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Everything posted by Suntoucher

  1. For people that tailgate you... "If you're not a hemorrhoid, get off my ass"
  2. I thought you worked at the fishin' hole
  3. You might be right for a change there bhurt. A more believable excuse than some of the more pethetic ones I've been hearing this fall. But it's probably not the only factor of course.
  4. The whining about the refs against the flames conspiracy is getting old... Where's that beating a dead horse pic again?
  5. A superb 13 point performance for the 1st line!
  6. Pre season doesn't mean anything. I don't understand why so many fans get excited when their team plays well in the pre season against teams stacked with AHL players...
  7. It's alright bhurt, I believe you. I just had to ask after reading your original post.
  8. by the way what sport do you coach bhurt?
  9. Typical to see flames fans be active again on this thread once the flames manage to win one Then when the losses pile up, it's all about how it's not their fault - blame the refs, the bettman conspiracy, our jersey's are too bright, etc...
  10. Amazing how real issues hardly make the news while "balloon boy" grips and unites a nation...
  11. Wow, is it ever quiet in here. Here's a prediction, how about 0 and 4!
  12. Four games in and your an expert by the sounds of it. Hurting Edmonton in what way? Personally I feel better about their 2-1-1 start than last years 4-0-0 start. They show more solid play and excitement this year.
  13. Thanks for posting this Dryfly, hopefully they will be caught...
  14. Nice video Frank! Your buddy did some great work with the video camera, nice editing work too.
  15. The stats speaks volumes, 34% of all murders in the US are alcohol related. Some stats state that rate even higher. Smoking pot is nothing compared to the effects of alcohol on our society... I have lived in Amsterdam off and on over the years. I hardly know any dutch people that smoke it, most of the cafes there are filled with tourists.
  16. I've been working behind the scenes independently for some time now. I spend a lot of time out in the FTR(rocky/nordegg area) documenting and maintaining trouble areas in sensitive watersheds. Too many people are just takers and not enough givers to this resource. Sometimes you can't depend on others and just need to get off your asses and make a difference yourselves... Anyone who needs to be enlightened to what's going on, give me a weekend of your time.
  17. Hiketofish, It's good to hear another one of your reports again. Another epic trip off the beaten track...
  18. Suntoucher


    just another idiot on the FTR
  19. Awesome browns Grndrake, I've been meaning to fish the RDR for a while now but all those streams a little further west always seem to get my attention more. But I also enjoy fisheries that may not have the "quantity" but you can be rewarded with the quality of fish like the RDR sounds like it has. I spent a lot of time on a little trib this year where I can't catch more than 3 browns a day on but the ones I pull up are always in the range of 21-25".
  20. I use an iMac computer and can be logged on for days at a time until I remember to manually log off.
  21. Thanks for the report. I was contemplating on making that hike a good day trip, sounds like it will be an overnighter.
  22. And that concludes this week's episode of Alberta's dumbest poachers... *edit - I mean Saskatchewan's dumbest poachers There's so many of them out there, FOX could make show on them!
  23. I saw some old B&W pics in the early 1900's of lakers caught from there.
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