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Everything posted by flyangler

  1. You gonna git one o them blue flame tattoos?
  2. A fellow on a Wisconsin site pointed this blog out. You'll have to see it for yourself. http://drawingflies365.blogspot.com/
  3. 1. I gotta find a way to get back to Alberta to fish in 'hopper season. 2. Do more fishing in southeast Minnesota, to check out how those streams have recovered from August's floods and to sign up for any habitat improvement projects necessitated by the floods. 3. Find more ways to improve the experience for volunteers to my river clean up in Wisconsin in April.
  4. If I said I'd have to watch out for the trains and semi's on the bridges, it would make too much of my casting. Seriously, it's good to battle your tunnel vision and include safety in your mission of fishin'. Thanks for the reminder. The streams that open here tomorrow are a tad small for the long rod though.
  5. Do you mean the fish fin to the left of the flower? Here, somebody photoshop one of these gals into the center of the flower. http://www.headcovers.com/swim-caps/swim-c...adid=1191805522
  6. Did you see this one? Look for the profile of a lady in an old timey swimming cap facing right in the center of the flower. Not technically a lady IN the lake, but what of it?
  7. flyangler


    The variation in brown trout spots always amazes me. Thanks for all the photos of your adventure down under.
  8. Birchy- faces only a mother could love. LS-very cool Carbondale shot. Maxwell and DBT- good eyes. I'm all about collecting experiences instead of stuff, and your photos speak of some great experiences. Not counting fishing stuff, of course.
  9. Thanks Don. When I first saw your picture I thought she had a wet button nose like a puppy, and now I see that's just what you meant.
  10. Hudson Mountains: Kispiox treasure: Kitimat Coho: Orange Peel Mushroom (aurantia aleuria):
  11. Gitxsan Village, Hazelton BC: Zymoetz: I wonder where that bear is now? Babine Bears:
  12. November steel: Ebony Jewelwing and it's natural enemy: October Bulkley Steel:
  13. From a tiny Wisconsin stream: Red Butterfly: From a WI stream survey I got to help with:
  14. I learned a lot from the Rio discs. One of the things I learned was that there are toooooooooo many spey casts. I can do two on left and right sides and that sufficed for a couple of week's fishing. I might be ready to add another this summer. Perhaps I'm easily overwhelmed. Some might say simple.
  15. Happy New Year to y'all from sunny south of the border, Minnesnowtah! We survived the drive from our home to that of my husband's parents with only the loss of color in our knuckles. White out conditions and some icy patches resulted in the deaths of quite a few motorists in the midwest that day. So making it safely was really a good present. Santa remembered that I needed a Simms wading jacket, too. It's dark blue and I will wear it for a long time. I'm wearing it now, in fact.
  16. In this day and age, it would be hard to believe that of anyone but a commercial angler. And even then. . . Certainly applies to a whole passel of human pursuits, I think. Our work, hobbies, loves, compulsions. Fishing has also exposed parts of me that no one likes, like jealousy, lust and greed. While out there getting my "vitamin O" for Outdoors, I connect with nature and also learn just how human and flawed I am. And how perfect and divine I could be, endowed with the abilities to see, touch, hear, smell and taste what the natural world has to offer. To understand how lucky this makes us is a true treasure. Well, all that philosophizin' makes me thirsty. Who's up for a scotch?
  17. I have to admit, I have to keep my eyes closed when I click on either one, but I prefer SMcL's version. Gord sounds like he just wants to get it over with. SilverDoctor and I think alike on this one.
  18. That's a start, ha ha ha!
  19. 27 looks an NO opinions?
  20. I don't loooooove either of these videos, but who sings the song better? Gord or Sarah? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sle2_E_Xt-c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1oiiE7CyZ0...feature=related
  21. "Just curious; How popular is flyfishing with the ladies?" It's really popular with me. I like it more than cooking or tying or trying to impress some dude with my youth and beauty. If I looked miserable when you saw me onstream, it's because I thought I would be fishing that stretch alone.
  22. While helping with a stream survey, measuring and fin clipping browns, one of them bit me. That or my finger got caught on her teeth. I guess I had it coming after dishing up a stun, scooping her into a bucket, fishing her out, plopping her on a board and snipping her fin. There was blood. And not fish blood, btw.
  23. I don't have one of those, but there must be a dozen cutting implements in my craft junk. This project just took a kitchen shears. That made going around the curves and inside angles easier for me. The watercolor paper is a little too stout for teensy embroidery or fly tying scissors. Besides, my fly tying stuff is kinda sacred. I don't use those tools on anything but fur, feathers or foam.
  24. I'm tyin up a few crystal meths for the husband for Christmas and will put them in a home made gift box. Here is a box and some of the papers I marbled using the shaving cream method.
  25. Thanks! I found another calendar (a Jim Brandenberg!) last night and was able to make business size envelopes while watching the tube.
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