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Everything posted by flyangler

  1. I don't know what the official definition of a new fly is, but I think the little cartoon on a hook that I tied for the beaded fly swap is original. Yes, bunny strip minnows have been done, epoxy minnows have been done, but I've never seen any that use the method I came up with. Remember, I have a hard-headed habit of doing it the hard way. I just wish the usps was faster getting the flies to you.
  2. Congratulations.
  3. Murray, thanks for the kind words. I 'm glad you've enjoyed the reports. Near as I can figure, the where, when and how can best be sussed by hiring a guide from the Nicholas Dean Lodge. Ours was named Greg and he was excellent. Other than that, it seems that all I can tell you is how not to catch fish!
  4. The guide was teasing me about the fish always coming in with the line wrapped around them- said I must be lassoo-ing them. Those cohos spin like gators. So now my husband is calling me Queen of the Coho Rodeo.
  5. All of us had coho on the hook today.
  6. DH connected with 37" of steel on the Kispiox.
  7. That family of bears included three cubs and mom. The photo actually shows mom and two. "Peter Rabbit" as we dubbed him, was off on his own, swimming across the river. When he noticed that everybody else was heading off downriver, he swam back but got distracted by a dead fish on the bottom. A couple of bites later, after mom and the other kids had passed under the bridge we were standing on, Peter got out and crossed over the bridge. No pic of Pete, I was busy backing away slowly. The fishing has been better than the catching. And when the sun finally came out yesterday afternoon, we discovered that there were mountains all around us on the Kispiox. Amazing. More of those later, fishing now.
  8. Oops. Forgot that I already posted the mug shot. Here's a coho for the trouble.
  9. Check your pm. I sent you the email address of a fellow who might help you identify it. I sent him a fossil photo last summer and he was more than happy to help.
  10. flyangler

    Bc Steel

    But still. . . Dear husband caught that one on the Bulkley. This is three of a family of four bears on the Babine.
  11. flyangler

    Bc Steel

    A mug shot for you.
  12. I'm workin the spey casting. Mostly I can manage single and double spey with both hands. My equally new buddy caught a smallish steelhead yesterday on the Bulkley on an articulated fly. The husband caught a bigger one on a spoon with the new baitcaster he built for this trip. Me? I'm practicing my casting. Oh, and I caught two pinks on that first flash fly I tied. But they were dead at the time. Didn't fight much. Yeesh!
  13. Scarlet is one year and about 8 months. She showed up on our doorstep on the last day of the inland trout season last September and weaseled her way into our hearts and home. Who needs some black dubbing? Those "furless" babies are certainly adorable. Good work!
  14. I apologize for not signing up. If it's still a go after vacation, I'll revisit the invitation. I hate letting our side of the pond down.
  15. Renzetti Traveler. I swapped out the original screw jaws for the cam lock. I could use the rotary feature more than I do.
  16. I am learning from a friend who has all the toys. My investment has been only in time, labor and materials. I can't recommend books or tapes, although for me, I guess tapes would be more helpful. I have learned that I don't really love it, so I'm glad I didn't buy all the tools and machinery to turn and grind and shape and so on. The cork handle I made is of beautiful colors and fits my hand perfectly. That alone would cost you a bundle if somebody else did it for you.
  17. Ah, so you know Skookumchuck?
  18. So this duck walks into a convenience store and the clerk says, "Can I help you?" Duck says, "Do you have any lip balm?" Clerk answers, "Sure, right here. Will that be cash or credit?" Duck says, "Just put it on my bill."
  19. Good to see some other "foreigners". - flyangler of Minnesota, USA, who is Scotch, Irish and English on both sides of the parental lineage along with a bunch of other stuff.
  20. Thanks Doc. You think that red and copper one will do me any good 10/02?
  21. flytyer= can I just fish a jerry rigged tube by threading a stinger on mono thru a hollow length of rigid plastic, or do I really need all those adaptors they sell in fly shops? As an acupuncturist, I have access to lots and lots of such tubes. With a fly tied on the tube, I mean. I can hijack my own thread, right?
  22. Congratulations on a successful event! I'm proud to "know" you and wish I could have helped you. Keep spreading the word about stewardship, and maybe you won't need to clean up someday.
  23. I think he was writing his name in the air.
  24. For the past 6 months, my DH has been sending me Noel Gyger's (sp?) fishing reports from the Skeena area. But I've got to say, none of them, even with the grip and grins of huge fish and smiling sports, has gotten my blood pumping like your report. Well done. I'm ready to start packing now, T-minus nine days!
  25. I'm mostly with maxwell on this, but I put it this way; IF you can find a cheap pair with excellent optical quality, good fit, scratch resistance and that certain je ne sais quois, buy two pairs. Flyfishing and fly tying are things that require small acts to be done with great concentration. If you're losing your glasses, sitting on them, tossing them under your fishing buddy's foot, then you've got a problem besides glasses. You're also gonna be the guy or girl who drives off with her flyrod leaning up against the truck. Don't ask me how I know this, I just do. -flyangler, who hasn't lost a pair of sunglasses since the year she propped her rod up against her truck and drove off.
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