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Everything posted by lonefisher

  1. wow great pics guys! HD that cutty is real sweet. As for the fishing I would say mornings this time of year can be a real crapshoot...... specially for cutts on those smaller rivers..... I think the smaller creeks like those fluctuate in temps quite a bit so the cold nights drop the water temp..... long and short of it is sleep in and fish late......
  2. SG I sent you a pm
  3. wow thats a trip to remember...... does your hiking partner still talk to you or is he afraid you will ask him to go on another hike. Anyways that wolverine is really neat I have never seen one in the wild and I am glad the 2 of them left you guys alone. Love seeing reports from you as they are always extreme great pics and send your buddy a Gift certificate for a foot massage he deserves it after what you put him though
  4. so is the double post an attempt at quadrupling your chances?
  5. I like em both....... I would be interested to know how the rubber leg haresear works as it looks pretty buggy
  6. HMMM well If anything to me it resembles a backswimmer of sorts...... but the ribbing at the back seems outta place as well as those brown strands...... it also looks to me as if it had a tail at one point...... it would be different then most shrimp patterns I know but that could be what it imitates..... maybe but then the bouble biots would be really outta place and the copper ribbing and those brown strands.......... tough to say could be like SJW said some kinda light baetis or callibaetis (sp) http://royalgorgeanglers.com/shop/images/S...Callibaetis.JPG me thinks maybe callibaetis althou I would still have to say the biots are kinda weird.....
  7. sorry I hope it didn't sound like I was trying to guilt trip you or anything.... I don't imagine that there would be time to fill a lesson for friday and the demand for a weekday lesson would be pretty low I am sure...... and I wouldn't want to steal a days fishing from you to teach 1 person either especially when you don't get the chance to fish much in canada....... But if you think we can work something out I am likely available friday and if you are planning to spey cast anyways I would likely be game to just pay to tag along and get a few pointers..... I learn best from watching and applying anyways and that way you could still fish..... But if you want to just fish and you figure you may be back again sometime to do another clinic then I am happy to just wait till the next time...... Anyways I don't want to put you out on account of me so if it doesn't work or it doesn't fit your plans don't worry about it. I have many many years to learn spey casting. That and I have a tentative trip planned for thurs, friday to the N ram but its not written in stone
  8. I have seen weather changes that seem to completely shut the fish down........ I will definately say that weather can affect fish but I can not say if its the pressure, or the light, or even perhaps an effect on the insects which translates through to the fish....... I rarely get skunked either but just last week Glenbow and I were out on a river that the week prior had produced 30 plus fish easy in a day. We fished for about 1 hour and the fishing was good about 5 landed at that point..... Suddenly we get hit with a black storm front that changed it from calm and sunny to a pretty good storm with extremely high speed high elevation winds (meaning we felt little wind but the clouds above were screaming past) The fishing immediately shut off and for 5 hours we rose nothing and could not seem to make fish take nymphs or streamers either all of which have proven effective on this river. After the first hour the storm had passed but those high elevation winds continued to howl all day. We were effectively skunked post storm...... Although I think we did manage 1 or 2...... but still noticably slower then it should have been.....
  9. She just knew all us guys were thinkin it but were too afraid to ask
  10. At the tail end of the fly there is 2 brown things sticking out are they tied in like that of it is just part of the shellback coming off? They make very little sense to me...... Whatever it is it is a interesting looking pattern
  11. I'd love to do it but I just cannot get the time off..... I have been trying and trying but staff shortages are seriously so bad its not even funny. I am lucky to even get my regular days off this year and only because I downright refuse to work them...... its brutal. Everyone with the ability to do my job (which is not that hard at all) is already completely fully loaded and in most cases overloaded to the point of wanting to kill people. The rest are so new and so unexperienced that it would be foolish to even try and leave them. Someone else did it last night and now I will have 3 days of headaches trying to fix the mistakes as they filter through the system...... I work in the tourism industry and the word weekend just does not have the same definition for me as they do for others...... Now if it were on a thursday I would be all over it......
  12. Ladystrange They tried bottom bouncing with him for hours but even the pike didn't want him.....
  13. Ahhh the legendary high mountain redfish...... Rickr your grandfather would be ashamed at you for giving away that texas family secret spot.......
  14. I looks a lot like a backswimmer or boatman pattern that I have seen Brent Schlenkter tie.... (A million appologies if I spelt name that wrong and I know i did) But in all honesty I am not sure.... in the pics it almost appear to have antenae on the head but that may be your tippet...... thats my best guess but if those are antenae its not a backswimmer.....
