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Everything posted by lonefisher

  1. PSSST SD only has like 48 years experience get someone who knows what they're doing Like me I've tied atleast 6 flies. Kidding kidding SD will you be doing any somewhat more advanced tying lessons? Not that I feel I am advanced but I think I have the basics but may be interested in some lessons in the trickier realms like deer hair and tiny drys, proper product selection and application
  2. LOL Yeah ai was just a little grumpy last night......... bit of a outburst I know..... ahh it added some colour to the conversation though i guess
  3. Peaceful protest be damned I say we rise up and quash that bastard Bush before he reprograms OUR cyborg PM to follow his madness of mass destruction...... I feel that the Bush gov and the american way of thinking (ie madness) are a bigger threat to this country then any terrorist org out there. Screw the war on terror..... The Americans got themselves into it why should we bail em out........ Just wait we will have American Military installations all over in this country by 2015...... Thats if they are not already here...... and if they are don't tell me I would rather live blissfully unaware........ Sorry I am tired and grumpy tonight you have to excuse my rant as its likely somewhat hazy tonight. And to finish good night and godsBEEEYAAHHHHH!!!!!!
  4. BEEEYAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Depends on what I'm fishing..... cutts I prefer evenings same with rainbows, bulls I like mornings, brookies mornings, browns I like evenings....... not sure why i have found different fish to be more active at different times but it seems to me char like to feed early and trout like to feed late....... but that said I would have to say evenings are my favorite..... But my favorite of all is to start before sunrise and finish up after sunset...... But I often burn out early as my workload is pretty high this year and the long days are getting to wear me out.
  6. tough to say do you think the bulls could have either a. seen you, or b. been fished that day? They do turn off like other trout do...... Also and I don't say this in a rude way but are you positive they were all bulls? Just asking I hope you don't take the question the wrong way. I have found bulls like that as well that seem to be inactive and have often found these are good days to search for other bull trout in shallower faster lies....... The best places I find bulls some days are any dropoffs especially when in corners...... even if its just a slight drop off say 6 inchs. Or even places where the shallow riffles flows from a steep angle into a flater area. I think they take advantage of these places when feeding as this faster water probably means less control for smaller fish especially wounded ones plus a bit of current break and and bit of ambush cover. Some time you can see the massive chase down they put on your streamers from distances farther then you would ever expect them to even in quite riffly water....... I have caught my biggest bulls in faster water from 3-4 feet deep down to 8-10inchs. My longest bull in a river came out of a long riffly run in water I would have said was maybe 8 inchs deep....... Pools seem to be a good place if they are feeding really actively but at some times you have to search out the feeding ones....... Good luck Oh and I am not a pro.......just offering some personal opinions
  7. I'm guessing he meant a longer belly line...... basically means that instead of a short shooting head and a longer running line it has a longer head hence a longer belly..... Really though I should not be guessing as I know next to nothing about spey lines but as I understand the longer belly line is going to have a much longer fat section before tapering down to the running line. This thicker line will make mending a long line easier....... I think
  8. I don't live to work, or work to live I'm workin on livin.
  9. I hate work...... yet I never call in sick...... even when I'm sick.......LOL
  10. Been up there a bit lately and the fire ban signs are not missable......... some people must have selective eyesight I suppose
  11. WOW....... edit in not wowing at you harps just at the damn the enviro as long as I'm happy attitude of the previous post...... funny though that arguement usually does not come out until the debate is already quite heated.
