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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. What a great topic for my story........3 years back i went fishing on the Elbow, but I'm sure not to the part where any of you guys go...it was in town..started at the bridge at 25 st and just south of Macleod trail, north of 4th ave...anyway...I got as far as the next bridge, the walk over one in Lindsay Park...something "purple" caught my right eye under a low growing bush. Went over and found a purse! The first thought that came to my mind was..damn I don't have any rubber gloves..for this park was the home of many transits, and crackers, and only God knows who's purse this belong to. Lucky for me there was an empty plastic bag about 10' in front of it...I opened it up just by dumping the contents on the ground..Holy crap...I hit a jackpot!! There on the ground was a 3/4 full bottle of Vodka, a book of bus tickets with only one gone, a hairbrush, 4 condoms in their package, a small plastic bag of "crack", a pipe that was used, and 3-$20 dollar bills, 1 $10 bill, and enough change on the ground to make up just over another $10 bucks...BUT NO ID...after gathering up the $$$$, and the bottle, bus tickets, crushing the crack in the little bag and dumping the power onto the ground, I left the condoms..and got out of that spot, only to meet up with a native passed the bridge where I was and gave him the 3/4 full bottle of Vodka, he thanked me and off he went back to the river's edge. It was back to fishing for me after that and boy the 4 fish I got was the icing on the cake!...........................Wolfie
  2. Wolfie


    not a big one?....damn nice bully in my eyes..and nice scenery besides...........Wolfie ..............PS:..FNG..those were great pics by the way...
  3. I'm sorry , but those kids as you call them, which I don't, Knows better and if not , both them and their parents should be flogged..you ask "who's fault is it"..if parents taught their off springs in the mannerism, that I was taught, or a good number of you were maybe crap like this wouldn't surface so many times..my brother is a 'Research Psychologist', specializing in Pedophiles, and in his dealings with patients, Abuse to Animals was also the beginning...ppl should get their head out of their A**es and start to teach their young before it is to late.....or is it all ready?............Wolfie
  4. Great thread m8...............Wolfie
  5. thanks.....don't tell anyone but i snagged the pic at the bottom, did my graphic thing , then put them both together..all of 10 minutes...and I don't use photoshop. .pfffffffft!.........Wolfie
  6. .........Wolfie
  7. DMcD........thank you, so no store in Calgary carries them yet by the sounds of it..I have a chance of getting these type of rods from China, not Japan, cause but countries use them..and a Chinese friend of mine has several lengths of this type of rod........Wolfie
  8. is that a racial slur?...."bamboo guys"....remember m8 .."one doesn't throw stones when one lives in a 'Glass House' "....
  9. Damn nice m8......brings back warm memories...thanks......Wolfie
  10. hope you know some natives out there m8..cause you have to go through their land to get to the mouth....good luck..Wolfie
  11. good come back..........Wolfie
  12. hey...'Off Topic' for a sec...what happen to ur rather 'bulling' sig...it was big before..ran out of 'hot air'? ........Wolfie
  13. seen the clips before, but where did u buy it and how much for the rod as well as the line?..........Wolfie
  14. say Max..have a look at this please............................Wolfie ...........................
  15. well, well.....a redband trout...Oncorhynchus mykiss ssp......beautiful markings..........Wolfie
  16. Flytyer.. ...well that doesn't stop them from trying to change the justice system does it...all around you there will be lame excuses as to why the law enforcement, can't do this or that ..and all the fingers point to suits..just one vicious circle.............Wolfie
  17. , if you haven't tried it....why knock it..........Wolfie
  18. well you let me know how much and where....it is something that I'd like to try, especially in dog pound as an example........Wolfie
  19. ..you know for a farmer who is up to his crotch in cow poop each night...U have a funny side to you......Wolfie
  20. Of course Brookies will breed with Bulls if they don't get eaten first by the Bull...they are from the same genius..'Salvelinus'...now you won't expect a human to breed with a pig....that is if that human wasn't a 'hillbilly'..lol........Wolfie
  21. well gents, I've been watching this thread with great interest because like most it was time to buy a new line..and so..after seeing what you all had to say, and the % also played a part in my purchase, I bought a Rio Gold 6wt, now, this line made my new rod just 'sing' with delight..as everyone had said...it just motors, loads up the rod and just spits out the line... ..you know this is the first time I've ever listened to a 'poll' ........thank you all for ur input............Wolfie
  22. two thumbs up on this..............Wolfie
  23. ...I was going to say...Great..now I don't feel so bad cause that is my clothing as well...........Wolfie
  24. way productive as always great pics.........Wolfie
  25. always just behind the great pics....grrr..please inform ur daughter that I to scoped not one but two of her pics..they were all great...oh ya...about that sardine u planted on ur 2wt...as Max said...Karma..no less...great brownie m8.............Wolfie
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