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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. I cant take credit for the content, but my cutting & pasting skills are unmatched. Andrew
  2. This sums up my style of golf: For all my golfing friends, Many of you may not realize it, but I've been very busy over the last year putting my thoughts and ideas together in a book on how to play the game of Golf to be published in the Summer of 2011. I believe my new book on Golf will give the reader valuable playing tips and insider information that I've gained through my years of lessons, struggle and experimentation. I am very proud of the results, and to assist with marketing, I am asking friends and family to help me out. I hope you find this a useful tool to help you enjoy your game much more while you enjoy the great outdoors. The cost will only be $99.95. Don't wait until they're all gone !!!! Table of Contents of my new Golf book: Chapter 1 - How to Properly Line Up Your Fourth Putt. Chapter 2 - How to Hit a Nike from the Rough, when you Hit a Titleist from the Tee. Chapter 3 - How to Avoid the Water When You Lie 8 in a Bunker. Chapter 4 - How to Get More Distance off the Shank. Chapter 5 - When to Give the Ranger the Bird. Chapter 6 - Using Your Shadow on the Greens to Maximize Earnings. Chapter 7 - When to Implement Handicap "Management". Chapter 8 - Proper Excuses for Drinking Beer Before 9:00 AM. Chapter 9 - How to Rationalize a 6-Hour Round. Chapter 10 - When Does a Divot Become Classified as Sod. Chapter 11 - How to Find That Ball That Everyone Else Saw Go in the Water. Chapter 12 - Why Your Spouse Doesn't Care that You Birdied the 5th Hole. Chapter 13 - Using Curse Words Creatively to Control Ball Flight. Chapter 14 - When to Let a Foursome Play through Your Twosome. Chapter 15 - How to Relax When You Are Hitting Five Off the Tee. Chapter 16 - When to Suggest Major Swing Corrections to Your Opponents. Chapter 17 - God and the Meaning of the Birdie-to-Bogey-Three-Putt.. Chapter 18 - When to Regrip Your Ball Retriever. Chapter 19 - Throwing Your Clubs: An Effective Stress-Reduction Technique. Sub-section: Retrieving a Club from the Water Hazard without Getting Wet. Chapter 20 - Can You Purchase a Better Golf Game? Chapter 21 - Why Male Golfers Will Pay $6 a Beer From the Cart Girl and Give Her a $4 Tip, but will balk at $4 a Beer at the 19th Hole and then Stiff the Bartender. Thanking you in advance for your order, again, I'm hoping to have it published in time for the start of the Summer Golf Season of 2011
  3. 2. LOWER BOW JET TRIP with host/guide Tungsten $300 Andrew
  4. Those look so damn good I'd eat them. A
  5. All of those are very good comparisons. I have not golfed since I rekindled my love affair with FF. Here is what does it for me. - a round of golf is at least a 4-5 hour commitment. I can go out FF for an hour of 2 after dinner if I want. - I can make FF what I want. It can be a solitary activity, family activity or an activity with buddies, or new people I dont know. Golf tends to be in a group of 4, which is not what I want some days. - FF is as cheap or as expensive as you want to make it after you invest in rod, line, flies. Green fees are mandatory every time you golf, unless you sneak onto the course, but I have not done that since I was a kid. - Golf balls & flies are both consumables. I tend to lose alot less flies than golf balls. - I have never laid awake at night thinking about the the golf shot that got away There are so many reasons why I like FF over golf. Andrew
  6. Very cool. Starting to look like a boat for sure. Andrew
  7. If you have not checked out the upcoming film The Manzanar Fishing Club. It is about interned Japanese Americans who would sneak out of the camp to go fishing. You can watch the first 20 minutes of the documentary at the web site http://www.fearnotrout.com/ I find local history to be very interesting. If anyone finds the lost lemon mine please let me know. Andrew
  8. Just dont glue it to the kitchen table. It should be warm enough for epxoy work in the garage, no? Andrew
  9. Nice looking Caddis. Instructions should be pretty simple. Spin deer hair, shape bottom, catch fish. It reminds me of a modified Goddard Caddis, minus the hackle. Andrew
  10. Hello all, I know the FF Community does a great job of picking up after the other slobs that use the lovely Bow river. Here is an opportunity to do some more good. Pathway & River Clean Up If there is sufficient interest, I would be willing to coordinate the group and complete the registration. Andrew
  11. Looking good. Keep up the pictures. Andrew
  12. I dont know why i find that sentence so humerous. I guess it depends on how big you wolly sculpin is. Did it take one edge to do the 5 wolly scuplins? Does not seem too bad to me. Andrew
  13. Just make sure you give him the beer after he's done rowing. I will drink beer & fish however. If you are looking to do the city section your best bet is to put in at the Glenmore trail boat launch and then float to 22x/Fish Creek or Police man's flats. The next day would be good to from where you left off to MacKinnon Flats, and then the next day Mckinnon to Carsland. Is there a boat launch at Nature's Hideaway? Never been there and was just wondering. Depending on when we are around we may see you on the river. I am sure I could convince someone to do a float on May 6. Andrew
  14. Thanks, that's great. I did order some from the link I posted above as well, but i is nice to go in and pick them up. Andrew
  15. Some info here. http://www.speypages.com/speyclave/showthread.php?t=47357 Andrew
  16. I like that little tool. Where can I get one? Yes, that is what they call a safety razor. I have been wet shaving with that style of blade for a few years now and will never go back to cartridge style razors. The blades are not that easy to find locally any more, unless you order from a specialty place. One of my stops in Vegas in a couple of weeks will be the Art of Shaving store to shop for some blades. There is also this guy in Calgary who I just found. http://www.rasagepoulin.com/blades/ Andrew
  17. Would be interested to see. I dont know what to look for so I would not be much help. They had several different sizes from 1" to about 3" Andrew
  18. Can you order them off the web site & use your cards? A
  19. Yes, the Mckenzie & Rogue styles are more for white water & the skiff is for cruising slower rivers, but will handle some white water. There are some nutty pictures out there of guys running the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon at run off. Not for fishing, just for thrills. For sure I will hit you up for those clamps when I get to the point when I need them. Yes, my boat is pointless. Andrew
  20. Good to know. Andrew
  21. Jason at Montana Boat Builders does beautiful work. MBB His Freestone Skiff was part og the inspiration for my build. Andrew
  22. I was in the Windsor Plywood store across from COP and noticed they had a rather large selection of tonkin cane. Not sure if it would be suitable for rod buiding though. I just thought it was interesting considering I have never seen it locally. You can also order cane through http://www.tonkincane.com/. They seem to ship smaller quantities for less money. Andrew
  23. No worries.
  24. Dan, I was looking for some help with turning my plans into CAD drawings. I have a couple of people who volunteered thier expertise, but if that falls throughI will look you up. Your the guy I should be talking to about SS hardware. Andrew
  25. So, following up to the AutoCAD request I had in another section I thought it was time to start a build thread for the skiff I am building. I am just in the design phase and tweaking some idea that I have. If you ever plan on building a boat, or just want a good read about the history of McKenzie River drift boats you have to read Drift Boats and River Dories: Their History, Design, Construction and Use by Roger Fletcher. He is a great guy, and along with Dave Z. from The Happy Trout Chronicles we have been finalizing my designs. So far, this is what the boat will entail. I am sure there will be planty of changes along the way. Basically it is a flat bottom skiff, roughly 16' x 7' at the oarlocks. The UPS man also brought me a present today. Oars before the boat, cart before the horse, but I got a deal from the guys at Hyde I could not pass up. I will have to wait until I get back from Vegas before I make some sawdust. Stay tuned. Andrew
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