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Everything posted by wongrs

  1. perhaps i should clarify. you show up at a hole. there's nothing rising. there's no bugs. there's zero activity. i'd rather catch a fish on a dry than anything else. so i start with as big a fly as acceptable for that type of water (say a size 8 stimulator). if nothing, then i go down in size to say a size 10 drake, then down to a 12 caddis/adams, 14 caddis/adams, until i reach a #20 adams or peacock caddis or whatever. once i'm down this far and the fish still refuse, then does that mean that they will not rise for anything. i guess i've already answered my question as i've already thrown every dry at them that i have. it's a lame question in hindsight.
  2. so, when i arrive at a hole my typical rule of thumb is to fish big flies first like stimmies and if i don't catch anything from a pool then i decrease in size until i'm at an 18-20 olive/black/grey parachute adams. question: if a fish is willing to rise (it may not have risen thus far) then it will always come up for a small parachute adams. if it won't come up for a #20 parachute adams, then i'm wasting my time and i should get the nymphs/streamers. true or false? i know some like to use flies in the 22-28 range. unfortunately i don't fall into this category.
  3. hi there. let me make an introduction. i've just started to use facebook and i suck at it. i need help. i've created a facebook event names "Bow Cleanup". I'd like to send it to everyone listed under the Calgary Fly Fishing group which is managed by Neeper i believe. the event is made. when i try to invite people it just lists people in my personal contacts list who are not fisher people. HOW THE HANG DO I INVITE THE CALGARY FLY FISHING GROUP?!?! thanks for putting up with my lame-o question.
  4. hey hey, that's the spirit. beyah!
  5. Thanks again for participating. Please join us on the 22nd in the FFC Bow River Cleanup event. There will be free food and prizes to compensate you for your hard work. Hope to see you out there!
  6. pornodiablosex is my superhero alter-ego. i created that one to fight the evils of non-diablosex in every corner of this board.
  7. when i have stuff start to go around the hook shank on me it is usually because i didn't wrap with enough thread underneath. the thread will have a higher friction coefficient than the surface of the hook so the hair will stay in place easier. i'd suspect that you're starting your thread halfway down the hookshank and working your way back to the hook eye where there is no thread base. then you're trying to tie in the elk/deer hair on a bare hook surface. combine that with brent's pinch technique and you should be golden. than again i've only been tying for a couple years so it could be a million other things as well. if these suggestions don't work out then post your problem again until it gets fixed!
  8. Thanks for participating! It is clear to me that there are fellow conservationists that also pick up trash and that I shouldn't feel hopeless out there as I feel like I might be the loner.
  9. we should also note that throat samples can vary between fish depending on where they usually lie. a fish down south from policeman's down would have more hoppers in it's diet with the grassy adjacent fields compared with say a fish that lives in the NW by the 10th street and princes island park as it's all riprap along there with residential housing. it would be important to know the habitat of the fish when analyzing throat samples and diet. even grassy areas in the NW are devoid of hoppers as some get too much moisture.
  10. chuck who?
  11. i'd also add that hoppers would tend to fall into the river more in september october wouldn't they? as they start to die off they lose the energy to navigate themselves properly above water as MTB suggested earlier. Toolman, perhaps you can convince your throat-pumping entomologist friend to try the same experiment again in say late-september or early-october. and i like the idea of fishing a stone-hopper combo. i myself have caught about 100x more fish on stimulators over hoppers but i likely fish stimmies 50x as often.
  12. great pics!
  13. booya grandma.....booya! (old nintendo crash bandakoot commercial for those that aren't aware)
  14. This is my first poll so hope it works out. Just curious what percentage of people pick up trash when they head out fishing say in the past 6 months. I didn't myself until recently when I started noticing more and more trash showing up. Thanks for participating!
  15. If this is your raft, feel free to come by my place to pick it up and get your free kick in the pants. Found on a beautiful stretch of the oldman yesterday. the raft comes 'as is'.
  16. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=1383 i lost one a while ago (3 weeks) but it was downstream of the confluence. i'm sure that one is long gone.
  17. nice work trailhead. good looking fish and awesome that you got 2 back to back.
  18. got a response back from Forestry Division of ASRD. -monitoring of fire indices and precipitation (20 mm over last week in spots) lowered the hazard enough to allow reopening the closure. -all campgrounds and parks are now open in the area where the closure has been lifted. enforcement officers will be patrolling fire ban area. officers noted a high level of compliance over the august long weekend over the Kananaskis and Waiporous areas and don't expect too much trouble this weekend.
  19. just wrote an email to albertafirebans.ca to ask for the justification to lifting the closure. just look under the 'contact us' link if you want to follow. i'll post if i get a response. i also inquired as to whether random camping was in full effect while the campgrounds remained closed. hurray for resource management!
  20. Here is the thread: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=1208 and here is the document: http://www.fmf.ca/FW/FW_Fm2.pdf RL&L Environmental Services, 1996. "AN INFORMATION REVIEW OF FOUR NATIVE SPORTFISH SPECIES IN WEST-CENTRAL ALBERTA". It covers Spawning and Egg Development, Rearing, Adult Feeding and Holding, Overwintering for Rainbows, Bulls, Whitefish and Grayling. Also a section on land-use effects on aquatic environments for those keen readers out there. You can thank Harps for that paper.
  21. harps posted a document on bull trout with information similar to what you are asking. search the 'ask the pros' section on avoiding bull trout redds. some useful info in there.
  22. the colours in the 3rd pic are incredible. thanks for the pics.
  23. just a hat for me. i don't know my head size though so if they're fitted caps then i'll figure that out before the order.
  24. would stickers not just turn into trash and likely wash into the bow eventually? especially if people are sticking them on things like tree trunks by the river. that would suck. or are we talking about bumper/windshield and storefront stickers?
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