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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. HI...hope you don't mind me calling you or any other woman here.."M'Lady"..for I mean it it out of pure respect..I belong to many groups, where in some of these groups, "Women" are the strong part of the membership, and when someone writes as you have done about being rejected to a sport that belongs to ALL...not to some ignorant "Lugan" , this really pisses me off..in all my time on the fishing circuit, fishing in so many places all over the world, this river you call the Bow has some rather wild stories to tell..I heard yesterday, I believe that a woman was 'rapped' down at the Bow..and as usual I missed what section it was..but what I can't understand is why these ignorant Lugans think that Fishing..Fly or otherwise belongs to men..crap the best casters are "Women", because of that inner patience that is in all of them..something that every man has to learn before he can pick up a fly rod and cast that line with the greatest of ease..but hand that rod to a Woman..sit down you ignorant Lugan and watch and learn how graceful the line flows through those guides... ......bloody hell this really pisses me off...M'Lady...any time you would like to have company...both Nikita my Wolf and I would enjoy sharing a fishing day with you...or any other Lady for that matter...just to fish next to a woman doing the same thing as I, would be enough enjoyment as catching a 30 lb. steelie...I've only caught one that was 29.3 oz.,......................................Wolfie
  2. ur theory on the colours are certainly sound spot on Brad, and using a famous lure's colour scheme is interesting...... ..now Main Lander be gentle on this Islander...Eh!.....it's this dust bowel I'm living in that has "clouded" my mind...either that or it's all this "hot".....................................Wolfie
  3. you tell me when u think the Browns or rainbows are going to spawn, and only then I'll teach you something that will put the rest of the fishers pissed off at you...guaranteed........................Wolfie
  4. a fine day to have a birthday.... and many more to come.........Wolfie
  5. Well, fishing the Cow and the estuaries of other rivers / streams on the Island the main colour of constant hits from steelies and salmon was hot pink..as in the two pink flies tied..however, it was noticed that while in the river after a while the blues/silver, greens/silver, and even the white mixtures brought hard strikes, so I guess, their preferences change for whatever reason.................Wolfie
  6. say guys I have a question for you who golf...is it true?...I was told that ppl who play golf are the ones that "hockey" rejected ..so is it true?.....I'm asking cause I don't play either sport..but love 'guns and roses'...............Wolfie
  7. thank you for your quick response...and again... to all concern..............Wolfie
  8. say would you mind explaining to me how you came up with the winner and the others...was there a pollfor the members to vote in?.........Wolfie..looks like I'm missing something here!....but congrads to everyone ..
  9. mmm.....don't u mean "degenerate" and if so why so hard on urself...Oh forgot that's how you whine!....heheee.............Wolfie
  10. while you are there walk down to the rock cliff..always been productive for me...good luck.............Wolfie
  11. yepper...you know the saying...haste makes waste..well I forgot I'm not in BC any longer.........sorry...........Wolfie
  12. if you add the hair...use the foam to hold the hair from popping up all over the place...that works great...look here it will help..Wolfie .................................. http://hopperjuan.blogspot.com/2009/05/hopper-juan-tying-steps.html
  13. Brunsie...Orange?...I thought for you it would have been ..'cherry'.............Wolfie
  14. hey that's neat , I'm a big fan of foam bugs...does the top piece of foam [representing the upper wing], lift up when u take ur finger off of it ..or..have u tied it down so not to lift?.............Wolfie
  15. hopefully it will knock the socks off those bulls...cause I know it does wonders on Steelies/Salmon............Wolfie ..oh yeah...that was the colour of a hopper, that turned fish on!
  16. I noticed while fishing on Monday that a certain colour was highly visible to the naked eye..and so hopefully my theory may work in luring a Bull to my camera...................here are my latest streamers. All comments will be taken in................Wolfie
  17. Guess I'm the odd ball..I've been using it as a 'base', before I apply my glue to make their heads that hold the eyes on my streamers. So ..I need it rather thick.....see the opposite again.............Wolfie
  18. No it is I who am sorry for reacting in that fashion..had a very big thing happen here to me in my personal life and was wound up about it , saw ur post and ...well Bob is ur uncle..I know better, cause ppl here try and help always..M'Lady..I'm sorry...and if I saw that situation when a guy pushed u into the water..both Nikita and I would have more than words with him..there is NO ..respect nor tolerance when a man uses force on a woman, for I was taught by the best....my parents................Wolfie
  19. depend upon?....lady..neither one of us know each other, but if you did..you would learn very fast that I depend on no one..Man, Woman or Beast..and because ur statement has rubbed me in the wrong way...I'll shut this site off for quite a while..you have a nice day.....Wolfie
  20. yes...I've seen the tool, and the method how it was used...but in the screen shots I noticed ..dubbing wax being used....I've tried the loop method with/without wax, and it works..................Wolfie
  21. been tying in between time some of my favorite streamers, like the two I posted , but in different colour combinations, in hopes that one of them might yield me an Alberta Bull, will post some pics, after I've done a few more...........Wolfie
  22. ...I forgot to ask that myself.............Wolfie
  23. beedhead..no m8 it was a 'cuttie' all the way, and yes I was told that there was cutbows in here as well.. Pipestoneflyguy..so you have a Norwegian Elk Hound, and she could be taken to those canyons, cause the breed is quite suited for mountain climbing...the terrain in Norway is very similar to the rolling hills here in Alberta, a denser population of tress..and Nikita just loves the fishing trips even if it is to Elbow in the city..the sound of fish splashing around because it is hooked turns her on, so I try even harder to bring one in just to watch her "wake up"...and those moments are far and few between................Wolfie
  24. well guys, thanks for the info...I also went to Michael's looking but found nothing, chapstick you said Brunsie, I'll give that a try for sure, and Doc, the wax I still have is a rusty colour, which doesn't change the colour of the dubbing, and seeing how the amount that is used is so minimal, I doubt that any harm comes to the dubbing...well maybe I should consider upgrading to that fancy rotary type vise, which I seen being used to twist the dubbing between a loop of thread or learn how to do that manually...thanks guys and ladies for your help...............Wolfie
  25. mmm..no it's not as messy as you think, but it is extremely effect, OK..then let me ask you..besides using that rotor vise, how or what do u all use to apply the dubbing to ur thread.........Wolfie
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