  15. I thought he was trolling a sack of kittens?
  16. I say if you want to take the year off do it man..... But if you plan on going to university and thats what you want to do then just make sure you come back.... traveling is addictive
  17. not really just a lame question just one that is too heavily dependant on some different variables..... But I see the point of the question..... but i would almost reccomend if you plan on trying every fly until one works I would start small with a long leader and work up to the bigger stuff. Why? Because a small fly on a long leader will be less likely to spook them. If a hole has some smarter fish and you start with a 2 inch stonefly dry and spook them with it they will possibly not turn back on to the smaller flies..... whereas the other way around with a small fly you may not spook them out of feeding unless you really start thrashing the water.... either way I believe a lot of the best fish are first cast or not at all..... even big cutts sometimes. Thats why I would atleast try and base my first dryfly choice (on a day like you descibed) on the hatch that is most common on a stream or river for that time of year and the days conditions..... From there I work through a mental list of hatches that I could potentially see..... Also I have to say if you see no surface action whatsoever...... go subsurface as there is a very high probability that they simply will not feed on the surface......I flyfish nearly year round if I can find the open water and though I do take advantage of the dry flys ops when they are there I believe that 75%+ of the year the subsurface fishing will be the only consistent producer..... I have tricked a fair number of winter browns, whiteys, and rainbow to the surface but honestly nowhere near as many as subsurface....... So I don't let it bug me when I find the subsurface fishing better..... I just do what produces and I find that a light take a good eye and a nice hookset on a nymph rig can be as rewarding or moreso then a dryfly take...... same with a well presented streamer..... the czech style nymphing without an indicator by feel like the TM does can be the most rewarding as you feel somewhat like a jedi picking up on the lightest takes in fast water simply by the tension on the line...... I don't look down on any forms of flyfishing as inferior to another..... they all take skill and they all reward style, technique, discipline, and planning....... Oh and yeah I am no pro these are just my opinions
  18. definately not a hopper expert but this is a good link http://people.uleth.ca/~dan.johnson/htm/dj_gh_guide.htm
  19. not sure whether we are speaking about a specific species or not but that plays a part in my fly selection...... so does time of year, hatches that are happening, hatches that could be happening, temperature, wind, the amount of activity the fish are displaying..... I won't through a stimmi if I can tell fish are taking BWO's or fish a caddis when all I see is stoneflies..... However I do try and look past the obvious hatch and see if the fish are taking a different insect hatching in smaller numbers....... Some days you see amazing amounts of 1 type of insect (usually small flies) only to discover they are being completely ignored and the fish are taking a different insect (usually a larger one) that might appear to be 1 in 100 or 1 in 1000 to the others....... I feel there are far to many factors involved to set any sort of rigid game plan when it comes to fly selection...... especially when fishing for browns..... With browns I like to know that what I am about to throw is what they are eating right now..... there are to many big browns who do not give you a second chance......
  20. great post and great bulls! sounds like a hell of a trip and that scenery is worth it regardless of the fish caught...... PS great underwater shots!
  21. Those are sweet Woody is that charcoal? I especially like the bottom one simple but deadly. EDIT ok your second post wasn't up when I started I have a new favorite bet you can't guess which one.....
  22. Its not fair to expect a canadian tire employee to know ANY fly patterns..... near minimum wage and an entire world worth of sporting goods equipment.... most won't know the products they do have let alone the millions they don't...... I don't expect to much from the kids at big stores like that.... If my mechanic said "whats a catalytic converter?" I would be worried..... or if a climbing shop employee said "whats a carabiner?" I would maybe get gear somewhere else..... The trick is to never go to big stores like crappy tire unless you know what you want and where to find it..... Just my opinion
  23. LOL I actually don't think I have ever heard the word canuckish either.... But I kinda like it too.
  24. nope best bet is troutfitters near the football stadium...... Crapadian tire in Cochrane has a bit of stuff but not much.
  25. Toolman in a Calgary nightclub? Don't know the TM that well but I know its tough to be drinking at the Back Alley or Cowboys and drifting skid bitchs for monster night time browns at the same time....... PS Gordon your Canadian is getting good eh? I have however taken the liberty of correcting your previous post so it fits with proper Canuckish..... Oh thats enough with the Scottish thing eh? Well two weeks to go eh and I will be in Calgary ? I do the Kilt wearing and the haggis eating, as for the cheap whisky eh.... well everybody knows that goes to Canada and the US anyways eh. I think it's about time I came to Calgary with the Kilt on for a night oot, then the Bow for some troot eh? So if you see Toolman in a Calgary nightclub saying he's not with the guy with the Kilt on, that will be me eh. Gordon Macleod (Clan Macleod rep for Calgary) You will also notice I corrected the capitalization errors....... Were Canadians eh.... not savages ;-)
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