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Everything posted by Avalanche

  1. I'm guessing you the owner of such a machine since you seemed to take such offense. My apologies for insulting your intelligence. I was wrong. It's not headlight height, it's bumper height. Go search that one out Sherlock...
  2. Try this one...
  3. HID headlights draw less current than regular headlights so there is no danger in harming wiring. Unless your headlights have a very focused beam and will not spray all over, please do not use them. They are incredibly irritating to other drivers. You'll notice the majority of cars that come from the factory with HIDs have projector headlights which create a very focused beam with a very sharp cut-off line so they don't blind oncoming drivers. I wish the police would enforce the law on these, but they won't; just like they won't enforce the laws concerning headlight height and bumper height on every lifted 4X4 on the road...
  4. I'm pretty sure if they let anyone go in to Quirk and pull out as many Brook Trout as they pleased, the ongoing study would get blown apart. They keep track of every fish that's removed. Kind of tough to do that when anyone and everyone is yanking and bonking. Besides, if you've ever fished there you'll know it's really not an ideal place to fish. There are some open spots but there are lots of spots where it runs through meadows and is pretty much completely covered by vegetation. Any effort to move the grass away to drop a fly in spooks the fish. I found it pretty frustrating the few times I went in to help with the study...
  5. Make sure it's actually registered and just doesn't have an Alberta plate stuck on it. An out-of-province inspection is not cheap. I'm not sure why someone would go through the OOP inspection and turn around and sell the car a week later...
  6. The big Brookies up in Fortress Lake taste mighty good raw...
  7. Doesn't that lead into the back end of Minnewanka? Years back a buddy and I would park where the Trans Alta road crossed the river and fish the beaver dams upstream. Lotsa Brookies. Mmmm...them's good eatin'
  8. In 1980 a young fellow who lived with our family for a summer was spending most of his time in K Country babysitting a family of river otters while they were getting acclimatized. This was an attempt to re-populate the area with a native species that had been decimated by trapping and hunting. It looks like the program might finally be showing signs of success. While the concerns for the trout population are certainly valid, this is not an invasive species. They were here long before we were.
  9. Fixed... The biggest issue, in my opinion, is people who have no idea about what to do if they go into a slide or skid. This is something that isn't taught at driving school and no one is tested on. Today, coming off Memorial Dr eastbound turning onto Crowchild Tr southbound, I hit some nasty ice right where you enter Crowchild. The tail wagged a bit. I corrected and let it slide into the strip of sand(gravel) between the two lanes and carried on my merry way, no harm done. The guy in the pick-up behind me came around the corner, the tail came out, he over corrected and nearly caught the guardrail with the back end before shooting across 3 lanes of Crowchild and into the pile of snow that kept him from hitting the middle guardrail. He was incredibly lucky he didn't take someone out on his way across and incredibly lucky someone coming up that lane didn't nail him. Somewhere in there I think he dropped his phone. This could all have been avoided if he (1) had been watching what was going on in front of him and would have seen me slide and (2) had any idea what to do when he started to slide and (3) wasn't focused on his phone call. I see this stuff all day, every day, when the roads are like this and can do nothing but shake my head and hope one of these idiots don't take me out...
  10. Haha...reminded me of something that happened to me many years ago in a building DT... There was, and still is, I believe, a courier in this city named Andy. Andy is about the most ignorant and unfriendly courier out there. He's a little short guy with big bushy sideburns and a greasy old baseball cap. Andy now drives a vehicle but he used to be a bicycle courier and took great pride in blocking crosswalks at red lights with his bike. Even now, he parks his minivan with the nose blocking the crosswalk, just to be ignorant. You know this guy?? Ya...thought so... Many years ago when Andy was still biking, he always had a backpack that was overflowing. His pack was so big that I often wondered how he walked without it pulling him over backwards. Andy was a hazard in elevators because he'd swing that pack off with no respect for who or how many people were on the elevator. Andy was one of those guys that would come barging into an elevator as soon as the doors opened. One day I was getting off an elevator and noticed Andy standing there, head down, with his nose at the door, waiting to come barging in, as soon as the doors were open wide enough for him and his huge backpack. Unfortunately for Andy, he didn't notice me, waiting to get off. It was a moment I'd been waiting for for months. As I stepped through the opening door, I brought both arms up and caught him square in the chest with both forearms. He staggered back about 3 steps before the weight of the pack, moving faster than he was, pulled him over. As I walked by him, lying flat on his back and trying to get his arms out of the straps so he could stand up again, I said "keep your head up son" and went into whatever office I was going to. That was 20 years ago. Andy still won't talk to me...
  11. Unless they're in a crosswalk, they're not pedestrians, they are jaywalkers. That makes them fair game in my opinion...
  12. My biggest (I have a few) is people who can't figure out why they need to accelerate up to the speed of traffic on Deerfoot, even if they are getting off at the next exit. It makes it impossible for the people on Deerfoot to get in the exit lane without jumping on the brakes (in a lane of fast-moving Deerfoot Trail traffic) and it makes it impossible for people behind them trying to to merge with traffic on Deerfoot to get up to speed and safely merge. Both situations cause brake lights to come on and we all know what brake lights do to traffic on Deerfoot. I drive all day, every day and that is likely the single most irritating thing I see...every day...
  13. They're in effect 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM on school days...it's on the sign. Watch the signs because some are year-round schools (indicated at the bottom of the sign) so have different holiday breaks than regular schools. Playgrounds are in effect from 8:30 AM until 30 minutes after sunset.
  14. You are...the MAN...
  15. Too late...going to Sherwood Park Christmas day...coming home Boxing day...oh well...
  16. Trying to get the trailer in deep enough to get the boat floating would be my guess.
  17. I doubt it. Did you hear Alex Burrows' comment? Something along the line that he wasn't terribly upset since he really doesn't like Smid anyway. While it's true that Burrows isn't exactly an angel, I suspect his sentiments aren't unique around the league. I'm certainly not condoning what Avery did. He has no place in the league and why he's still playing is beyond me. Just saying Smid may not be a member in good standing of the NHL players mutual admiration society...
  18. Castaway
  19. Seems like a lot of effort is being put into ridding some streams (drainages?) of Brook Trout. Is this an isolated system where the Brook Trout can't escape? http://www.tucanada.org/NP_QuirkCreek.shtml http://www.tucanada.org/reports/AB-021_QuirkCreek_2009.pdf
  20. How much gas was in it? That will generally dictate how far away it might be. I'm on the road all day every day and all over the city. Keeping my eyes open...
  21. A number of years ago we had our roof replaced due to hail damage. We never dealt with anyone but the insurance company. The adjuster came over, looked at the roof and said "yup, hail damage". We got a call telling us when the roofers would be there to replace the roof. Are you saying they expect you to book and pay for the roof job and they will reimburse you? As EW said, they should be paying the contractor to do the job. You shouldn't really be involved...
  22. Glad we could be of some assistance and good for you that you hooked into something.
  23. My Suburban does take up a lot of room when it's sideways. Tends to fling a lot of gravel around too.
  24. I'm guessing that bandanna you're wearing is to cover up your red neck?
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