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Everything posted by dube

  1. Really they could market this. Eat here and join the "movement". They could beef up the bags and throw in a twist tie to seal the deal, a few extra soft 3 ply "napkins". The movement meal. Get it now while it lasts, they're moving fast.
  2. That's funny. Paperwork is a good one.
  3. You're obviously not old enough then bhurt, because one day you will look forward to that....every day or else.
  4. Well, as has already been stated, I prefer the breakfasts and it's my go to secret weapon when I'm feeling a little backed up. Guaranteed to work within the hour, have been known to make emergency dashes into the bushes whilst hightailing to my fave river at 120km/hr. You really gotta time it and don't be caught without shat tickets. Otherwise every Mc Dee's is the worst, I mean it tastes good but it's clear there are consequences.
  5. Off track.....I only like fighting butts on my women.
  6. dude your soundtracks are killer. Unique and varied, I personally think it would be a shame to hear any "radio songs". my .02$
  7. I don't get the latest craze of right hand drive vehicles, I'm not sure why but whenever I see one I get super annoyed.
  8. Too funny. Generally I only get wet when I am being lazy, and have tested the "depth" a few too many times. When the water is really clear it can be deceiving. Those are some nice bulls by the way!
  9. I use the fishpond wasatch. It's an expedition grade set up and is fairly bulky but very comfortable. I'd like to wear less as I do get hot and love the feel of fishing wearing only a shirt but I always fish alone and tend to find myself miles away from my truck so I pack a moderate amount of survival gear when ever I go- rain jacket, small first aid kit, t.p, energy bars, water (vest is hydration system compatible which is a sweet feature), flare pen with flares, survival blanket. Add all my necessary fishing equipment and I'm packing a fair amount of stuff. It's a good mix of vest and backpack. It has some neat features like the H2O compatibility, elastic rod holder along side, some water tight zip pockets and is adjustable for fit. On the down side it was a bit pricey, but I figure it was worth it. It's sport specific, I'd be tempted to try a neck lanyard and regular backpack but then you are always digging for your flies and nowhere to hang the wet ones. I'll likely never use the extra gear I pack, but it gives me peace of mind to know I could make it a night or 2 in an emergency.
  10. As the legend has it, he's been fishin' the bow since he was a fingerling himself.
  11. Dude the spelling police stopped coming hear a long time ago:)
  12. Anyone own or looked into those emergency locate beacons,it works on a gps signal. I always fish alone and think it would be something good to have...if it actually worked.
  13. Really cool! Like the fable goes, i think they are curious creatures and not overly shy. Good job.
  14. It's tough call because technically if you ski out of bounds you are doing so at your own risk. On the other hand I would hope that S&R would investigate after the first SOS sighting regardless of all the other "checks". Of course they don't want to waste resources but why else would there be any sort of distress signal out of bounds. I don't know anybody who would play a prank like that for no reason. After seeing it twice there should have been no question and initiated a search pronto. It's a sad story but even more sad is that people don't get it. It happens all the time, someone looks over a ridge and it looks real juicy so they decide to just pop over and have a little taste and next thing you know you have an 8 hour hike out. It's nearly impossible to move around in that snow with out skis or snowshoes so you are pretty much hooped. Also, it's one thing to explore at a hill you know well but to do so at an unknown resort is foolish. Someone got lost and spent the night at Revy last year ON OPENING DAY!!!!!!! People are just dying to get fresh tracks and don't pay attention. These are not environments to be taken lightly. A little 10 minute dip can get you in deep trouble. I feel bad for the guy because his wife perished, which must have been so painful for him, but at the same time use your head folks.
  15. Consider Fender guitars. American made and a source of pride for many guitar players internationally. They have factories in a few other countries but you can't compare the sound of an American to the cheaper outsourced versions. Automobiles.....whole different story.
  16. first pick, Sunshine Coast B.C second, Nelson B.C Really it's only a matter of time.
  17. SWJ, I think you need to throw up the photo so all the new folks can witness it for themselves.
  18. Super as usual, I especially like how sparrow stole the spotlight on this one. The little dig she did to sit down was a nice move. I'm sure Taco would appreciate the snap at the water rat as well. Who needs a good weekly fishing show when we've got this. Thanks humble, hot cup of coffee and new fishing vid is the perfect way to start a sat. morning.
  19. The sad thing is; sexual predators come in all shapes and sizes starting with the skeezy van drivin' pervs all the way up to and including priests. Some of them are put into positions of trust and are assumed to be "safe", and I think that's why it seems certain stereotypes arise. Everyone knows not to take candy from a dude in a van, but how about an uncle or a teacher or a priest. It's far easier to coerce someone into doing something when you are looked up to. Guys need to straighten up when it comes to this kind of stuff. I don't know the particulars on this story but I have had relations with 16 year old girls, when I was 16 also, but point is these girls are not always innocent. The girls I went to school with were far from it in a lot of cases and it was not uncommon for young girls to be dating much older guys. This is where the *hit hits the fan because if buddy is even only 19 he's still involved with a minor, far cry from a 30 something professional who should know better, but you could see the allure to a young girl trying to be a grown up. I would also wager that in a lot of cases the men have no idea exactly how old the girl might(not) be. These days it can be hard to tell. Of course these are all weak excuses and fact is 16 years old is a kid no matter how you slice it and you don't have to look too hard to tell how young a girl might actually be, so any jerk trying to punch the consent card should have his ass fed to him at any rate. However, I would imagine that what ever transpired between him and this girl at the time he did not see this coming for a second. One minute you're partying, doing lines with some young girls next minute the cops are at your door. Ultimately it's the men that have to be accountable, although there have been some cases involving women as well, and it's pretty black and white based on legality. Good thing I like the older ones. .
  20. I think kicking horse sucks with or without snow. The fall line is all buggered up, the runs are short and then there is the retarded ice skid down to the gondola and all the way back up. They need another lift or two in my opinion. They do get some good dumps but it only takes one morning before it gets all tracked out. If you got the time I would hit the other side of the pass and check out Revy. It was awesome last year for it's inaugural season and they added a lift and extended the gondola for this season. Incredible terrain and an astounding vertical, a top to bottom run is not for the faint of thighs. Good luck either way.
  21. Did you get to any fishing? The weather is outstanding. Happy B-day.
  22. dube

    Homemade Leaders

    Do you guys find that built up leaders lay out straighter than the factory tapers? I would assume since they are made up of several lengths they would be less susceptible to memory loops. I may have to give it a try.
  23. GSP vs. Anderson Silva would be an incredible fight. They have a similar style in many aspects and either are more than capable of delivering decisive blows but I think Silva and his slippery jujitsu would triumph in that match. Silva is so much faster and has more reach but on the other hand I think St. Pierre has a better jaw. It would be a good bout for sure.
  24. I'll tell yo' whuut.
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