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Everything posted by flyangler

  1. Is that a creel under that blue tee-shirt?
  2. Good bad one!
  3. I have a bad habit of holding my net between my knees for the grip and grin. Makes me look constipated. Also, instead of handing the rod to the photographer, I might tuck it under my knee. Once anyway. Before I hear that scraping sound under the tip. Show us your bad pictures. (oh, these were from our last SUNNY vacation in CAN in 06)
  4. I am a fan. Oddly, the music is one of the things I let go in the divorce many moons ago. Thanks for helping me to recapture it. I didn't realize how much I missed it.
  5. I'm one of the few for blue. Blue for the water. I am a waffler though and like red for the associations with good fortune, bravery, and warmth. I wear a lot of greens and olive colors to go with my eyes. Also green is associated with growth and healing. I sure wish I could go and rip some lips now.
  6. My wing burners don't get a lot of use, but when I do burn feathers, instead of using a lighter or candle I use an incense stick. It helps with the stink and it's also a small, controllable heat source. It helps me to only burn what I intend to burn, not the whole feather and stem. The downside is ash control, but I can handle that with an ashtray and a wet paper towel close at hand. When I've finished with the feathers, I just let the incense burn down. I got the idea from my acupuncture training for which we burn a medicinal herb called moxa on or near acupuncture points. You don't want to use a big ol' lighter torch right next to someone's skin, so lighting moxa with an incense stick works really well.
  7. I'm having kind of a bad attitude about my season. Your posts make me want to move to Calgary, where I would probably never get any work done! Bless you all in your fishing, families and health (in any order you like).
  8. We liked all of these. http://www.alpenwood.com/ http://www.crowsnestmountainresort.com/cmr/index.php We stayed in #22, but it's for sale now. Maybe if you like the area enough, it would pay to invest. http://www.bikinitreecabana.com/Crowsnest%...al%20Estate.htm
  9. Hook: Mustad 94840 #14 Thread: Light Olive Tail: Pale green antron Middle section of body: Fluorescent Pink Floss (middle 1/3) Body: light olive ice dubbing. Dubbed lightly over hotspot Mid-wing: bleached deer hair wing tied over mid point Hackle (rear): under sized light blue dun tied in at tail and palmered over body to the mid-wing Front hackles: one each grizzly and cinnamon I pick bigbadbrent. Tie this puppy off.
  10. If I could guarantee a haul of Reese's mini PB cups and Lindor dark chocolate truffles, I would dress up in my 70's clothes and hit the sidewalks myself. I'm small for my age. Or for anyone's age that's over 12. Seriously though, we have flytying club tonight or we'd be home with the blinds pulled low, avoiding the rude, grabby, 17 year olds.
  11. Two thumbs up Mr. B!
  12. If you have any wine bottles with metal foil over the cork, you can try that too.
  13. What a great adventure! And steelhead on the hook to boot. Thanks for the report. Lions and wolves and bears! OH MY!
  14. I like both the shape and the hook pointing up on the Charlie's Flybox version., Also, having the fishbelly on the bottom doesn't close the gape in the hook, which is a problem with my Fraidy Cutt, for instance. Flytyer is right about the wire armature. You can press the end of one of your tying tools inside the mylar tube until it has a shape you like, then tie it off. We used another hook to push it into shape when I first learned to tie this style.
  15. oops i posted that twice
  16. You can tie the JC nails onto a longer feather by stripping the stem of the jc, laying it in next to the big feather's center vein and tying them both in at once, then layering another feather over the top. I did that with the red butterfly I tied, but on the lower wings which are shorter. http://tinypic.com/4d7bdxe.jpg Big Blue's eyespots are glued onto the big macaw feathers because I didn't have any nails with stems that long. You could also sew them onto a big feather stem by bringing the needle up from under the big feather next to the vein, catching the JC nail stem and back down through the big feather again. Does all this resemble tying? When you invent a fly, you get to invent THE WAY it's done. You also get to invent your own headache cures. The pheasant feather tie you've got planned sounds wonderful, I can't wait to see it. Good tying and good luck to you!
  17. BTW Ladystrange, I like the black and whites. Here's one from Minnesota from at least three years ago.
  18. We got lazy about tying scud back onto our patterns and were just doing without, so it was good to see the magazine and have another reason to skip it- cuz an expert showed that we could! As for the red, I don't see it on any of the naturals, but it sure seems to attract fish.
  19. That is one beautiful fly! I love those blue/greens. It really does seem that frustration is just another word for invention. Getting wings to lay flat is at least a three part effort: swearing, drinking, and flattening the feather stems with a pliers. Flattening a few beverage cans with your forehead is also an option. Ill advised, but satisfying. Oh, yeah, a dab of superglue to hold things where you want them before wrapping any more thread. Use this very sparingly, so that it doesn't wick into any pretty parts of the fly. Then, as in the case of the big blue butterfly, if things don't lay down the way you want them, you can cover the butts with more feathers and/or chenille. That's why the macaw butts have peacock body feathers at the base. I meant to do that.
  20. http://tinypic.com/mvpy5z.jpg We like the half dead scud on the upper left in the photo. I disremember which fishing mag it was in a couple of years ago. It takes a couple of colors of sow/scud dubbing, some red wire for rib and optional lead-free weighting wire underneath. It's more effective than any of these other scuds I dug out of the box.
  21. Old news from this winter/early spring from Wisconsin:
  22. Very very nice rocks, guys. Once you get those photos framed, where are you going to hang them?
  23. Hawgstoppah- my first two fish on the spey rod were dead. Even a freakin' eelpout would be better than that.
  24. Good one Pyth! I've got it Brian! If it slays the steelhead, the closed mouth, not to be seen in many a rainy day Skeena steelhead, call it "The Holy Hand Grenade".
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