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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. Nice for on the boat to so you can be out past the oars. Andrew
  2. Too many people in gold & the price has not as much potenital for growth as silver IMHO> Any time I have had some extra cash I have been buying Maple Leafs (1 troy oz. of silver). Not too many people can walk into a coin shop & buy and oz. of gold, but most people can with silver. Take a look at the one year return on silver bullion. Andrew
  3. It is very tought to say, plus it depends on what the market is doing for those particular items. Basebal cards & comics have taken a dump, I am not sure about stamps & coins. You best bet would be to have the collection appraised. In terms of an investment, I would say that there are a lot better investments if that is what you are hoping for. If you like the collection then enjoy it. Andrew
  4. Do you have a link to the place that you are ordering from? I may be interested. Andrew
  5. If I every get an electric car I was just planning on pluggin it in at work, but I would buy diesel before anything else. The technology is proven and better suited for Canada where we tend to driver greater distances and the infrastructure for fueling is already in place. Of course this changes my mind. Andrew
  6. You can also have it sent to Sweetgrass Montana, just south of Lethbridge and pick it up. There is a warehouse there that will hold it for you. I have the details if you need it, just dont have them handy. I have done this with things like tires & large carparts that are not practical to ship to Canada. In terms of what to expect at the border, you will get nailed for GST & possibly duties if it was not made in USA or Mexico (NAFTA). Andrew
  7. Right now the time lapse is pretty boring. Primarily me sitting in from of a computer trying to figure out where to get supplies in Calgary, whether or not I want to build S&G or with frames, drooling over wood boats and trying to explain to my wife how this is a good idea. Some things are easier than others. For sure when the time comes for me to make some sawdust I will document it. Andrew
  8. Thanks Brunsie. The bottom will be fiberglassed & epoxied at least and the sides will be finished in a combination of paint & marine epoxy. I am not sold on the idea of floor boards so I had planned on making solid removable casting decks for the front and rear. As for sanding, my son will be the perfect age for sanding in a few years. Andrew
  9. Jason at MBB makes what I consider to be the most beautiful drift boats in out there. They are works of art. $7500 for one of thier boats is a steal, depending on how it is kitted out that is half price. The recurve is one of my favorites, but I am drawn to the Freestone skiff. I keep waffling back & forth between building a S&G or boat on frames but I am really not a fan of laying fiberglass. I'm never one to do things the easy way. Andrew
  10. The Montana boat buildes Freestone skiff is close to what my plans are based on, but with some different dimesions, and I would build it with frames rather than stitch & glue. I dont want to lay all the fiberglass involved with stitch & glue boats. This is the closest thing I have found to what I want to build, but there would be several changes. Andrew
  11. I have looked high and low & there are no plans available. I've even been as far as to be intouch with Roger Fletcher the author of Drift Boats and River Dories. I want to build a river skiff or drift pram, roughly 15'6" by 48"-60" bottom dimensions. The materials tentatively are 12mm Meranti for bottom & casting decks, 6mm Meranti for the sides & internal storage, white oak chine & gunnels, and western red cedar ribs. Boat will be joined with epoxy and either graphite epoxy bottom or UHMW shoe. I am leaning away from the UHMW shoe as it has a tendancy to shrink & expand at a different rate workingthe screws out. I will send out some PMs. Andrew
  12. I am hoping to build a drift boat, but there are not really any plans readily available for what I am looking to build so I am going to have to do it from scratch. I have the details of what I am looking to build. What I am hoping to find is someone that can draw it up for me in AutoCAD and help with figuring out some of the dimensions and angles. Thanks, Andrew
  13. If I were to have one rod it would be 9' 6wt, but where is the fun in having just one rod. Andrew
  14. S-Lon is the Superfly version, I dont know if it is exactly the same as Z-lon. I think that Z-lon is more kinky than S-lon, antron etc. and has diffrerent characteristics when wet. Z-lon was manufactured by Dupont(?). When the stopped making it one company (blue ribbon flies?) bought it all and has been selling it off. The reason why it is so expensive is that there is a limited supply and it is getting more scarce. Z-lon is great for spinner wings as it repels water, where antron does not repel water making it sink. Andrew
  15. They ran out of beer? Now that is an outrage! Why didn't that make the news instead of the media trying to drum up controversy about an all english national anthem? Andrew
  16. That was the only good thing about the half time show. Andrew
  17. No need for a boat launch. Snow Drift Andrew
  18. and my mind has no concept of time when out on the river. Whatever it is it's not long enough. Andrew
  19. We were there as well. That place is the bst kept secret in Calgary. Andrew
  20. Higa's SOS Midge Andrew
  21. I tried getting a collection together. No takers. A
  22. Sorry to hear about your experience, but I am sure we can all relate. Customer service in Canada has declined so greatly it is not even funny. Having spent a lot of time shopping in the US the comparison is night and day. People actually seem as though they enjoy thier work and are not rude. I actually had a girl working in an office supply store tell me to "F-off" and cursed me the whole way out the door. when I did call the store manager she explained there is nothing they can do because she is under 18. Last time I checked telling people to F-off would get me well on my way to being canned at my office. Younger people, and some people in my generation seem to have this sense of entitlement and they should not have to work while they are there and being paid. Drives me crazy. Sadly, decent service is the exception rather than the rule in Calgary. Good on you for contacting management. They cant fix the problem if they are not aware of it. Andrew
  23. I thought you may like it. A
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