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Everything posted by SilverDoctor

  1. I have to agree, Trout juveniles affected by Whirling Disease swim erratically and are an immediate target to predication. Mind you a few of us raised the W/D spectator years ago but it was generally ignored.
  2. Yes Don, the older you get the more you loose in that respect. I occasionally take my Dad's bamboo out to have a part of the past with me. Always an experience thinking of those friends and relatives gone but not forgotten.
  3. you could PM the original poster
  4. I encountered this sign on a small favourite Brown trout stream I sometimes frequent. I often wonder who Brian was, I pinned a fly to the edge of the sign, they seem to disappear after a time. Passed the sign for a few years till it finally disappeared no doubt in a big runoff. He had friends who cared enough to make and place this. Can any of us hope for more?
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  5. While guiding a couple in BC on a small stream they asked me to marry them. Kind of like a captain of a ship I guess. Told them it wouldn't be legal, they said its OK they already where. We did a ceremony under the pines in my old drift boat. Have always received an xmas card from them every year.
  6. It was extremely informative. Should be interesting to see what comes of it.
  7. Like the song says "You don't know what you've got till it's gone". Certainly there have been a variety of factors for the crash of trout. Back in the early 80's when I settled my family here. The bug life was profuse. Big hatches of a large variety of mayflies would often coat the water. You had to keep your mouth closed or risk ingestion of an unexpected meal. Now large stone-flies like the Skwala's Drakes and Salmon flies are short seldom seen hatches. Not sure if the conditions/water quality have changed so much as to deplete not only these but other bug-life. Lots of studies about trout number but very few on habitat, food sources and minnow populations.
  8. Most people use a lot more dubbing on their thread than needed. It should only be the smallest wisp, enough to only coat the thread not build up any bulk at all. I don't like wax as it will gum up the dubbing and change its colour.
  9. Haven't tried these as yet. Looks like they would work nicely.
  10. Maybe just post it here, there seems to be a lot of interest.
  11. Time to form a Fly fishing hit squad. With hotspotting and concentrated effort.
  12. They also catch fire easily if you use them to stir a campfire.
  13. Buy the reel and take it to an engraving service like a Trophy store or some Jewellers will also preform the task. A quick google search is your friend.
  14. New interactive Map to Sportsfishing Regulations Here.
  15. Do you have a Spey Rod etc.?
  16. Look for Macrame yarn, Don turned me on to it years ago. Floats like a cork.
  17. I bought My Reddingtons Online Pokerfish. Would have been nice to be able to check the size but with their chart it did turn out OK.
  18. I've always used Simms but my last set of G3 Guides where nothing but trouble. Leak after leak. No joy for the price. Last year I tried a pair of Reddington Sonic Pro's with a front zipperand love em. The other Idea is to look for wast high waders (Wading pants). Unless you are wading chest high they are a good bet (don't wade where the fish are). Bass Pro had a good brand a couple of years back when I worked in the fly shop, Lasted 6 years.
  19. its just simple Poaching.
  20. Been pinching in the vice for years but it was interesting when I tried rolling, it really flattened the sides of the barbed area.
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