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Everything posted by wongrs

  1. Gordon, we'd be happy to take you out for a pint and a fish. Just let us know when you're coming back through town! Thanks again for taking the time for the cleanup and giving us that spey demo. It is much appreciated.
  2. Yes, please take the time to thank our sponsors next time you are in their stores. They include: Fish Tales - BBQ sponsor putting up $220 Country Pleasures - donating 6 Orvis duffle bags Glenbow - donating a royal coachman shadow box, fishing cap and stocked bow river flybox Icky Fly Works - donating 8 dozen flies and flybox Bow River Troutfitters - donating a 2 person beginner fly fish tutorial Fishin Hole - donating fly tie kit Hansons Outfitters - donating $50 gift certificate Gordon (SpeyGhillie) - spending 30 minutes demonstrating spey casting Toolman - spending 30 minutes demonstrating high stick nymphing techniques Next time you are in their stores, or speaking with Toolman/Gordon, please congratulate them for spending the time and money to support this event. The sponsors will also be thanked formally in our final cleanup report.
  3. Thanks for the offers! Actually, this page will be for the FFC site. I've asked admins for this and they seem keen on it. It might be a standing section on the main FFC site for 'Events' or some such thing. It would have events such as this catalogued. Hopefully if this turns to an annual event, then people can scroll through years past and relive the times. I'll PM you kungfool with the details!
  4. oh come on. he totally looks like suzuki until he spins around at the end! why won't anybody reply to my post!!! ghad!
  5. This job should only take 30 minutes or so. We just need to slap the FFC logo on the top, place some pictures about the page willy-nilly with some text and place the sponsors logos at the bottom. To make it easy, I can write the text and supply pictures and logos. You just have to lay it out on the page. It will look similar to this but with more pictures and less text: http://www.tucanada.org/NP_Palgrave.shtml Any takers? Should only take 30-60 minutes max. PM me if interested. Otherwise it'll take me a few hours to get re-acquainted with Frontpage/Dreamweaver. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Hey hey, thanks! I feel like a new man! Thanks Hoss!
  7. welcome aboard gents. i just wanted to share my avatar!
  8. It also appears as though nobody knows who my avatar, David Brent is. He's from the original tv series 'The Office' on the BBC. Check it: http://youtube.com/results?search_query=da...p;search=Search
  9. Lawrence checking out his new bag! Yeah...Daddy Won! Daddy Won! Big thanks to Gordon for the demo! Brownstone (aka Gregg, aka "2-Gs"), what the hang are you doing here? Toolman doing his thang.
  10. Hi All, Thanks everyone for coming out. Hope all had a good time. The weather was great and it was awesome meeting many of the people I've been interacting with over the past few years. A few requests: Anyone that has taken pics during the day, please forward them to richard.samuel.wong@gmail.com. If you have too many, I can send you a link to an ftp site where you can upload all at once. PM me if necessary. Need someone with webpage development skills. We would like to put up a formal page to summarize the day and thank sponsors. Anybody interested? It would be much appreciated and would likely only take half an hour or so. Here's a smattering of pictures from the bbq that I've taken: Lawrence (LK) and Chris (Wetduck) talking about the finer points of eating burgers efficiently. LoneFisher working da 'cue Glen showing off the spatula:
  11. nice pics. getting called 'hoss' is a term of endearment. it's a huge compliment. i'm still awaiting my first 'hoss'......sniff.
  12. check it! and yes, i am checking out fly fishing/casting videos when i should be working.
  13. check it! i remember somebody posted that casting video from a couple months back and we were discussing whether there was practical application of it. looks like this guy's got it down.
  14. thought I'd post these links as nobody has already: http://www.cbc.ca/eyeopener/ (click on 'Socialist Alberta' and 'Royalty Reaction') http://www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/2007/200709/20070921.html i haven't read these posts just yet but will get around to it eventually...
  15. doesn't sound like there's much trash there. you should just take me in that case!
