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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Well.. this was supposed to be a multiple choice poll.. guess I haven't figured that out yet!
  2. Just curious what everybody does for their basic oil change and why? We used to go to Wal-Mart all the time just because it was so cheap. For the last number of months/years I've found their service going down hill in a major way. In fact, I'm quite shocked when I go to the Auto department and actually have someone there to help me. Started going to Mr. Lube all the time just for the convenience factor.. can sit in your vehicle and wait with a newspaper and coffee or water included in the price. I also like that they top off all your fluids, wash your windows, and lubricate your door hinges if you want. Been doing some reading on the net and it seems that pretty much everybody has had a bad experience somewhere. Some people hate the dealership and call them the "stealership".. others wouldn't go anywhere other than the dealership. What about you guys? I'd like to do it myself.. but I don't really have a place to do it other than on the street.. and most people don't like that! Plus the whole "what is my time worth?" factor.. Anyways.. the reason I started this thread is because this last time my wife was in a hurry and went to Wal-Mart again... I went out this evening to check some things and noticed they had left the oil cap off and sitting on top of the battery. It's the first time the hood has been opened in a month and as of right now.. i'm pretty choked. I'm hoping no debris fell in the hole!!! Sad part is.. I probably can't do anything about it. They could just say, "how do we know YOU didn't take it off?"
  3. I'm trying to get tying again and last night I noticed that when I spin my Danvise, the shank is staying straight, but moves up and down slightly during the rotation. So far I haven't been able to find my "setup" CD that came with it, so i'm not sure if it's an adjustment issue, or something else?
  4. Yeah I need to get some more materials...
  5. Fortunately just in the fingers so far! KNOCK ON WOOD!
  6. I'm just trying to tie a Copper John for the first time.. the recipe calls from "Patridge barbs" to form the legs. Can someone post a picture of what partridge barbs look like, or suggest an alternative material? Thanks!
  7. Geez.. I am getting old! I look at the videos and I'm like "that's not my vise". Run downstairs and look at the box.. it's a DANvise. Sheesh! Well.. at least I can laugh at myself!
  8. Searching on the internet.. what a novel idea! Thanks weedy.
  9. Does anyone know where I put the CD that shows me how to use my Nor-vise properly?
  10. What's that sound? It's almost like an annoying mosquito.. or.. no. Must be just me.. it's gone now. Fishpro - you might want to pick up some of the "Blue Goop" from Wholesale..
  11. The guys back hand it covering one of the "identifyers", but based on the mouth not extending past the eye, I'd say it's a Salmon for sure.
  12. Wow.. the druken rafters are going to love that! Who needs water parks? haha. Oh well.. that's how she goes. Better than people dying, thats for sure!
  13. "sort of cool" ?!? That's like the 13th or 14th coolest thing I've ever seen in my life!
  14. Cool. I was just wondering about that when I drove by the other day.
  15. Oh I can see that working on the Crow for sure!
  16. Disgusting. Just the thought of it makes me queezy! True Story: a friend of my wife's family served her own breast milk in coffee to some people they had at their house one time. This family is not very well off.. had some people over for coffee one night and realized they were out of milk/cream.. just happened to be breast feeding during that time and VOILA!
  17. Click on "Fly Fish Calgary" on the top left.. right under the logo. Then click "Hatch Chart". There's a list of common flies at the bottom.. Actually.. here: http://flyfishcalgary.com/hatch_chart.php
  18. Do you feel the same way about the 9'6" - 6 weight?
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