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Everything posted by kentan

  1. Ran into a little problem with Sage, just wondering if anyone has any info or input on the new Sage One.
  2. Cant you just get on the bus that takes you back there every sunday night!
  3. What are u the perfect post police, just worry about your own!
  4. It was a demo rod, was half price and had a big name so I bought it lol! Didnt know much back then, still dont really! Its a two piece. Anyways I fished that rod for years and years, didnt really seem to have any issues casting it, maybe thats why my shoulder hurts so goddam much now! I broke the tip section three times since I bought it, they replaced the tip twice and now apparently they cant do this one anymore? I never spoke to Sage directly just buddy at the fly shop I've gone through. Is the Tcx softer than the SP+? If so great, anything softer would be better, love the rod just getting older and dont want to work as hard lol!. The sage One was never brought up as an option just the Tcx, when I asked about another rod he said Z-Axis which I casted a couple years back and was not super stoked about. I told him to go ahead and have the Tcx sent, he said a week over a week ago so I think its close to getting here. Regardless, Im sure it will all work out in the end. Thanks for the input.
  5. Thx man.
  6. You missed a link!
  7. Lot of quality photos, fish and scenery there!
  8. kentan

    Only $3!

    You bought three dozen of the flies in the picture above? Just curious
  9. They are sending it to me as a replacement for an old Sage SP+ that was broken, was wondering what the story on these was. Guy at the store said it fishes softer than the SP+ which is good. I told him if possible to replace it with something softer as those fast rods are just to much work for me anymore. He then mentioned a Z-Axis but said its also a fast rod. Anyone have any stories on the Z-Axis? I casted one a few years back and ended up buying a 9' 6w 4p GLX. Regardless they are sending me a TCX which I heard also comes with a pretty hefty price tag. If its to stiff perhaps I can send it back for the Z-Axis or maybe work something out a the flyshop (trade etc.?) Thx for the feedback folks!
  10. Any feedback good or bad on these rods?
  11. Its ready to go, frame is together and hanging in my garage, pontoons are down in the basement. .
  12. Ive got A Fishcat 10-IR Standup, have never used it on the Bow it is rated for big water. Bought it for $1200 used it 6 times and will sell it to you for $500.00 if you want.
  13. I would never wish for someone to die, I believe in Karma! That said I love your posts man, you got a sharp edge and cant be swayed by the regulars around here. If you lived here it might be differant as you would see these people all the time on the water in the shops, auctions, campgrounds, everywhere. Im speaking from experience, you would get the looks and feel the attitude, very close knit group here, I found out the hard way. Ive pretty much alienated myself from anyone I new involved with flyfishing in Calgary or this stupid website that I cannot seem to stay away from. Then I said sorry and tried again lol (what a loser eh!), that lasted for about a week maybe two before I had gone and shot my mouth off again lol (cant follow and just dont go along with the group if i dont agree) Since then Ive basically quit fishing and tying all together. Things have changed around here so much in the last 5 years that it pissed me off incredibly! Im still pissed off about it but have realized that whats happened cant be reversed. A couple years have gone by now, Im my own worst enemy, wish I wouldve handled things differantly Was that my inside voice again, sorry got a little off topic Ive got a bunch of buddies that are off roaders and the last thing they think about when crossing a creek or digging up the country side is fish, game or the damage they are causing. Its just about having fun for them, comes in all froms!
  14. LOL & LMAO!!! shack nasties bro, shack nasties! PS: I read it!
  15. It would be impossible for me to TURN into an Edit
  16. By a good book or video, then pic a fly or two or three you want to tie, buy the materials for those flies only and start tying. Trust me when I say that fly tying is a runaway train once it gains momentum lol! There are tons of vids on youtube or anywhere, set up the vice infront of your PC and giver. If your fishing around calgary sart easy, San Juan Worm Beadhead Hares Ear Nymph Boatman patterns are super easy and effective Wooly Buggers
  17. I also have never fished them but after reading would tend to agree!
  18. Stupid customers that want service, the nerve! I forgot that this is the only place were your perosnal actions are what determines what kind of service we get lol! Customer service is such a thing of the past!
  19. Sorry to hear of your terrifying experience, I cant believe it was anything less than that! Judging by your comments Im guessing that wasnt the end of it, good thing you didnt go postal and knife one of those fools! So you had your binocs up to your face when it was blown out of your hands? MAN O MAN you are lucky to not have been blinded! Do you still hunt? GEEZUZ!
  20. Thats crazy SD, actually blew it out of your hands. Your so lucky, another clear example of inbreeding gone awry.
  21. I would just like to point out that I dont think deer sneak around in the woods lol, they live there and are innocent until smacked by a bullet, just sayin! Not against hunting!
  22. This isnt even an arguement, IF YOU CANT IDENTIFY YOUR TARGET YOU DONT SHOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont care what your wearing! How do people get shot? I used to hunt but dont anymore. Never once in my life did I ever have to wonder what the hell I was looking at through a scope, not once in my life did I ever even think to myself "well Im not sure what it is so I think I will shoot anyways, oops" People who think that the person they just shot was an animal should be thrown in jail for murder or just for being extremely stupid enough to shoot at something they were not sure of. I learned this in a classroom in Saskatchewan when I was 11 years old! When your hunting, unless you trip and fall on your gun there is zero reason for anyone to get shot, zero! Stupidity is why people say "well I thought he was a deer" It all comes down to HOW CAN YOU TAKE A SHOT WITHOUT KNOWING FOR SURE WHAT IT IS YOUR SHOOTING AT! I know two people that have been killed hunting hence I dont do it anymore, to many total utter complete idiots out there! Beings that anyone will just go out and take a shot at anything that moves Im surprized to hear someone saw a guy in a gilley suit lol! Thats about as dumb as the guy trying to shoot him because he saw movement lol!
  23. Man those are some sweet looking fish, sounds like some epic action!
  24. Must your flies
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