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Everything posted by flyangler

  1. Suuuuuuwwwwwweeeeeeetttttttt! That answers several of my questions. Thanks for the post. Looks like I pack the mittens.
  2. Nice brookies! That second one has the same problem I do, its head is so close to its tail that its belly just looks big.
  3. That is such a beautiful area, ladystrange. But as the locals say to us every year "a grizzly got a cow there just last week". Just passing it on. My usual approach to winter is to build a fire, circle the easy chair, and settle in with a cup of cocoa and a purring cat. But we have friends who can talk me into crazy things and this year, they're talking winter camping and ice fishing for lakers. I must be strong.
  4. Here's another one, closer to the old classic but in copper and red with a little guinea hen up front. Shall I make the tail shorter?
  5. The one that got away has more power than just what is in his body. He has power over our spirits. You might as well name him Moby Dick.
  6. I forget who it was who told me not to even bother dressing the hook, just tie in the flash and feathers and let 'er rip.
  7. Steelhead and salmon on the Skeena system. This is a fly type recommended by a fellow who lives in BC and fishes there.
  8. So what do you think. Purple marabou Electric blue flashabou Holographic tinsel White schlappen Orange Big Fly thread
  9. Thanks to you both! I'll return the pm when I know where my DH made reservations. That might be the easiest way to get us a message when we're in country.
  10. Toolman, it will be cool to meet you guys. We get to the area on the first of October. PM me on how we'd reach you. I have the multi tip windcutter spey line. Should I just use a few feet of maxima on each tip and tie the fly to the maxima? Then, I assume that I'd replace the maxima as needed, just like tippet. My practice session on an actual river went ok. After about an hour, I got to the point where I could deliver 10 double spey casts in a row to the intended target, but only with my left (non dominant) hand on top. That didn't make me sore, either .
  11. I was particularly amazed that the blue spots flash on and off! Remarkable creation, though it's too bad they had to die for us to see them.
  12. Ha ha ha. And I've stopped myself many a time thinking "I could take just the tail". Slippery slope my friends, slippery slope.
  13. What kind of leader would you use with my set up? Shall I tie some knotted leaders or do you think a knotless leader for each of the heads would be best for fishing
  14. http://www.bloodydecks.com/forums/baja-mex...07-oarfish.html
  15. Yeah, after I posted that photo here a while back, I thought you'd all be getting them. I'll try not to feel ignored.
  16. Beware that slippery slope between new tyers and collectors of roadkill. That stern warning given, congratulations on having found such a thoughtful wife!
  17. The Dear Husband (DH) supplied hot pink chenille.
  18. Y'all have much luck with egg sucking leeches for steelies? DH wants me to tie a bunch up for him for our trip while he finishes building a rod.
  19. Woowahweeeewahhhh!
  20. JSYK, Weedy, I've been told that regardless of the color of the thread, it all glows the same greenish yellow. Still, it may be worth a try for deeper holes and lakes, even in daylight.
  21. oo, that flash fly is cool.
  22. I'm squinting, but it looks nice!
  23. That third shot looks like promising water. Very fishy. It captures a moment I really love in fishing when you just "discover" a good spot and anticipate good fishing.
  24. Have a great time!
  25. Excellent! I can do that.
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