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Everything posted by lonefisher

  1. just thought I would toss in a quick note about the effectivenss of koolaid for dying fly tying stuff...... could be handy for those of you who might be interested in having some different colours of pheasant tail. I picked up several predyed phasant tails so I have actually not tried to dye them but I imagine koolaid would do the trick.
  2. the mayor In Hoising is just a puppet the real power comes from the matriarchy in swansing...... though the empress still spends most of her time in a mtn village on mount kaipan the highest peak in mongolia..... so the decisions literally do come from the top
  3. sorry just read my post and it makes no sense...... I reccomend you bring lots of streamers, especially weighted ones I think this was the one technique that would have made me more successful that I didn't use. I have done prettu well on streamers in various places farther down since then and have found that some of the bulls especially the bigger ones are in the deeper faster runs in some cases rather then the pools. The pools do seem to hold some smaller bullies. The river also has some big bows I believe but I have never managed to catch one bigger the 17 inchs....
  4. Been up past the first canyon wall on the...... west side where you either have to cross and head up on the otherside or bushwhack the west side..... I crossed over. I have only ever gone maybe 2 miles up from the bridge by the campground though maybe a bit less...... so not that far...... I wish I could tell you I hammered em the farther up I went but it would be a lie....... none the less the only fish I was catching was bulls and I was not fishing streamers at all...... I was a rookie the last time I fished that far up the snaring and streamers were not my forte......I think it may be worth doing but I can't offer you much advice other then that
  5. Well first off I am usually not the type of person to fish where there are lots of people around and if anyone invades my water...... I will usually just keep moving until I find some more good water...... But if you are hell bent on fishing that spot you know what people can't stand...... just walk right up to where they are right beside em and start talking...... non stop..... talk to them about gear, bait chuckers, president bush, the weather, try to throw in some super geekish impersonations or accents, Just make sure to be rediculously friendly and try to stand were ever you can to be the most in the way...... accidently kick over their tackle boxes appologize profusely while tossing stuff back in with no regard to organization....... have some fun with it make *hit up tell em a swedish pimple on a 3 foot leader of 20lb mono with a 3 way snapp swivel and a 2 ounce lead sinker is key for browns or that the capital city of mongolia is swansing city in the north which is a common misconception as people usually think it is Hoising in the south which though it is the center of commerce the actual parliament is in swansing....... If they move to get away from you just keep following them........ try to land their fish if they hook any and if possible get a hold of their rod and proceed to tangle it as best as humanly possible........ Inconsiderate people hate friendly people especially stupid firendly people. That and even if it doesn't work it can be just about as fun as fishing. Make a game out of it........ worst case scenario just toss on a double streamer rig and proceed to "unwittingly" and repeatedly hook their line...... everytime it happens whoop like you have a fish on and sprint up the bank stripping line like a mad man trying to keep the line tight....... Once its obvious that its their line appologize profusely unhook their lure or fly or what ever and if convenient drop it in a bush. Lather rinse and repeat....... sooner or later they will get pissed off and either get mad at you or leave...... keep right on smiling like you are oblivious to their rage. If they start screaming just remind em in as jubilant and happy a voice as possible that "I'm a total rookie and it might be tough to get any real fishing done around me" warning sooner or later you may get punched If you have a fishing partner with you you can also try the school girl routine very simple actually point, whisper, and giggle....... it doesn't just drive teenage boys nuts
  6. Nice post that top pic is really epic....... Sorry to hear about the bad luck though..... sounds like most of my fishing trips. If no one is injured no gear is lost or broken and all vehicles are still running at the end- you know I wasn't on that fishing trip LOL
  7. lonefisher