  12. BBB think of your roll cast its not really like the line is hitting the water behind you..... its anchoring behind you...... The anchor I think is key to most friction (water loading) casts.... Not sure of the terminology really but without the contact you do not load...... Touching the water is only bad when overhand casting and not even always then either..... sometimes it can help you on your overhand casting as even if you lose the loading that is done by the line flexing the rod you can still reload the rod just by making your forward stroke....... this is caused by the lines friction with the water..... so if your timing is off and that fish rises just as you make your backcast you can pause let the line fall to the water and make your forward cast whenever you feel like it...... provided the current is pulling the line away from you not pushing it towards you...... I have a feeling this will be hard to understand but I am not sure if I can explain it better. PS MTB your right this guy is a hell of a caster
  13. you will likely find this sort of casting requires water BBB grass won't load the road correctly you may be able to make some of them work but you will have to later change the technique to work on water..... best to find a little slough or even a wide slow run on the river..... or a little pothole lake. Just leave the fly off and swap it for a piece of yarn or just clip the hook off....... might save you some painful learning wounds
  14. Some of those casts are super pratical I often use the power roll like he does....... it takes about 10 feet more back cast space then a regular roll cast but also increase's the distance by quite a lot especially when you are tossing a heavy rig...... Watching it again I saw very few casts where he needed more then 10-15 feet of space behind him..... he may be standing in the middle of the stream for video purposes but he could do most of those casts right at the edge of the water with trees behind him...... I can't say I know many people who can overhand false cast 15 feet of line AND leader (thats 5 or 6 feet of fly line) and put out a 40+ foot cast plus the length of the leader........ actually I don't know anyone who can do that. The clef and voodoo basically never put line behind behind the caster and would be usefull if you had a backdrop were even a regular roll cast would require more space then available........ Very practical for some applications IMO. One application I like of the multiple roll cast is the ability to start the rolls with the line downstream Use the rolls to load and toss a big D loop at the end and pump it out into a power roll cast...... I can't say I am all that good at it yet but I met a guy once who frequently used such a cast and had tremendous line control over the cast. He could start the rolls with the line anywhere and finish with the fly landing anywhere on the river.
  15. no problem quite a few shop carry some in assorted sizes and designs..... I don't know of one in calgary but the one in canmore has a few...... I used one on a fly rod for quite some time. And yes it just basically slips on you put a bit of crazy glue or epoxy inside I guess and bobs your uncle. But I wouldn't drive all the way to canmore to find one especially since they do not have every size and type...... must be able to call around to a few shops and track down one..... just bring the big piece to the shop so you can test out to find the right size. Like I said though if the blank has split....... it may never be the same and could break on you again...... I would try the bigger shops like say wholesale and russels ect....... if not maybe someone else can suggest some shops that might have them......
  16. Where did it break? chances are if its a tip break you can just buy a replacement tip and put it on if the break is pretty much clean..... if the blank is split you may not be able to do this as the blank is never going to be strong again..... if its a serious break farther down the rod or split you may be SOL...... Not to familiar with this series or with fenwick in general but if its several years old chances are the company does not have a replacement piece or rod to give you....... you could try calling them and asking thats the best bet..... Also if its outta warranty which I would assume it likely is you may have to pay a decent penny for the fix if it is fixable even....... I broke a 700 dollar fly rod last night......... tip snapped when casting which is weird as i had just landed a fish on it..... I hope I don't have any troubles with the G loomis warranty coverage....... I guess now I find out what their lifetime warranty is really worth
  17. I understand that completely Lynn just thought I would mention it..... And like you said 10 days of big bow river trout is a good time as well.
  18. I would ask the little fish what the big fish are eating
  19. Wicked job SJW those flies require some serious dedication......
  20. 1 Kamchatka (sp) russia 2 NZ tie 3 Alaska tie 3 mongolia
  21. double post
  22. I would ask my buddy's dog why he always pops his tackle out when there are women around
  23. Mikefromsundre...... I was walking up to the confluence of 2 rivers the other day out there and some bonehead basically jumps his quad down the bank into the river bed and starts ripping around in the river just as I was starting to fish...... then he rides his quad down to me (river is mud now) and starts bsing like he didn't just drive through my hole...... I wasn't overly friendly...... The he jumps back on the quad and proceeds to single handedly create a new quad ramp down to the river in what was formerly a very nice 6 foot cutbank. He just rammed the cutbank and pinned her until all 4 wheels were shooting dirt and stick and rocks. Periodically I would get a wave of mud afterwards and I would know he was ripping around in the river further upstream........ The highlight of the incident was watching him fall chest first on his handle bars while trying to do donuts in the river...... When I told him that driving around in the river was not good for anything especially my fishing he replies oh well is there another river around?
  24. Donna (Lynn) are you opposed to the waiporous camping area? I know this area still has a fire ban but there are some decent fishing ops and I can point you to 2 different creek access points that will likely guarantee a bit of solitude anytime but on the weekend and possibly even then especially if you don't mind walking a bit (like 20 minutes prior to fishing)....... 2 different creeks one produced about 50 fish yesterday......
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