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Everything posted by kentan

  1. If there was etiquette and it wasnt a problem it wouldnt get brought up once a week. Im just the guy stating the obvious, haters quit hatin! As I stated before, avoid jerky people and just have fun! Traffic has and will increase dramatically out there and with that goes up the instenses of people feeling as though they got burned by someone else! lol, there was that better lol!
  2. As per usual, great set of pics!
  3. kentan

    Only $3!

    This isnt for real is it? Check out the other flies, surpizingly enough this isnt the worst of the bunch. Again, is this real or some kind of joke?
  4. I feel funny just reading the story and looking at the pic's, I wouldnt do that lol!
  5. There was an old woman that either did or still does live on the lake that, she ties up what looks to be a dark green/olive leech/wolly worm hybrid lol, not one looked the same as the other. Big nasty looking things about a size 4. She sold them at the Bolton Creek campground store, didnt see any the last time I was in there.
  6. I would go if it didnt look you could die with every step you take! Thats some F%$&ING crazy shizit man!
  7. Another awesome video!
  8. Signs are a waste of money, you get free regs when you purchase your license. the ones breaking the rules or the law dont read the regs or the signs posted. The only way to stop it is to see it happening and call it in! This is a problem that wont go away or be fixed just have to keep calling em in thats the only way. If money is going to be spent just spend it on enforcment officers, signs are a waste of money. Its like the gun registrey, doesnt work because the bad guys dont register, This is not rocket science.
  9. Someone doing something for nothing is a rare act these days. Great story, thx hydro for such a good guy, stuff like this just doesnt happen. Hydro, when are you going to be at the dog park again, I wanna talk about fishing too
  10. Do people know who you are in these shops? My guess is yes, your a seasoned veteran out there SD and people respect you for it! Its not the same for everyone. I personally have found that the flyfishing community is very small and cliquey, to some extent or the other most of us know who each other is just form hanging around this website. Honestly Im with CDone on this one, Ive recieved crappy service everywhere. Im sure it was just me though, going in to buy a $5.00 pack of hooks and leaving with $120.00 + worth of tying supplies or whatever is uasually a good enough reason to give someone attitude. Glad I dont do that anymore.
  11. Was playing golf one day, there are houses on the golf course, on 18 there was a backyard party going at a house just left of the green. All of a suudden we here "hey, if you sink that putt I'll show you my tits" you've never seen 4 guys grind over puts like that before lol, nobody sunk their putt :$*%&:. So we shook hands and walk off the green, got in our carts and as we drove past the party 4 girls ran down to the fence and one of them ripped off her shirt and let the big dogs eat! We came to the conclusion that we were going to seee them anyways regardless of the putt not going in lol! So here it is, if your going to casually float the bow and trash the place while your at it, you could at least give the boys a show on your by
  12. never seen a tittie hatch, could please tell me were and when thx!
  13. Man o man there were alot of rafters out there on sunday. Was golfing at Mckenzie Meadows and was dumbfounded at how many I saw. Holes 2, 3, 5, 12, 13 you can see the water. Over a period of 4 1/2 hrs there was no break, just a solid line of pink, blue, green inflatables. Ive never seen anything like it before, can def see some tensions rising out there!
  14. sweet fish dude!
  15. Im not bashing anyone! funny how many threads people have mentioned there inflatable fishing vest in until the wrong person brings them up now nobody has or uses them lol, wow I thought most of you had one and always wear them, I swear Ive read this multipile times on this site! If they were walking then its a differant story, accidents happen! When i posted they were in a boat, going in a boat with no life jacket is an avoidable situation. Ive never wore a life jacket walk and wading, dont even have an inflatable fishing vest (same thing, dont confuse it guys). You guys can just let it go now, when I posted they were in a boat, if they were walking then its a differant story. No need for hatin, I know its hard for some of you but thats ok thats your problem!
  16. I like your name you should use it and go get one. Nobody here talking about walk and wading dude did you get lost on your way to thread? They all fell out of boats (when I read the fly fishing story they fell out of a boat), they all drowned and they were all not wearing life jackets, there is no speculation here man. If you want to be a jerk why not ask how many of us wear inflatable fishing vests while walk and wading, prolly more than 1/8th of 1% as you claim. Whats is this a cool thing for you bro, headscan thinks its not cool to wear life jackets unless your on a boat, you clearly dont have kids either! Nice comment dude, completely uncalled for, dont forget that somene died.
  17. Well the way the world works, someones going to need to be at fault for this. I think the guide company will eventually be labeled as responsible. for the simple fatc that they allowed people in their boat and didnt protect them to the best of there ability. Weve all been there 100 times, life jackets on board but no one is wearing them, im guilty of it, lots! Ive never even looked at it the way you just described it but really from start to finish its quite a hazardous day out there. Maybe this could be used as a new way to do things maybe make it a little safer for everyone. Tragic story, cant imagine how that guide must feel.
  18. 3rd drowning in the last week, all were not wearing life jackets. This is like drinking and driving, 100% avoidable before it happens. Tragic but avoidable, why do people continue to put themselves in these situations.
  19. Thats a real beauty there!
  20. Its only going to get worse bro! The whole Bow River Etiquette thing is just a joke. In the last 10 years weve gone from walk/wading and a few drift boats to tons of drift boats and jet boats plus I would say probably 10 X the # of people fishing if not more. This has been a topic how many times? People will never figure it out or just refuse to budge because of how things are now, it sucks but weve done it ourselves and now will have to live with it. It will only get busyier and more crowded and when that happens people will go from nice and cool to not nice and cool. Weve seen it start to happen over the last 5 years especially and dont see it slowing down anytime soon unless the river dries up and all
  21. kentan

    Color Popping

    My favorite band since 1984, nice!
  22. Ive found to that now that Glenmore is done the Crowchild to Glenmore route is very fast for getting back to the SE. Unfortunatly have spent to much time at the childrens hospital and that route is good as long as its not rush hour. Ive made it to the deep SE in 15 minutes from the Childrens. Im not sure if they are still in business but I have used Loewen moving in the city three times and they were pretty good. Good luck with the move, beings that your going to the NW your even closer to those western streams.
  23. and he doesnt even fight back, the sedins suck!
  24. I dont think we will ever have to worry about the leafs again lol but Montreal could definitely burn again! The sad thing about Vancouver is that win or lose this was going to happen, its a city issue.
  25. This is a Vancouver thing, theyve done it before and will do it again. Everyone new that regardless of a win or loss this was going to happen. Im also not buying the fact that this was a small group of people causing the shite, there was a hella lot of people causing it. Anyone that was down there and didnt leave for one reason is guilty, there were how many thousand people chanting "BURN IT" "RIOT" or whatever, everyone down there was guilty unless they were trying to get home and by the looks of what happened there werent many in a hurry to leave. You cant even compare this to Calgary all that happened here was a bunch of chics showing there tits, Edmonton was a bunch of thugs beating people up either of these were even close to being called or classified as a riot. Van is a joke, your not going to win with the most over rated goalie/player in the history of hockey and to ladies leading your team lol! No offence to ladies just, well you know, its hockey!
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