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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Congrats, Rob! Fine-lookin' young feller, he is.
  2. Not the same storm, then. What brings you to Calgary from the left coast? Feel free to post some pics of steel, salmon, etc., to show us what you left behind...
  3. First season in AB??? Hang in there. Don't worry, eventually you'll figure things out & start catching some decent fish; you might even find some pretty spots to chase fish in! Kidding, of course. A whole bunch of calendar/magazine worthy pics in this post. Thanks for sharing them; hope we'll see more from you in the future??? I really like the one of the pink streamer splashing down; that is purely awesome. Regarding the pic of the thunder head above: What date was this pic taken? I think I watched that storm in the distance as I was driving back from fishing one evening. It was a great light show; at one point, a huge bolt of lightning came out of the overhanging part of the cloud (on the left), down across the clear sky. It was just phenomenal! Great stuff!!!
  4. Thanks, Nathaniel... Just holding the camera in my other hand; pretty brave/stupid considering I had that big brown on the end of my line at the time. For the first minute or so, he just stayed deep & swam circles, slowly, like he didn't know he was hooked; that's when I got that pic. Luckily, I had put the camera away when he decided to run & jump; had to chase him downriver a ways to land him...
  5. 23" whitefish??? Holy crap, dude!!! Biggest I've seen was a tank 20"er on the Oldman River a couple years ago. A 23"er is gigantic! 20"er...
  6. Thanks, Mike. Nice to run into you again. I was really happy to see a big, healthy brown; was starting to think they had all succumbed to that effin' sapro virus!
  7. Yeah, 23" & just a tank; lots of fun on my 7ft 3wt!
  8. Yeah, that should get me through the rest of this 12 day stretch...
  9. Since I'm in the middle of 12 days of work in a row, my boss took pity on me & let me sneak out at noon on Friday. I had planned ahead & had my gear in the car; headed straight to the river. Glad I got out...
  10. Good stuff, Ray! Too funny. I wanna be like Hank when I grow up...
  11. SteveM


    Fantastic stuff, as always, young man! I think we need to get chasin' trouts again...
  12. I've seen a few on the South Saskatchewan River. My buddy watched one hammer a merganser in flight; huge puff of flying feathers, then he just glided down to the riverbank & chowed down. Would have liked to have seen that! South of Calgary is certainly within their year-round range, so it's certainly possible that's what you saw...
  13. That's a nice supply of fly tying material & jerky right there, Rob; well done!
  14. Great pics, Mitchell Sorry to hear about your fishing buddy...
  15. Very cool; looks like quality work! Just 'cuz you haven't come up here doesn't mean you can't post up some pics and/or trip reports. It's frickin' winter up in here. We need some entertainment!
  16. I don't know if I've told you this, but I hate you like poison!!! :$*%&: Beyond great, Dave; loved it! Thanks for that...
  17. I have to agree with the burning amphibian on this matter. B.S. is short for "Beautiful Slab", right?
  18. Great stuff, guys! Looks like y'all had a fun trip. Lovin' the jammies, Jared...
  19. Maybe you should upgrade yer boat, SJW. Get a good jetboat. Go fish the lower Bow, lower Oldman or South Saskatchewan River. My buddies have been getting some nice 'eyes down there lately. I headed down to the SSR yesterday; it did not disappoint... Plenty other species down there, as well... Some pretty cool sauger to be had... My buddy was back fishing down there today; he got a 41" pike. Seriously. Get a jet boat...
  20. I'm diggin' part 2, dude. Fishy looking spot. Tell me you pulled a trout outta there... This shot is very cool; well done! I enjoyed the song choice as well. Good stuff!
  21. :bow: Hitting the "LIKE" button just doesn't seem like enough. Maybe we should have 3 buttons: "LIKE THIS", "LOVE THIS", and "HOLY F***!!!" You never disappoint, Peetso. Your pics are phenomenal, as usual; your words just take your posts to the next level. Thanks.
  22. Thank you. I truly appreciate any positive comment on the pics I post; when the compliment comes from a talented photographer such as you, I am humbled.
  23. We'll get out for a day or two this winter, my friend...
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