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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. Hope this gives you a better insight into the rigging/applying the two or even three fly set up..................Wolfie The length of a nymph dropper should be determined by where the fish are feeding in the water column. If trout are taking nymphs right below the surface, a 6-inch dropper will put the fly in the right zone. Earlier in the hatch, before there are many duns on the water, an 18-inch dropper may take more fish. If you want the fly right near the bottom, a 30-inch dropper will do the trick in shallow water. The combination of a heavy beadhead and a more buoyant nymph can be deadly. Dead-drifted, this rig puts the larger fly on the bottom, while the bottom fly imitates an insect that has been knocked into the drift. If you twitch your rod tip, you can make the bottom nymph dive and rise again, which often triggers a strike. A tandem rig featuring a nymph on top and a streamer on the bottom imitates a baitfish feeding on emerging nymphs. Oftentimes, a large trout that isn't interested in the nymph will take the opportunity to whack the baitfish imitation.
  2. another version.... http://www.westernsportfishing.ca/flyofmonth.htm ............Wolfie
  3. what time am I suppose to be there?
  4. Hi there...M'Lady..most ppl who meet me seem to have that reaction, they stare, then slowly move away similar to wolves at feeding time..the main wolves the 'Alphas' get to feed first, then the betas, then the rest of the pack, the omegas..and yes I do have that affect on the rest of the pack............... ..........Wolfie
  5. ya man..the intel that I received, which is more than the papers have said is that we..meaning the population of Calgary, should be very weary, of letting the women go alone to places such as this, for what had happened 5 years ago in Edmonton, may be the same..if you get my drift without saying it....................................Wolfie
  6. in leu of this Fish Creek crap...I was informed yesterday that the girl who was found dead at fish creek turned out to be a former girlfriend on my youngest son of two years..it was a total shock, and I'm still numb from the news............Wolfie
  7. hmm..guess I should have said..'west wind fly shop'........cause that's the place I found to be..hmm rather non social..but it could have been me or my appearance that kept him quiet..................Wolfie
  8. ÜberFly.. I don't know about you but if I go into a store which is not over run by ppl, I want to see..u know ..check out what they have and if a salesperson comes over to me right a way and asks if they can help..well..I'm very abrupt..and say "No..I'll come to you if I need anything!"..however.. if they see me and ignore me, that ensures that I'll go to them and ask things...I just hate to be approached...cause you get that in non productive shops..................Wolfie
  9. there is a shop called..'Fly Shop', which may be the place you are referring to, in that store the owner , I guess spoke so little to me and only when I had asked the questions, I thought I was the only one in the shop...........bought a few flies and a license plate trim that reads..'catch and release all wild trout', from him cause I felt I should leave him something, he actually made me feel unwelcome, hadn't return since!................Wolfie
  10. yepper...have sent a PM as Bhurt suggested....guess I'll be going there guys once I find out where that place..'sothland dog park' is..and if it is in a place where dogs are off leash, hehee..Nikita my wolf will stay at home , cause they may upset her diet.....hahaa............Wolfie
  11. and what do you think that is ....possibility in may be your choice of body spray...or ..the 'none' spray u use.........Wolfie
  12. Well..I can't agree more ..for when I came to Calgary the very first time and lived here was in 168-69..boy the fishing was exactly as you stated..it was the West at her best..now ..well progress as again has destroyed what was once beautiful.. ..however m8, are you not forgetting the time four years ago when mother nature decided to "cry" her eyes out, and caused massive floodings..that changed the course of the fish, destroyed many beds, in general changed things...............Wolfie
  13. Wolfie


    a great cluster of working killers, wish I had a couple of the yesterday on the Highwood..maybe they would have produced the two fair size "bulls" I saw tormenting me in a beautiful pool...........Wolfie
  14. well now, you hit that colour right off..."pink"..I was impressed when fishing with a friend who used exactly that colour on the hopper he was using..I could see it far easier than I could the one I was using..standard colours of posts...red, white,yellow or orange.."pink" was the key to success..............Wolfie
  15. birchy ..in relationship to ur post, I've had an extensive conversation with several of their staff present in respect to exactly what you described, and more..at one point in my career, sales , like so many other ppl at my age then was a key job, and in my case it was a sporting store, lucky me..I was instructed by a very clever owner of this store, who insisted that his staff was customer oriented, being personal with the customers guarantied further sales, not only from that person but as a rule his/her's friends, family, this was a solid idea which proved to be a great $$$$ builder. However, to further enhance his needs to be the biggest, and best in that field, he insisted that the staff became a living, walking book of knowledge pertaining to the products of the section they were working in..and in 'FishTales'..you will find exactly that...people who not only treat you as a friend, but they do contain a wealth of knowledge pertaining to their products, and are quite willing to go that extra mile for your needs..boy that sounds as if I own a bit of that store....huh......................Wolfie
  16. And that damn thread you just bought..for some reason it hates you, breaks off always during the most important time..yep..you guessed it..always right at the middle of things....it is like the thread says.."the made me do it!"..........................Wolfie
  17. Everybody has a favorite colour hopper that enables them to not only catch fish but see the little damn thing while it is floating out in front of you like a jet ski...therefore "What colour works for you on both situation"......??.......Wolfie..[later on in this thread , I'll produce the one that works for me..that is if I don't loose it on a fish today!]
  18. Well..M'Lady..first off you can get away of Not using a 'body cutter', by just using 1/4" strip of colour foam of ur choice, then after u are finished creating, you can trim the back/front with a scissor, as to shape the ends. ..but..if you do want a variety of body cutters, salt water and fresh, then my suggestion is 'FishTales', that is where I found the most variety of them.............................Wolfie
  19. not to worry , the hooks would probably fall out after 3-4 days anyway.."no barbs"...right..........Wolfie
  20. Well how about that..went into a store today to get a pair of neo socks to wet/wade..and came out with a brand new pair of 'konkers'..in the process of try to get a pair of socks, I had asked if it was the norm for this brand to "shrink", if they are left ..say in the back of the trunk..well the boots were checked over by the owner and low and be hold..the seam along side of my foot was splitting..I have worn them I guess 6 or 8 times..was given a larger size, but brand spanking new one! ..now that's taking care of a customer in my books..yepper..hat's off for the small store..this one was "FishTales"..............Wolfie
  21. hmm...too bad for they r having a problem with this video, guess I'll look later.........Wolfie
  22. I use the gortex-Headwaters, only thing I can suggest to you is make sure they fit loose, even the ones I use, the calf and stocking foot can be left to desire..not enough room in the calf, way to much in the foot..no happy mid point..and I won't buy another pair..........Wolfie
  23. hey kid...you turned 21 yet?.........all the best m8, and make sure your Lady gives you that surprise........................... m8!.................Wolfie
  24. Well spoken my BC mainlander friend..Jack ..I can always count on you.....................Wolfie
  25. Teck...wait till you get really bored and try it with two flies for "Pike"..and get a double...hope you will be wearing "rubber pants"....................................Wolfie
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