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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. well...why don't you print off what has been posted on page 2, and drop in there and have a friendly chat with them..they will only chat with you or throw you off their property, in which case if they did, that will let you know that all was a bluff to only cater to their guests..then report back to us ..how's that?.............Wolfie
  2. the number of wraps are not important as the size of lead wire I'm using..OK..I've just checked to see what weight it is or size, but cause these are real old they do not state anything..however..the smallest is .020, so the one I use would be .030 or .035, yes I would have to say.. .035 would be the size. And as far as wraps are concern..only from 1/3 back from the eye to just before the bend at the back of the hook. ..hope that helps you...Wolfie ...
  3. Drew....if you can tie these up , I used them a lot in the Cowichan River [on cohos and steelies] , when I was living on the Island............Wolfie ..hook, ur choice and size. ..body..mylar tubing ..polar bear upper and lower wings ..pearl flashabou / navy flashabou..top wing.. ..epoxy head with doll eye insert ..before u start to tie..make one weighted / one none weighted..the choice is ur's.
  4. ...wait a minute..first off how did you know what camera I have....I've not told anyone other than the m8 I was with yesterday..... ...and the answer to the other question ..yes , I cropped it which increased the ability to enlarge it , that is just the area I wanted..the pics come out with 4000x3000 pixels...a great little camera..........................Wolfie
  5. Holy smoke ...such an array of various answers...and I thought mostly all "fly tiers" would know what it is and the use of it.....guess not ..OK, then I'll explain, but first off ladies it is Not used to remove any unsightly 'hair'.... ..it is used to apply on ur thread with a bobbin, then u can put a pitch of dubbing on the thread before u spin it...I still have some in a bottle but after the years it is on it's last leg, getting dried out! Now, do you all know what I'm talking about?..............this is a funny group of ppl here in this forum.."hair removal"...that's a hoot!..................Wolfie
  6. OK guys and Ladies..it is time that I pick ur brains on this one..Does anyone know where I can get,borrow or steal, and yeah..pay for it if I have no choice..a bottle of "liquid wax"................Wolfie
  7. well..., been looking lots these days for a good minnow pattern................Wolfie
  8. am I correct in assuming that your post is entirely in jest...sure hope so cause there are a few statement of ur's I would like to rip apart only if you were not joking of course....................Wolfie
  9. ...you want me to be the first to flame you......................Wolfie..
  10. among all of the posts this one is "Priceless!"..........................Wolfie
  11. damn I forgot to mention something of importance..I had a pair of the new "crocs" in my car that I wore to drive in, well after my almost total drink cause of the speed of the water, the temp., and the slickness on top of the rocks..I changed shoes..then it became a pleasure walking and wading...great shoes, those "crocs"...........hahaaa, a simple but effective plug ! ........so what did you guys think of my shot of those "sheep"....they really had Nikita all worked up..first time she ever smelt them................Wolfie .........
  12. Left the hustle/bustle of the city, around 7:30am yesterday to meet up with friend, who wanted to show me the hospitality of the Southern Fish.. ..now I've only had but one time to see the famous Highwood, which cost me a brand new rod..however..didn't see or wanted to see anything else in the south that day , so this morning was going to be different! ..The morning started off by wet walking and wading..damn that water was bloody cold..it took around one to two minutes to have the feeling of NO Feet or Legs..temp was 8 degrees, and of course, I was in my no slip "so called shoes"...now that was a laugh, at least for my friend, but boy that water was bloody cold..oh I said that already. The first place we stopped was breath taking..at least to me..now this was what I have been seeing here in this forum..a 'fisher's paradise', here and for those that recognize, it please refrain yourselves from blurting out the name.. http://i28.tinypic.com/nz3msh.jpg , http://i32.tinypic.com/2z3t6cl.jpg ...and boy, did this place give up something special or what.. http://i32.tinypic.com/axmats.jpg yepper, a sweet cuttie after the third cast, and on a tiny fly that my friend tied up the night before..just a little grub..the cut was, I believe to be a couple of 2 lbs., but that's not all that this place wanted to give..now how's this for a surprise, just 5 minutes after that sweet cuttie.. http://i30.tinypic.com/15n677q.jpg ..now this male also took that grub, but such a pretty boy he was. ..The remainder of the day, was traveling north, checking out the various small waters for brookies, cutties and such..and testing out my little foam body creations that I had made days before. Those brookies were the most vicious little creatures that I've encountered in a long time ..and thanks to my extra hard tacking those foam bodies lasted the brutal attacks one after another. ..here is a something that I had not seen in years, something that ppl would see up in the big parks , but here in the wild...boy, you Albertans are so lucky.................... now this shot was taken at least 500 yds away and my little camera, I think did quite well..and boy it took everything to keep my Wolf Nikita from charging after them.. http://i32.tinypic.com/2m3lpoh.jpg . ..yes sir..I had one hell of a day, just those two biggins first thing in the morn, but the landscape, the brookies, small cutties, made up the rest of the day for me...took a lot of pics, even met a "Lady Fisher", as her hubby sat and watched her cast to some cutties, well..it looks like the South will see me again rather soon no doubt! ................................................................................ ........Wolfie
  13. Hmm...I added my name to it as well , and as far as doing these things for situations all over the world, the majority of followers are the Europeans, for they know how devastating it is to loose something that ie irreplaceable..and so why not support , for the last 10 years or so, I've been signing , writing to those that need to hear the "Cry of the Wolf"..to stop the ignorant killing of these animals by the uneducated Americans up in Alaska and the selfish ranchers in the upper north western states ..these Wolves are a "balance" set in by Nature..enough..I'm sounding as if I'm up on my soap box... :derby racer: ......................Wolfie
