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Everything posted by Bowbiker

  1. "Of course it comes in multiple colours. Earth tones allow you to creep closer to those Browns." Good one Don................................Does it come in "Camouflage" also? Regards, Dick Seymour
  2. Hey Steve, I couldn't find the pic of the fish you caught while Rick stopped to tie his shoelace. I wanted to show it to my buddy. Awesome fish!! Regards, Dick Seymour
  3. Thanks for the report Lance............That is where my daughter and family stayed also. I will be heading out there next year if they go again. Thanks again, Dick
  4. Fantastic!! I have a bit of a health issue, and am wondering how tough the fishing is. My daughter and her family camped on the St. Mary's River right in Kimberly in July, and I'm thinking of going out for a visit next year. I'm wondering if I could catch any fish right close to Kimberly. Regards, Dick Seymour
  5. Dry -Wet Hybrid ........ or ............. more like a Griffith's Gnat with a Chukar or Partridge Wet Hackle tied just behind the eye of the hook, and fish it DRY of course, with a bit of Floatant as necessary. This was Dy-No-Mite on one of the local lakes last fall. I am looking forward to trying it again as soon as the ice comes off. Regards, Dick Seymour.
  6. I'm in.....Thank you. Dick Seymour
  7. Hey Taco, Looks like that would be a good challenge for a FRM 910-3 10weight. Awesome video!! Regards, Dick Seymour
  8. Good one Don!!.........can't beat that Canadian technology!!! Regards, Dick Seymour
  9. Roast, Looks like all that is left to do is dip it. Regards, Dick Seymour.
  10. I can't help it. I'm from Northern Manitoba. Where in Northern Manitoba?I grew up in Swan River. Regards, Dick Seymour
  11. Thanks Conor, I furled up four or five using silk thread and used the measure you talk about, maybe even going to 15%(15-18 inches on an 8 foot furl). I guess I'm going to have to break one to see how much twist it will take. I have also thought of putting some flytying wax on while I'm spinning it to see if that will hold it together a bit better. I bought a silk line and it seems to have a waxy substance on it. At any rate I will keep you posted as to how I make out. Regards, Dick Seymour
  12. Hey Doc, Thanks for your two cents worth. A lot more valuable than that. I really appreciate your detailed description. I have one more question for you. How in tarnation do you get a silk thread Furled leader tight enough so that it stays furled. I have tried several times and it will not stay furled. I have made monofilament furled leaders in the past and they turned out real nice. Thanks, Dick Seymour
  13. Doc/ Dutchie, I'll be heading down south soon, fishing a bamboo rod for the first time. I have a brand new silk line and two cans of Mucillen wax(grease), but no instructions to apply. Any special instructions or do I just dip my finger in and get at it?? I have made furled leaders in the past but not with silk thread. I do have a couple spools of green silk but at this stage it would be easier to buy a couple of silk leaders. Does Alex sell them or just make them for himself and his close friends? Regards, Dick Seymour
  14. Nice fish Brad!! Regards, Dick Seymour
  15. Nice rod Brian. Nice fish also! Regards, Dick Seymour
  16. Hey Tungsten, I have exactly what you are looking for.... a 3-5 gallon round compressor tank, 24 inches round and a foot high. the compressor stopped working. I live in Mckenzie. Give me a call 403-257-4386. Regards, Dick Seymour
  17. I really liked the headline in yesterday's Sun: ALBERTA GONE WILD Regards, Dick Seymour
  18. Clayton and I have a table booked. I have five Bamboo Rods that will be up for sale, priced from $ 200-$1200 including this one: http://www.rodbuildingforum.com/index.php?showtopic=29203 A great opportunity to get in on some entry level Cane rods. See you on April 21st, Dick Seymour
  19. Fishinglivin, Good for you...stepping up for your buddy. I checked with my wife and she has given away everything that would be appropriate. She suggested to try the Salvation Army, Goodwill etc. So I GOOGLED "FREE STUFF", and this is the best deal I could come up with: http://calgary.en.craigslist.ca/zip/2874393411.html Sounds easy enough..... you should be able to get all his "NEW" LINEN AND BEDDING needs right there. Sorry I couldn't be more help. If I come across anything else I will let you know. Warm regards, Dick Seymour.
  20. Don, I would also be interested. Dick Seymour
  21. [oops.... double post
  22. Kristi, http://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com...he-eugene-bend/ I have used this knot for the last ten years or so, and I really like it a lot. We tested different knots at a Fish Tales Seminar a few years ago, and we actually broke the tippet before the Eugene Bend. I was totally sold after that. Regards, Dick Seymour ps......Here are a few more links: http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=chr-gree...nd+fishing+Knot http://video.fishingclub.com/video/Knot-Wa...7YVD&t=Knot Wars 2009: Gryp v Eugene Bend
  23. Very, very nice, Doc. Great tie!! Is the overwing Muskrat? Regards, Dick Seymour.
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