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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. Last summer I was talking to some random campers/squatters on RHC and they told me there was a camp on Racehorse Creek during WWII. Does anybody have more info? Maybe this spring before opening day I'll jump on my bicycle and do some exploring. I think it's kinda neat. Could be a gold mine for old bottles out there!
  2. I do most of my fishing in areas where there is no cell phone reception, so there's little i can do. I could drive the 10+K to a payphone. Maybe this year if I see a dude carrying a 20" Cutty up to his truck in a C&R area and then going back to fish for more. A friend saw this last year at the parking lot above the OMR Falls. I would drive the 10k no problem. Personally I haven't seen any major violations, but I have heard of lots in the area. Go get 'em!!
  3. Alberta was brutal 20 years ago. Terry Long, Keegstra etc.
  4. Here's "Saint" Zdeno breaking the "code" and suckering Ivanans after the fight was broken up.
  5. Hey...hey...I am the biggest Habs fan in Calgary!!! (Self-appointed) Huge game tomorrow night especially after the game Feb 9. I was en route home from Mx that nite so I missed it. Looked like a bit of bullying going on. It's too bad the Habs don't have any tough guys. They will just have to outskate them which is what they usually do....and they don't seem to have too much trouble beating Thomas. They have had Boston's number for years.
  6. How soon they forget!!
  7. This is a non-issue. Running out of beer is an issue!!!!!!!1
  8. Exactly..............
  9. http://flyfishfanatic.wordpress.com/2007/0...-a-throat-pump/ Is the wrong way to do it......read the comments!! I discovered this after posting. I personally don't do it and was just helping out.
  10. I have a pair of the waist high waders. I didn't expect much when I bought them but no complaints so far. Definitely lower quality.
  11. I would love to report a poacher and stand on shore and watch the CO conviscate all his gear and vehicle!!!!
  12. Whoever gives them to me free.
  13. Easy....don't drive to Stavely.
  14. I have fished the Oldman area 40+ days a season for the last 3 years and I have never been approached by a CO. I am sure I have been glassed tho'. I don't care as I'd rather he be catching poachers than wasting his time with reg's abiding me!!
  15. This is the mess that Sutter left Feaster. He has nothing to work with for a few years. No prospects, no 2nd or3rd pick in 2011 and most of the current tean signed for next year with no move contracts and nudging the salary cap. http://www.capgeek.com/charts.php?Team=9 Enjoy this year as it's gonna get worse!!
  16. i have a friend that would like to get some dental work done in Mexico. He is specifically looking for dental implants. Does anybody have any info or experiences with dentists there? Thanks
  17. I agree. I wave them on and point at the stop sign, and wave thanks. Cyclists like you and I that obey the rules of the road are rare.
  18. Random campers overstaying the maximum 14 days.
  19. Yes..They are unknowledgeable bandwagon jumpers
  20. I have fished alot in that area and never been approached by a CO, but ya know the one day you forget your licence.....Hello officer!
  21. Check this out!! http://vimeo.com/17278166 I didn't film it.....I just like it.
  22. White and Sutter gone, totally a cap move as when Kotalik and Langkow return they will be way over the cap. "Can't stop"oulos is a great "role" player. He won't score but he'll work his ass off and is great with the fans. Even though I'm not a Flames fan fan (not a typo!) I like the move.
  23. Parachute Adams Green Drake PMD BWO Parachute Caddis No bait fishing...... they're Cutties!!
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