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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. http://www.break.com/index/dog-catches-a-huge-salmon.html
  2. been busy again... ...
  3. Hi nebc...the reason is I don't have anymore salmon style hooks...ran out awhile ago...and this pattern actually calls for ..Daiichi #1260 Curved Shank Size 5, which I'm going to get some tomorrow.........Wolfie
  4. getting prepared...for BC... ..........
  5. During the latter part of the warmer month of summer, my Wolf and I went fishing south of Fish Creek on the Bow, it was she that found this bird a 'tern' laying beside a washed up log on the shore..it was dying, and as far as I could tell, there was not any visual sign of damage to it, however, that didn't say that something it had swallowed wasn't stuck in it's gullet....it was a beautiful specimen, and if I had any use for it, I might have kept it. However that wasn't the case, I took a photo of it as you can see and propped it up next to the log...maybe it survived or maybe not..but..it wasn't my call.........................Wolfie
  6. To start off with the video says it all..however..we as just peons, have little control over what the large 'corp' food chains bring in despite the fact if we ask only for Canadian produce..for here in this city as others the Yankee dollar example [safeway], has invaded us in every way possible and will continue as long as there are 'corps' who value the $$$$ rather than our country. ..as far as Flyfishfairwx is concern the form of "Organic" is suppose to be chemical free, using all natural fertilization to produce a more high content of nutrients we require in our diet...so I really don't understand you reluctance in 'organic' oppose to chemical ridden produce..I'm sure there are plenty of "Local" farmers who have sections of their land designated to the growing in an Organic manner, maybe just for themselves, I know back in on the Island I had my veggie garden feed with oh natural fertilizers..horse, cattle, Llamas/Alpaca [when I could get it]..extremely high in content , excellent growing factor, or just making my own using plant matter , fermenting it in water, then introducing it to the garden as well as the flowers that were being grown...so..I don't see your hesitation...........Wolfie :derby racer:
  7. something to read...will it come out west? .. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/techno...article1371407/ ......................Wolfie
  8. nicely tied on the worms ...well as you I did something as well...I used micro chenille to build the body up, but I used 4lb mono as the ribbing because it still has that translucence effect you'd want...beside, I never had a real problem with not tying tiny heads............Wolfie
  9. boy are you a sour puss...something stuck in you...guess Ur salary is a mere pittance, is that because of lack of education..got to love how ppl just go on doing their thing without considering who made it possible in the first place.. .. I do not agree most of the time with Flyfishfairwx, but he said it all in a nut shell...and hopefully you will change ur tune..........Wolfie
  10. here you goTeck...this is the tying method... http://www.flyguysoutfitting.com/vladiworm.html ...it's a worm of some sort..some of mine turned out like 'maggots'..the fish will eat them, that's for bloody sure... .."Pink Condoms" in Calgary...not that I have found...been to 8 Adult places..no luck..lots of 'black' and glow-in-the-dark.......Wolfie
  11. As I continue to tie..Leeches seem to still be with me, trying out new material, here are a couple, tied differently.. But then came my "Pink Condoms".........and so , this is what I've been making..
