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Everything posted by flyangler

  1. I've got a few Showgirls tied up. Wait, that came out wrong. Post photos and recipes or links if you would. I need to get crackin' on the steelhead flies. Inspire me.
  2. Good one! Should have figured those bears as french kissers.
  3. I tied a special Halloween fly for a friend and neglected to mention the glow in the dark nail polish I'd used on it. I guess his wife tried to swat it at about midnight one night. Understandable, given the 3 inch wingspan.
  4. flyangler


    Maybe some of you already saw this elsewhere, but I thought the rest of you would enjoy it. Looks like this fella had a fun day. http://www.rivercolor.com/images/jumpingcuttslow.gif
  5. So I need a foot of mono tied in two inch segments at the end of a leader?
  6. Maybe you could call in sick for two weeks. Want me to call for you?
  7. Good point! I thought of practicing with my regular 8wt line on the grass. It has a beat up old leader on it. Will I be missing a lot on the grass if I don't use my nice new Rio?
  8. Somethin tells me you've taken photos before. Seriously, nice ones!
  9. That's not... nooooo.....you wouldn't use...bait....that third picture...OMG! (kidding)
  10. Congratulations to you and your wife!
  11. My husband plans to fish with spoons on his spinning rod for steehead in BC. I just saw some spoon flies for casting with a flyrod at the flyshop today. One of them was shrimp colored. Hmmm. Methinks one could cast one with a speyrod. Or would this be "bad form"? I could learn how to tie them here: http://www.jollysearover.com/spoonfly/index.html
  12. We settled on the Rio Windcutter line in 7/8/9 wt. which we'll pick up tomorrow. My speycasting teacher is taking a break because he came down with Lyme disease! I'll have to do some more grass casting.
  13. Boy, I wish I didn't have to choose. Darren wins. But I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeallllly liked Dave's.
  14. There is free internet access in the library in Blairmore, so we didn't look for wireless hotspots the last few summers.
  15. Love 'em in all shapes and sizes. Nice photo.
  16. Nice bull trout! What kind of puppy was that?
  17. I would go for a hoodie. Small.
  18. Now that Tangledlines has some skills!
  19. A virtual regatta! Sure miss the place.
  20. flyangler


    Parlez vous EGADS?
  21. 1000? Should I have closed the door behind me?
  22. Congratulations, what a beautiful baby!
  23. I haven't settled on a line yet. I was practicing with an ordinary 8wt line. Todays workout consisted of balance ball, bosu and elastic bands. No iron. My butt was still kicked! Then, just to keep from stiffening up, dh took me fishing. Purely medicinal, you understand.
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