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Everything posted by Bowbiker

  1. Very nice Jay!!!Excellent job! Dick Seymour
  2. Hey Greg, I thought for sure Batman used a "SWITCH ROD"!!! Happy New Year, Dick Seymour
  3. I don't know if you saw Rex Murphy on the National this evening. Anyways I responded to the CBC with the following. If enough guys e-mailed everybody they know and the two e-mail addresses that I did it might get their attention. Cheers, Dick Seymour ----- Original Message ----- From: Dick Seymour To: info@gg.ca Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 9:54 PM Subject: Information....THE REPUBLIC OF WESTERN CANADA ----- Original Message ----- From: Dick Seymour To: national@cbc.ca Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 8:17 PM Subject: THE REPUBLIC OF WESTERN CANADA Rex Murphy's comments on the state of our(Canada's) political woes was right on. The only thing he didn't include was the fact that Gonernor-General Michelle Jean not only has the power to do what is right, or........ to install the "three amigos" as our next government and quite possibly create " THE REPUBLIC OF WESTERN CANADA". Thank you for airing this, I remain, Dick Seymour. ps. I sent this to Jason Kenny also ----- Original Message ----- From: Dick Seymour To: kennej@parl.gc.ca Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 8:48 PM Subject: THE REPUBLIC OF WESTERN CANADA Jason, As a constituent(my wife , Irma Seymour is a paid-up, sustaining donor)....here is my 2 cents. Dick Seymour
  4. Thanks Brunsie, Specially built to outcast Ron when we are trying to dig a big one out of the weeds close to shore on our annual(third) trip up north. See you at the Fish Tales seminars this winter, Dick Seymour
  5. Hey Don, Great post!! And it was certainly a pleasure talking to you at Fish Tales to-day. Thanks for the o-ring suggestion for the removable section of my Switch Rod Handle. It dawned on me at home that I can epoxy rubber winding checks in either end to keep the dust and dirt out. I managed not too bad a pic to show off the shine on the Claro Walnut. Looking forward to coming up and seeing your Bamboo sometime. Cheers, Dick Seymour
  6. Hey Doc, I am right in the middle of changing a Dan Craft six weight four piece 9' 6" Five Rivers Sig v to a 10' 2" Switch Rod with a Removable Fighting Butt, in fact it is all ready to glue up. I have a ten foot five weight CTS Affinity One Blank that I didn't quite know what to do with, but I do now, I will be putting a longer handle and removable fighting butt on it also. Cheers, Dick Seymour
  7. Hey Spey Guys, Thanks for a great afternoon out on the Bow, the kind words on my switched out Switch Rod and all the pointers and helpful ideas. Special thanks to Toolman, Bhurt and Cdone(Colin) for all their help. I, too, am looking forward to next time. I managed one not too bad pic of my converted Switch Rod. It is still not glued up but you can see the extension on the handle and the new fighting butt......9' 6" changed to 10' 2". Great time!! Dick Seymour
  8. Greg, I am right in the middle of changing a six weight four piece 9' 6" Five Rivers Sig v to a 10' 2" Switch Rod with a Removable Fighting Butt, in fact it is all ready to glue up. I have no clue as what line to use or anything else about Swich rods or Spey Rods. Are Switch Rods welcome also?? Thanks, Dick Seymour
  9. Reg, Great shots!! I am impressed with your fish handling expertise.......it looks like the fish are not stressed at all.......good job. Dick Seymour
  10. Hey Toolman, I have a Dan Craft ninefootsix sixweight that I built last fall and I want to start learning the different Spey Casts. How do I rig it up and where do I start. I am going to see Wayne at Fish Tales to-morrow(Friday) and he says he will let me try to cast one of their demo Spey Rods. Sounds like this will be a big learning curve. Thanks for any input, Dick Seymour
  11. Gordon, I tried to PM you but couldn't get it right. I would really like to attend your Speycasting School in September and in the meantime maybe I will run into Toolman, Silver Doctor or Glenbow to pick up a few pointers. I am looking forward to seeing you in September and the Spey Gear you will bring with you, Dick Seymour....aka Bowbiker
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