  12. .. ...sounds like the way I also consider this board..there is always a few who persist in sarcasm to show how witty they think of themselves, yet in the eyes of the mass all they have done was create an image of childishness, stupidity, and ignorance to all who sees them. Yes , I also thought that the thread about "vote for me" was a little out of line, why vote for anyone who just happen to spend a big buck on a "trip of a lifetime" by going to fish way down south, Patagonia [the land of the giants] where most ppl only dream of going but can never forfill..now wanting to go to "Yankee Land" free..what a joke. ..I do feel sorry for those Mods who because they believe in what they are doing is correct, have to stay on that very thin edge between being a regular Joe or falling over to the dark side and wind up loosing respect from all others...it is to bad that for a sake of a few , the possibility of a good informative fishing site should go to waste..............Wolfie
  13. BOY...am I going to have a 'ball' with what has been written after my comment..[last post].. ..first off thank you to those that believe by criticizing my form of typing, and my use of the English language, has made a dent in my armored shield, realizing that ppl, not all, mind you, but a few tend to attack under the belt when they are under stress from others..or put in their place by those who can see past whatever holds those others back.. ..to that member who left BC because of his distaste for the government 'elected' in BC..now tell the truth ..U left cause Ur 'home grown business' was under surveillance for some time ..I'm joking with you m8, so don't take offense...you left simply because the $$$$ was in Alberta..No longer in BC........a lot of us did..no shame in that, and in my line of work..it also happened..no biggy, But the difference between me and you is also simple...I see that again another form of "Natural Resources", has been "raped" by Corporation, as it was in BC in the beginning... ..I've noticed.. Soooo.. many "Old Timers" of this forum popping up..ppl with real low post counts voicing their opinions..Boy that is so refreshing from reading the crap those youngins seem to write all the time... ..I'm wondering if it is appropriate to add one of my sayings right now..let's see...Oh ya.."Bullshit Baffles Brains"..that's it..that's the one...and I'm sure those know to whom I'm directing this saying to realizes that what they are doing is just 'child's play'... ..Now to get real serious ...there are very logical points made, from all sides of the fence..and after a lot of head scratching , I believe that having the SCs, pay a minimal amount of $$$$ for something like the Winn card, just to let the fisheries know how many ppl are prepared to fish, and the stoppage of those under age ppl [16] should also pay the piper...again a small amount till they become of age [16]..this may discourage the ppl from taking hoards of fish [maybe not], and ALL fish in both age groups MUST follow the "Catch/Release" method and if found otherwise ..be treated under the governing laws... ..there are very sound points to this on going challenge of wit, and the BC ers who made a statement in regards to where the $$$$ goes, should give you Albertans a "Heads Up"...as well as all the Eastern transits that came to claim their pot of Gold from Alberta...[which you guys did a lousy job out East..Ontario as an example]..but will you...I doubt that, for no matter how much squawking you do...$$$$$ talks everything else Walks...and God knows how much $$$$ means to the population... ..well there you go ppl, and I thought I said ..."Self...this forum has gone to pot..why waste your time trying to enlighten a minority who walks around with blinders on every minute of the day..you know what those blinders look like...yep..dollar bills".......... ..cya till next time.........................Wolfie
  14. looks like you got your standing crew on your side again..gee, guess you don't see how you've been abused and raped by ur Albertan government..and that is a sad thing, oh well looks like the corp wins again..hmm..but you are a cowboy, since when have you entered the world of sheep.......... ..as far as Seniors driving..guess they can until they lose the ability to either..see or function as everyone else..but then again why let kids drive when more than 50% of the accidents are caused by them..and as far as Seniors fishing more..hell man..most of those ppl are fly fishing purists anyways...u know...'catch and release'.....Wolfie
  15. Oh...guess you have quite a few years to go before you reach the age of 65...huh..and with the mentality shown, you must figure everyone should pay cause you do...huh..What about ALL the $$$$$ that has been paid by those who have reached the age of 65..or all the $$$$$ that the bleeding government has taken off of them...are you so greedy that you begrudge the "Senior Citizens" some "Pay Back"..........boy now I've heard even more than I care to read..............Wolfie
  16. adc... Just two officers...please explain how two ppl can govern those rivers..do they just go to the parking areas and sit and wait till ppl show up..or do they walk the rivers from top to bottom checking ppl on their way..personally two is Not Enough..there should be one person per top river..and there should NOT be any argument as to having "6" 'deputies', consisting of volunteers, deputized for just that, doing the checking working under the supervision of the main officer..I'm sure there are quite a few in this forum that would jump at the chance to help out if they were asked..but it seems that there is Always a wall put up when ppl start to get angry when they start to question groups who say they are working for them.. you know the old saying cause this is a political one.."Bullshit Baffles Brains".....................Wolfie
  17. I'm still pumping out these Leeches, here is the latest... Now the body is made out of Alpaca Fiber, however, I blended it with ice dub to give it extra sparkle..........Wolfie
  18. hmm...canadensis guess you really haven't seen to many coyotes...huh..first off the mix of coyotes in Ontario is with a small brush wolf, thus giving the appearance of a coydog..and the coyotes do get big here..cause my wolf's prime job is to hunt and kill them...here is a pic of a western coyote..that is still alive which weighed in at over 100lbs...........Wolfie .........
