing...I always bought double taper...Cuz I was always in the rock, trees and every other place...but the water....And was very hard on lines...Flipped it around...and I had new line again...For the last few years I have used W.F. thinking it helps for distance...Does it??....It's been so long since I bought D.T...That I cant really remember if it makes a big diff or not ....With the price of flyline...I'm starting to think Double taper???...What do you guys think???
  9. I remember about 8-10 years ago....The big pigs would hang out in that channel thrughout the year...Untill...Most the fish found a freezer...
  10. I ordered a few...Seem to be good....
  11. Leave a couple for me on Monday ...As you were just hammering them in that last sretch
  12. It wasn't just them guys...But that topped it off... ...Myth and I went there to get away from the intruding line crossing fishermen...That one dude was standing 5 feet from my rod when I got back from checking out Shanes fish and giving him a hand...Thinking back...It is kinda funny...Bottom line is..."Do people have no more ethic???" Met the Calgary guys there today...Nice guys ...We had a chat... I then proceeded to go for a walk around the Whole lake to try to get out of the wind...No luck...The wind was blowing in just the right direction that no matter what!....You were in the wind....Checked out the east end creek that runs into the lake...And there were dozens of fish running up it in theire attempting to spawn... Cool sight...Looked just like Salmon trying to get up the shallows of about 3 inches of water...Didnt take any pics...But took a cool video...By the time I got back to the lot had a drink and a relax...Then Did a little fishing close to the parking lot (a little less wind)...The Calg boys were on there way...Never got to fish with them...But I'm sure there will be other times...Nice to meet you guys...Then fished with bloom and one of his buds for a while...we got into some fish...But bloom found the sweet spot and was hammering them....Had a good day...other than the wind!!! Cheers....Jeff..
  13. Hey kipper...I was out there Today...Just had to go for a walk and get away from the shoulder to shouldr fishing....I dont mind fishing beside fellow flycasters...But...When you are nailen fish...And the people get closer and closer to you...Its enuff to drive ya...They dont say HI or nothing...They just cary on like they were fishing 100 yards away from you ...like they were in the first place...There are ample fish in the lake...and getting closer and closer to a person that is catching fish...dont do you no good...Thats my bitch for the day...I'll be out tommorow...You guys from Calg or any other areas see me or Myth1228...On B.H...Say Hi... I like to meet fellow flycasters....And give a little Advise...(If needed )
  14. Agreed...As far as small Southern Alberta Rivers...That is my Fave...
  15. Very true...The fishing is great that month...But I'm ussually working then...And dont get alot of time out there that month... Fished most the day with Myth1228...We got away from the shoulder to shoulder fishing...Found a spot that was producing some good fish...Alot of them...Many many double headers...Largest fish today was 22 inches...and allot of fish at the 20 mark....Caught a few more fish with GBD...They seemed to be doing good health wise...I must say.. this is the best fight from these fish in all of the past springs... Cheers...Jeff..
  16. Sept. and Oct...Are the best....Not allot of weeds...Fish are in the warmer water...Fish are way more active...And take you into the backing on several occations...
  17. Maybe Gas Bubble Deisese???...Sent the pics to Terry...Perhaps he might have an Idea on the winter kill on the North end??...I kinda think it is due to the extended ice on the lake and the low water level this spring....
  18. Took a walk to the North end pond of B.H.(fellow fly casters call it ''Golden Pond''...RandyS came up with that one...That is a great name for that pond)...Seems there was some or all winter kill in there (a few ded fish that the Gulls hadn't got to yet) I asked a few people that fished it... if they had even a sniff..."Nope" (bloom tried it as well on sunday)....The water level is down about 18-20 inches compared to the last few springs....Myth 1228 said he seen a trout start flippen out in the Pond a couple days ago...Then died...Must have been a Lack of o2 thing??? Allot of LARGE fish used to winter on that side... Fishing was good today...A couple gooders...bout 22-23 inch males...Ice did not recede that much..Compred to yesterday...Was not at all a spring day out there...When I got there...it was snowing...Raining... sleeting and, The wind was a BLOWIN...Cleared up for a while... then it turned back into Feburary...Here are a few pics of the winter kill...
  19. I sent a couple of the pics to Terry Clayton of the fish with the blisters...And he said...It looks like it is ''Gas Bubble Disease"...quote Terry.."Its caused when the water is super-saturated with gas, ussualy from nitrogen.It often occurs at the base of a dam-the pessure of falling water forces the air trapped with it down into the plunge pool.This causes the water to become super-saturated, and any fish in the plunge pool will show signs of gas bubble disease. If it doesnt kill them outright, it goes away when the pressure changes, or the fish swims out of the danger zone. I will have to look into this more, because these are the best photos I've seen of GBD in a pond"..end quote... Interesting...Hope any fish in the lake with GBD will be O.K.... Never mentioned in the report...Ice is coming off in a hurry...Should be all off by weekend... depending on the weather... Jeff...
  20. For sure...The fish were fighting a Whole lot better than normally in the spring...Never got into my backing...But close a couple times...
  21. Mader out to B.H. This later morn...Met Myth1228 there...He was fishing for a while before I was..And he got into some nice ones...Got no pics of his...as I took Videos of his fish...Didnt get to fish long with him... As he had prior engagements and had to header back to the Hat...Yes there are still some nice Trout in there ...Alot better average than last spring...Fish were hitting good on all your basic spring patterns...They had allot of spunk for this time of year compared to last spring...Helped a couple people out with some casting and handed out some flies...I felt bad (honest I did)...I was getting fish after fish...And there were beginner fly casters fishing right beside me that were getting frustrated and I could tell they really wanted to get into some fish...Helped em out...And they got into some fish...My good deed for the day ...Anywase I'm super glad to see there were big fish to hand this day...I never expected the average to be what it was...measured all the fish under 15 inches..And will send them to Terry...(only about 6 of them) also let people know about the fish measuring...and why...and where to send the records...Caught a couple fish that seemed to have some rotting...and or blisters on there skin and Dorsal fin..not sure what it was...never seen it before in B.H....Will send a couple pics of that to Terry as well...And show a couple pics of it below...CO's were out twice today...Roger was handing out Cards with the phone number to the Elkwater station and encouraging people to phone in if they see anything out of the ordinary...Great stuff on Co's part!!!...If we look after this fishery...It will look after us!! ...Had a great day and looking forward of years of this great fishery to come... Cheers...Jeff...C&R...It works Pics dont do justice to the size of the fish pics taken in the water...I think we all know that anywho... Here is the weird looking stuff from one of the fish
  22. It was great running into you guys too...Chris creates awesome flies...as he lives 20 steps from the river...And doesn't have far to go to test his new creations...He has 3 awesome holes right at his house...Must be nice!!! ...Ya that was a long journey that day...And I did 3 more journeys like that prior to that day...Loved it...Seen alot of river and had a blast...Glad you guys got into some fish!!! Cheers...Jeff...
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