  16. We don't have all that much control over government spending. We can only have a legitimate say during voting periods. One way we can all make a difference is to...... Come down to the bow river cleanup this saturday! Free food, lots of prizes, and wicked awesome fisher people to hang with! I'm sure dryfly and weedy would come on down if they were in town! Wouldn't ya? Wouldn't ya? For those interested, after Toolman's high stick demo we can have a discussion on the finer points of climate change. Seriously, come on down and make a real tangible difference on the water you fish. Prove that you care. hijack, complete.
  17. dang! you should take me out there to assess the garbage problem and potentially organize a cleanup!
  18. Really sorry about the late notice on this! The comment period ends September 21. A proposal before Alberta Environment would give the largest water license holder in all of southern Alberta the role of water broker. The Eastern Irrigation District located in southern Alberta has asked Alberta Environment for an amendment to its water allocation originally granted in 1903. If the irrigation district gets this amendment, it could negatively affect river flows in the lower Bow than they already do. If anyone fishes on this lower Bow stretch, they should file a statement of concern with respect to this matter. But for the hundreds of others that fish the blue-ribbon stretch, there are still ramifications. If this amendment is granted, it will pave the way for other amendments. Once the water is on the open market, it will be very difficult to ensure water flows remain as they are today. The system in place, while not perfect, at least allows the public to engage when there are proposed transfers of water. If a proposed transfer threatens the blue ribbon stretch, at least they would have the opportunity to comment, intervene, and affect the final outcome. Here, I think it would be more difficult. If you can help spread the word about this, that would be great. The comment period is Sept. 21. Trout Unlimited Canada has also issued a call encouraging anglers to comment on this amendment. This has impacts on the Western Irrigation District as well which affects water flows from the WHD weir down. For more info, please view these links: http://www.bowriverkeeper.org/node/176 http://www3.gov.ab.ca/env/water/Regions/Bo...files/5341.html
  19. yeah, those are awesome pics.
  20. take a look at this link to get a better idea of net versus hands. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=576 both are probably ok. in terms of catch and release practices, following hands and/or net advice you receive on this board is the same difference as arguing why you should go to the gas station across the street that has .2 cheaper gas. it's practically the same thing compared to others that use gaffs, lift fish by the gills, squeeze the hell out of them, toss them on the rocks and step on em, tire them out so they can't move, chuck em back in the water with a sky arc and don't cradle them in the stream and allow them to recover. take a step back and look at the gambit of catch and release practices. net versus hands on this board is virtually negligible. it comes down to keeping the fish in the water and letting it recover for long enough. if you're having a hard time keeping the fish under control and it's thrashing around on the rocks, then it's time to get a bigger net. there's a trade-off between a bigger net and the PITA to carry that bigger net around.
  21. if you want to fish the forestry reserve there's lots of oldman creeks and tribs up in there with fish. i can give you access points if you're interested. they would all be about 45-60 minute (i believe) drive west from the hwy 22 - maycroft rd junction. might be busy in there though on the weekends.
  22. and.... participating in the bow river cleanup!! right? on another note, i had also figured that the fish would be on the move but early afternoon i had a couple 18" cutts hit #18 adams in shallow quick runs about 18-24" deep. i figured they'd be moving to the pools but where i was they were still in the deeper runs.
  23. i'd suggest looking into exchange programs, co-ops or workterms in other countries (as rusty has suggested). get 2 birds with one stone. i totally would've done this if i had the guts to at the time. hindsight kicks me in the ass so hard sometimes.
  24. i really look forward to continuing this discussion....... AT THE BOW RIVER CLEANUP EVENT NEXT SATURDAY THE 22ND!! tell your friends. free food!
  25. hey Jayvee, head out to the bow river cleanup event next weekend. you'll learn how to catch monster fish nymphing using toolman's techniques and find fishing partners to show you how to winter fish! did i mention the free food? and the prizes? bring your friends! go cleanup! hurray for exclamation marks!
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