  14. Well Sir...I'm really glad that someone had the Balls to say that they agreed with Rickr, and at the same time state his education as being a "Fisherman"...I'm standing right beside the both of you on this..we as fisherman face the same crap as every hunter..how to conserve our natural resources, so that in time we all can enjoy what nature gave to all of us with open arms.. ..I used to hunt game, birds, until , I believe the year was 69, when I experienced my first Canadian goose shoot on the Sask/Alberta border...after that day my hunting weapons were put aside, for I've never witness such a flock of birds in my life as I did that day...the first was estimated at around 8000 birds, but the last one that finished my hunting for animals/birds unless it was for survival was stated to be over the 10,000 mark...the sky turned black as they flew over us, and left the barrels just a smoken!.... ..fishing on the other hand gave me greater pleasure, because if I was careful in the removal of the hook, that fish would live to see another day...but a "bullet"....nah..it would take a life. ..OK..If all of you who are so concerned in the methods of the various ways to catch fish, but all agree that there should only be a "Single Hook" attached to each lure as there is with flies, then my suggestion would be..."boycott all the stores/shops who sell fishing lures until you force All the manufactures to produce single hook on all their lures which are SOLD in Alberta...if not stop your bloody whinning, for you sound like those little old ladies back in BC..you know the .."Bleeding Hearts"! ......................................Wolfie Oh did I forget to mention , that I fished professionally for 7 years in Ontario, representing our country in two major international events...as a FISHERMAN..not as an "elitist" .......Wolfie
  15. I think I post a message on Ur blog about it when I first saw it as well...however, since that time you haven't told us by posting if that lady lost her girl hood over a favorable size trout....Wolfie
  16. GeekMedic.. .. ..I disagree to this statement..considering that I'm a resident manager for a 'landowner', and have run into this problem several times, it was stated to me under no certain terms that I [as the rep for the landowner] can NOT use any force, unless it is only verbal to evict any and all trespassers off said property..I must call the police/or RCMP, whichever, and let them sort things out..by LAW! .. ..I have no idea who you are but by this statement you have posted indicates this to me as a threat..trust me on what I'm about to say..if by chance this does occur, [which I personally hope it doesn't for the person who pulls the trigger], that person will be charged and both a jail sentence and a heavy fine will be levied down by the courts..in this province or any other in Canada, simply because if a person has a dog, per say, with them and attacks a person who threatens their master, it is called self defense, and the person holding the gun is at fault..however , in my case, the federal law implies , which is indeed a stronger set of laws.. .. ..are you not forgetting some of the major parts to ur post?...sure getting info on the landowner is just one thing, the badge numbers, names of the officers, time , date, location , witnesses if any, then after writing out a statement , you can then have it notarized, send a copy to the district office where the RCMP are stationed, then lodge a complaint with a JP , to proceed this matter before a court.. ..as I personally know, that Each Province has their own way of following the ways that a Federal Law is to be delivered..and in this province which happens to be the worse, one should hang ur head down, turn around with ur tail between ur legs and walk away......................Wolfie
  17. say...Doc..saw your pics on the finish stick u created..maybe fruinincalgary ..hasn't seen ur rod, hope you don't mind me posting the link... http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=9737 ....................Wolfie
  18. ÜberFly..seriously..my impression on the TFO..is something I should keep to myself, and believe me Sage is running awfully close as well...maybe it comes from my knowledge of years gone by..who knows..but if you really want to make a BIG buck, I do know how...hahaaa!, cause I've done it myself.................Wolfie
  19. get what dune...a bigger better rod for that "unattainable fantasy"..just don't bite to hard when you get it...............Wolfie
  20. I'll let you in a big money secret...if you don't take off this winter and go there..any who..I think I've returned at least $15.00 worth of beer cans since I've been fishing the Bow ..[mid may]..as well as a few that were full..now now ÜberFly..do you think I'd 'stoop' that low..if it was a Sage..I'd consider your post but a TFO...I do have a high pride of myself... .."random camp"...well I'm a big guy yes..but a "camp"........Wolfie
  21. at the Bow this week and found $1.00's worth of beer cans and a umbrella black nylon slip on bag, still in it's plastic case, and two parts to a broken TFO fly rod with about 3' of fly line, leader attached with a pretty good black weighted nymph fly on the tippet.............but no fish... ....Wolfie
  22. best Brownie I've seen posted yet so far...............Wolfie
  23. I hope the "Admin" of this forum doesn't object if I offer another solution to an easy question.. ..after capturing ur photo with you camera [which has been placed into Ur PC or Laptop] and you want to post it here in the site, one needs a HOST to hold Ur pics while being displayed wherever..there are several of these sites which automatically 'down size' the photos, and offer "thumbnail" images to post or URL's to either be seen instantly in the post or directs you to an outside page, these are some of the things that Hosts do plus more if you are interested. ..as it was stated..'Photobucket.com' is one of such Hosts, 'flicker.com', another , however..this one is quick and well known in the graphic world.. .. http://tinypic.com/ here is a screen shot to see how easy it is to get a pic posted in Ur favorite forum.. ............................ ............................ ............................ ................................................................................ ...................Wolfie
  24. I bought my second rod now, , had my $$$$ returned to me on the first one I bought, after it exploded on me..so I looking to keep this one for a long time...................Wolfie
  25. that pup of ur's looks like a cross with a Welsh Corgi, or is it pure..and that beautiful steelie..did you give it a kiss and thanked 'Manitou' for bringing Ur dream................Wolfie
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