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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. Absolutely..with a doubt, and in my case, thanks to a rep who is on this board..not mentioning any names, jewelry freak...[no offense]..my 5wt 9 Loop Trout Bum fills it nicely!..........................Wolfie
  2. probably a stupid question , but anyway...is there any left or am I poop out of luck?.................Wolfie
  3. why are you asking now ..after you bought it, would it not have been logical to ask before you bought one..as so many threads in here have suggest to try out the wts., length of rods before you spend ur $$$$......also for ur info..a 6wt rod can handle 5wt fly line , 6wt., or even a 7 wt., line..old school is one up or one down from what the rod is rated for...and so the question is : is a 6wt considered ..over kill..on a small water..the answer is However you want to feel the fish at the end of the line, the lighter the weight, the more sensitive the feel of the action of the fish will be......Wolfie
  4. those cities must have been in the States...making Calgary look clean! u must be joking m8...I've traveled Canada so many times that I should own a house in every province..this city is dirty and the country side just on the out skirts are as well..ppl have no regards to this area, you can see that with all the garbage you find in/on/shoreline of the rivers, in the city streets, lanes, etc., etc.,....................Wolfie
  5. OK...even though I don't fish with an indicator like most of u and I use that term loosely, I'll give it a shot, cause I have quite a bit of tubing that I use to attach my English floats to when I'm centre pinning, so I'll try it when I go nymphing, which I think that's when I'll need it.........Wolfie
  6. save $$$$ for what....certainly not what I put up..this is one dirty city m8, and I've been told that by a lot of my European friends, and the parking is a joke to begin with..removing live ppl out of jobs so the counsel can save $$$$...bah!.........Wolfie
  7. Well here you go , another super brilliant thought and movement from the city counsel...It's bad enough that this city needs a major clean up on it's streets, up and down it's lanes , on the outskirts of the city from all the trash , plastic bags, bottles, cans, etc., etc., not to mention all the graffiti, around buildings, post offices, under bridges, or hey wait a minute..all the homeless, bottle pickers, addicts, drunks, now they have to spend our $$$$ on new and improve way to collect parking dollars with brand new high tech equipment.. and you will see NO one will call them out on it........ya this is so important...Eh!..................Wolfie
  8. I picked up on what you were saying..OH No..that smilie was kicking other guy in the ...yep..dead center..lol.....Wolfie ......................and u could scoop it from me to use it on me or someone else...lol
  9. Holy crappers.....Taco..boy now's the time I'd like to post that gif I sent you in a PM awhile back..however..today is special for you so I won't display it..have a great day ..change ur boots and go fishing [u don't want to be caught with manure worms falling from ur boots].............Wolfie
  10. sorry m8...but the last one was bought just two days after I got mine and according to Mike, it is doubtful that they can get any more Trout Bum...but not to despair m8..now u have more time to stash $$$$ in ur sock for when they remove the Opti and create a new Loop for the market..........Wolfie
  11. "Fun"...more like "Drool"............damn , now the 'wolf side' of me is coming out.............Wolfie
  12. "gurls".......they could have been "unics"............................Wolfie
  13. Damn I'm not proud....never heard of it m8, sorry..........Wolfie
  14. No doubt...after meeting the Lady herself, Joan Wulff [many years ago] , and watching her perform..she alone convinced me that Women have a natural talent for fly fishing actually the casting, such grace watching her....and that must be in their genes..I was watching a Japanese gal who was spey casting in a video..and man..I'm sure she could out do the best male we have over here..not only her performance but her style, grace and Oh yeah..her beauty....................Wolfie
  15. To me I find it rather strange that here in our area that men show this type of response to women fly fishing..in BC..there are a lot of Women 'guides', that are sought after by men because they produce fish just like a lot of guides here for the Bow..so really why is there a bad tastes in ppl's mouths over this...explain to me..if you can.........................Wolfie
  16. My condolences as well, and never stop giving tribute to one from where you came, for he gave to you the meaning of Trout and through ur pics, each and everyone..you will continue to show ur love for him...............Wolfie
  17. but I know for a fact that certain colours trigger harsh strikes by both salmon or steelies and those are the colours I tie in......no offence to all concern.....Wolfie
  18. that's what I'm talking about...nice fish..but the fly...oh yeah!.............Wolfie
  19. OK...now you have mention "classic flies" a lot lately so I'm going to ask you if u have ever heard of a fly called the.."despair", which came out in a moment [despair] to hook the biggest brook trout ur eyes could ever see................Wolfie
  20. what do u mean by .."fixed"... ..anyway the amount of liquid wax I still have should last me for 2 years still..until I can find some that is... ..yes I was thinking on doing the same..make my own, cause the feeling of pride comes to u just like when u create a fly..and a fish of any size sucks it in.......Wolfie
  21. m8....I thought about this as well ...but honestly, it has gotten more interesting than my subject on wax....so..as the topic title said..A Quest For An "oddity"..and that it has...can we continue?........Wolfie
  22. yeah man ..I know where you are coming from, and just knowing that the young lady has someone that is watching over her is differentially a relief...nobody grows up on the wrong side m8..some people have the ability to learn from the streets and all that does is makes them stronger in ways others haven't been taught..we are given so many paths to walk and whatever ones we have chosen, is just one of those paths... ...M'Lady..I've not been to many places here around Calgary...but had a great day last week and saw a few creeks, rivers ,whatever that will see me sometime this week..my offer still stands..and what's this bit.."old Fart"...one is as old as they feel..and I don't think you are as old as 70+...now are you............Wolfie
  23. ....when we go fishing this fall..bhurt, I'll let you in on my secret...how's that and it ain't roe bags...................Wolfie
  24. has stuff like this happened to you as well....girlsfishtoo..cause I've seen a young lady drift fishing in a boat and she was pretty good I might add..in her casting..might that have been u?..................Wolfie
  25. bhurt..as far as matching colours to the bait fish that is in rivers...yes, that is the key...however..the old saying which I found works quite a lot is , when ppl are casting certain things at the fish...what takes fish is that certain something that is an odd ball..example..3 guys fishing..two with lures..and the third with live bait..who will produce not only first but most...yep the bait fisher..the odd ball of 3..that can be applied to all types of bait from flies to lures...and that is why there are so many flies that ppl keep making and trying...the odd ball works!..................Wolfie
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