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Everything posted by wongrs

  1. sweet pics max and congrats on those monster bulls!
  2. lone fisher 25 rock 22.5
  3. thanks Harps. good to have a visual to reference. i find those redds are harder to see than ones posted earlier so i'm going to have to pay closer attention when i'm out on the river. thanks again.
  4. we paid 10 lbs for the new radiohead off their website. we think their venture is something worth supporting. for those that haven't heard, radiohead released their latest album for free download. if you like it, you can give money to them directly. that way they get all the money and remove the record production industry (RIAA) from taking the lion's share of the money you would otherwise pay for a CD from a store. i think that venture is worth supporting. kind of like pearl jam's initiative with ticketmaster in the 90s.
  5. dang, you guys were generous. that cuttie was just shy of 19". deceiving pic though.
  6. Here's a cuttie from last year:
  7. i'd want to see a clinic on how to catch fish out of wedge pond. been there like 4-5 times without a dang fish landed.
  8. i'm removing my post. i thought the reply would be amusing but it might encourage others to post on the topic so it's gonzo.
  9. you could also keep those old tippet spools. works great for hopper/dropper, dry/dry, worm/nymph rigs. the cardboard would be optimal as you could embed the hook into the cardboard. the only problem i see with the cardboard is that it would get wet and wear down and fold over time (is this your experience?).
  10. Funny... http://youtube.com/watch?v=oxTyuFBPJsk
  11. Just found out about this. I've got company coming over tonight so i'm not going but thought that others might be interested in attending. It's being held in Kensington. http://www.savekananaskis.ca/
  12. 15.5
  13. not just alberta oil and gas royalties: http://uk.reuters.com/article/oilRpt/idUKN0154772920071101 also noted in the article is the raise in royalties for the gulf of mexico on page 2.
  14. why doesn't anybody else interested just post the next material/step? palemorningdunce/LK/brent/MTB/hawgstoppah?
  15. i'm honored that i'm the first to tell you how awesome that was: that was freakin' awesome! that montage totally rocked. thanks for the time and effort on this video.
  16. filled in the survey. thanks for posting. i think it's important to learn and participate in what's going on up there. i've learned that one of the international oil majors was planning to entirely put a stream into a concrete pipe for the life of a project, dig up the oil sands underneath in true open pit fashion, and then 'remediate' it afterwards. i hope they'll reconsider that option but what can anybody do when society values oil at $90/bbl and nature is worth $0/bbl. it's important to participate regardless of whether you value nature over oil or vice versa.
  17. sorry, i blew it. I pass the torch to dryfly. PM sent.
  18. Thanks Writer! Hook: Mustad 94840 #14 Thread: Light Olive
  19. good topic castus! instead of complaining about various things we can talk about where we'd like money invested. i'd vote for investing in education and investing in industries for the post-oil era which will eventually come. once all the oil is gone, it would be nice if people still lived here instead of migrating to the next big boom. hopefully Alberta won't be a province littered with ghost towns from the north to the south.
  20. uh oh. somebody said GW. batten down the hatches! just kidding. nice fish and pics biffchan. welcome to the board. you can give me advice any time!
  21. guess we'll see the results tomorrow. no offense intended troutslayer. i just don't like people saying that 'thousands and thousands' of jobs will be lost without any data or analysis backing it up. it's heresay in my opinion until i see some calculations, data and facts. i got the impression that special Ed hinted the royalty structure would be modified. hopefully it doesn't affect your (or anybody else's) job security. and hopefully your employer will still have their EnCana contracts and the economy will keep rolling along. i'm sure that's the royalty review panel is hoping for as well.
  22. betcha he had a blood alcohol above 0.00 when he did all that jazz! sorry i don't really know the guy. just think it's funny for the leader of the province to act the way he does. and by funny, i mean really depressing. sorry, no more politics-talk.
  23. how about backing up the figure of "tens of thousands will lose their jobs". how was that number calculated? or the actual development costs of finding oil/gas reserves amortized over lifetime bbls of a project. i'd like to see those numbers as well.
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