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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Excellent! Okay.. so we have 1972 registered users on FFC. So that means 986 votes each for Noah and Lynn's granddaugher.. per day!
  2. Holy crap there's alot of pictures! Noah is in Gallery 6 - picture #303.
  3. Definitely a cool thing about living in a hockey town. So far I've been able to chat with Marty Gelinas and Dean McAmmond. Saw Kelly Hrudey in line at a Timmy's one morning.. and the wife saw Iggy coming out of the Children's Hospital one day.
  4. BTW.. Interesting call that you used to scare it away!
  5. I'm sure you're probably joking, but.. ANY dog versus a wolverine = dead dog.
  6. Hey all, Just thought I'd let you know that Noah has been entered into the contest. IF YOU WANT TO, feel free to give him a vote if you don't have your own kid or another that is close to you. You can go to www.Vibe985.com, click on the "Calgary's Cutest Kid" link (which isn't actually working right now from my computer, they're probably getting an insane amount of traffic that they weren't expecting), then there's supposed to be photo galleries and you can vote there. *edit* Looks like they have it sorted by parents last name.. so "Birch". My avatar pic is the one we entered. *Important Note* - The contest rules say that you can vote once per day from today until the end of the contest. But, once per day per IP address. Meaning.. if they get multiple votes in the same day, from the same computer, that child will be automatically disqualified. Please don't disqualify him! Thanks!
  7. Very sorry to hear that Jay! Nice video as usual though! My best friend has a husky/shepherd cross that we'll start taking fishing soon enough. He's still young and hyper, but they're training him well. Plus they got a 2nd dog, an older female golden lab.. and the husky is a completely different dog since they've gotten her! She puts him in his place when he needs it, it's pretty funny to watch actually. I bet border collies would be good fishing dogs, just for the fact that they're so intelligent. *edit* Was Sparrow a collie? Just went back and looked at some videos and she looks similar..
  8. Scott A2 and Sage FLi both on big sales right now! While supplies last of course.. hopefully I can get me some extra cash before they run out.
  9. Crazy thing.. and I can't say this for sure because I wasn't there.. but the caddis hatch on the Columbia in Castlegar during the summer (August-ish) is even thicker than that I believe. I was standing there trying to fish and was all 'wigged out' by the hundreds of caddis crawling all over me and any given time. I kept doing the 'heebee jeebee's dance'!
  10. Should've been more like 10-6 for Calgary from the parts that I was able to watch.
  11. For the experience. (I like to travel)
  12. She was trying to sleep on your lap and you spilled hot coffee on her while reading and driving? Jerk.
  13. Sent to me this morning by another member..
  14. Clive, Would not stocking for one year be enough time to really notice a difference in size? How fast do the trout in Bullshead grow on average?
  15. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...ic=6756&hl= Could you guys imagine fighting that baby for 45 minutes on a 2 weight??!! Funnnn!!!
  16. That's right too! You're from New Brunswick.. might actually need to use both arms for you! Maybe Brownstone could give ya a hand!
  17. I have to re-post this because I though it was a gooder! Unfortuately it got buried under all the posts from tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum.. For those of you who are unsure.. a 'flyweight' is 112 pounds.
  18. You're welcome.. dipsh!t. P.S. - you beat me to the punch re: the alternate sign in names.
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