Fish Temperature Advisory - Southern Alberta July 11, 2015
To support our objectives of maintaining sustainable fisheries and managing risk to fish, anglers are asked to consider the following angling practices to minimizemortality resulting from catch and release fishing in rivers and streams in Southern Alberta:
Consider fishing in stocked ponds and lakes (guide to stocked lakes can be found in Alberta’s Guide to Sportfishing Regulations)
Please follow best angling practices described at
This advisory will remain in effect until water temperatures drop to levels presenting lower risk to fish populations, at which time this advisory will be rescinded. However, anglers are encouraged to employ safe fish handling procedures at all times when practicing catch and release angling on Alberta waterbodies.
If high water temperatures persist and worsen, Alberta Environment and Parks may take additional measures including, but not limited to, angling restrictions to ensure protection of the resource during periods of high stress on the fis