  19. DonAndersen... ..is not so typical that such a RICH province never has the $$$$ to return to it's land what it has reaped from it..that's all I've ever heard from a 'corporate province'.....NO $$$$$...what a load of crap..someone or some department is getting more of the $$$$ that the ppl of this province has paid for the fishing licenses then what this government proposed in the first place... and seeing just 3 bodies working the entire area is quite a joke...the worst part is that only one person working south of Red River...that is even more hilarious..and you say that you have been 'fighting' with the government for more than 30 years to do something about it...please my sides are splitting with laughter...ever thought of changing the idiots who were put in power...but it is much easier to turn to the public and ask them to fork over more $$$$ to enlist more bodies to police what this province has raped in the first place..or should it be known that the corporations did the raping, either way the end result is that the ppl in here whine a lot but if something is passed before them to shut them up..they are all for it..the almighty Albertan buck.......Wolfie
  20. Wolfie

    The Bulldog

    shouldn't ppl like you have more respect for other ppl who are coming in here or has that been the norm now for a long time..[from what I have seen] , but first you should get your facts straight on who are still living the BC opposed to who are living in Alberta...Wolfie
  21. Wolfie

    The Bulldog

    I don't know if anyone has heard of this fly and if so ..doesn't this 'bulldog' look like the "pumpkinhead" fly which was created a few years back by a Canadian tier, who now lives in North Alberta? ..the bulldog uses two hackles..one burnt orange, other dark olive..where as the Pumpkin Head only had but one..how peddy is this sport coming to.. a pic of the "pumpkinhead fly"... ..................................Wolfie
  22. Well I had asked and my Lady said she didn't see any...we were there yesterday again..and yes we saw signs... ..But..please explain to me something, for I'm not knowledgeable to the laws in Alberta, which I've noticed to be different then the rest of Canada... ..I saw red stickers on products which from what I read on signs were to be 25% off stickers...that is all well and good..however..do these ppl think that everyone carries with them a calculator to figure out what as an example would be 25% of say $3.49 is then subtract it from the total...why did they NOT put the final price on those red stickers, cause as far as I'm concern, those prices could have been jacked up before putting the red sticker on it...........thought there was a 'federal' law which each province has to follow by displaying the final price if that product is on sale....hmm..I might be wrong but then again........................Wolfie
  23. there really is a lot to think about before we..you, me and everyone else goes half cock with this idea..I was talking to a friend of mine from out East today and he told me his brother who is a guide out in the Gaspe' region was charging $1250.00 per day to fish for Atlantic Salmon, but the Killer was those who owned pools on the river was charging $1750.00 per day in American to fish for Atlantic Salmon..........the point of this is to remind everyone do we want to pay for a sport that we love so greatly and that has NOT been overly exploited as of yet.................think about..England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and so on and so on...to fish for free is a God send..or would you like to pay?...... ..I concur..make this government put the money back into the sport..fisheries and protection....First!.............Wolfie
  24. I don't know ur friend in this store , however, my Lady was in there yesterday inquiring for some fly tying material for me and whoever served her 'forgot' to mention that the store was closing and that there was a 25% off all goods...you would think it would be in their best interest to instruct their staff in informing the public in whatever section they may be in, that way I didn't need to read about it in this forum...............Wolfie
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