    That Bully shot is awesome........ really awesome
  8. lonefisher


    Sweet fish Ben! though i can't say I know anything about them.....
  9. Great post that area is awesome. The hike is pretty killer I did it with float tube and all my gear the first time and once I got to the lake the zipper split on my float tube rendering it useless........ man was I choked as in order to zip it up again I had to deflate it and I didn't bring a pump with me to inflate it afterwards...... I imagine a few coarse words could be heard echoing through the woods that day. Great pics and great fish to by the way........ that rainbow and that brookie are really nice. Did your boys do the whole hike in rubber boots? PS its nice to see you on this forum
  10. Perfect thanks a lot guys I appreciate it...... Oh and I have no intention of purchasing a 9 foot for spey casting I just broke my good 10 foot rod and have been very surprised with the distance I can "spey cast" with my old dragonfly I used quotation marks as it is very liberal to call what I do real spey casting
  11. Thanks TM thats as clear an answer as I was hoping for. And thank you though for doing the math cause I thought 9x5 was 54....... no joke........ I amaze myself some days
  12. TM or SG I know this is a stupid question..... but I am gonna ask it anyways LOL...... if you had to put a maximum distance spey castable with a cheap 9 foot 6 wt rod what would you say it is? I know that some pros may be able to launch it to the moon and some gorbs might not make 20 feet but if you had to even ball park it for an average advanced spey caster what would you say is possible? I remember a post by SG that said approx 5x the length of the rod though I may be outta context...... and trust me I am not gonna quote you on it I am just curious as to the approx limitations of certain gear......... And of course this would be under optimal conditions and I realize that this could easily change depending on certain factors......
  13. I do a lot. But canmore has a pretty low break in rate and its pretty quiet where I live. I also hide my gear under fast food containers and smelly fishing clothing......
  14. No worries Pipestone never even made it there........ long story LOL I do really appreciate it and if I ever go I will respect your instructions...... in case you plan on going I will PM you with the conditions though.
  15. lonefisher


    Nice pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I just booked a night at the kinbasket lake resort for tommorrow night. I am gonna be heading out eearly tommorrow morn and doing some fishing. I have fished kinbasket at the northern end and have done pretty well. However this time I will be in the area around golden and don't know jack....... If anyone can share any insight into this area of the lake itself or other fishing ops in the area I would really appreciate it. I have been told the area to go is the east side of the lake..... bush road or something..... None the less when I was out the other day i was also told some good fishing can be had even in the area around kinbasket lake resort which obviously makes sense as there must be fish everywhere...... Anyways if anyone can shed any light on the lake or other fishing ops in the area I would hugely appreciate it. If not I plan on focusing on any inflowing streams. I will try and post a report when I get back..... I may even take some pics this trip LOL. Anyways thanks in advance guys. Regards Chris
  17. WOW...... LOL smooth
  18. Thanks brent I figured thats what you meant with the biots. Again nice tie
  19. not to nitpick an obviously awesome fly but a bit of dark yellow or mottled brown raffia on the abdomen would be wicked. None the less I may have to try and tie up a couple of those myself. Just trying to undersatand the biots on the body but I think I get the gist of it.
  20. wish I could see the detail better but man that looks like a sweet little fly....... nice work man
  21. Man major surgery and he only misses one day on the forum! Thats dedicated. Glad to hear it all went well and I wish you a quick recovery!
  22. WOW thats a great tie good work and nice rainbow too by the way.
  23. cool if I get frustrated teaching myself I will drop you a line this winter.
  24. I would definately jump on the Elk river...... Lower K is pretty tough fishing now without a boat. But you can still talk the odd one on at the inflows and outflows of the lake...... If you fish it big ass streamers will likely be the way to go but catatonic leeching does work during the summer sometimes for me as well. I think though that you will get more bang for your buck on the Elk......... That said I have only its reputation to go on........ never fished it. SO someone else would have to give you a report on its conditions ect.
  25. Well all told I have about 85 years of flyfishing experience...... but the memories from the previous lifetimes are just a bit hazy. Back when I was Jason me an the argonauts used to take every sunday to toss some flies. When I was noah it took me several years to round up 2 of each species of fish....... which in retrospect I guess I didn't need to bother as they wouldn't have had to much trouble with the whole flood thing....... Most of my Experience though was when I was Alexander the great....... Cleopatra was a bit of a nag so I needed an escape.......... You all understand I'm sure.
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