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Everything posted by dube
Fly Fishing Sacred Waters Hd
dube replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Great vid as usual. I've been digging the soundtracks as well. Cheers. -
A Great Day To Fly A Kite
dube replied to reevesr1's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
Kiteboarding is an awesome way to make use of the wind. Launching snow drifts and bagging super powder turns being pulled (dragged) behind a giant kite at anywhere from 15-50km/hr. on any lake (or field if there is enough snow.) I've never used it on the water in the summer as I have other activities I like to pursue during our frost free days but bought it specifically to blow off steam when the weather is too shitty to do anything else. And by blowing off steam I mean crapping my pants every time I go. -
You should give my mom a call Lynn....although she may have a mental block of "those" years by now. All I can say is it comes around. My mom most likely fantasized about just killing me and being done with it but we are super close now. I have a lot of guilt about the things I put them through and lets just say they take full advantage of having a carpenter for a son. Decks and fences and hardwood and finishing and reno's and gates and sheds and on and on and on. Looking at it now it's the least I could do and honestly I love my folks. I know they did the best they could and that is all any kid for ask for. Give it a couple of years and all your hard work should start to pay off. On the other hand due to all the superstitions there is no way in hell I'm having any kids.
I had the tool shown by tungsten and lost it somewhere but I did get a laugh when I bought it. In the instructions is has the bit about giving it a sharp pull complete with corresponding illustration and it shows the line being pulled sharply with a little "snap" indicated as the line comes off the tool. Clearly it's all in the wrist. As for my self I find I get a better knot if I forget the sharp tug and gently ease the knot off the tool and carefully arrange the wraps with my fingers as I'm pulling it tight.
Really, in a pinch you could use the butt end of the tip section of your rod.
I have a small tool that more or less looks like a small set of nail clippers. The clippers are the main body and there is a "v" notch that swivels out as well as small file, works the same as Tungsten describes. Small, cheap tool and due to the clippers gets used constantly. I got it at wholesale but can't remember what it's called.
Well at least the fly box dilemma hasn't ruined your sense of humor. GOLD!
I figure life is pretty good when the only thing you have to complain about is that the dozens of flies in your box are hard to get out. No offense Don but maybe it's like the Aspirin bottle with the giant cap or the phone with the huge numbers for the "experienced folks" out there. Need to outfit you with the pizza box sized fly box, has room for 10 #6 hooks.....real easy to see and grab. Fits nicely into the basket of a walker . Sorry couldn't resist, now I'm going to get Alzheimers and arthritis before the ripe ol' age of 40.
Smart Boy, Or Stupid Dad?
dube replied to darrinhurst's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
You really showed me. Suddenly I feel like such a loser. -
New Video From The Humblefisherman
dube replied to humblefisherman's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
That's one good looking pup. Looks smart as a whip Enjoy all that is raising a new hound. -
Smart Boy, Or Stupid Dad?
dube replied to darrinhurst's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
You know what, it's not easy to grow but like anything else it's a matter of putting in some effort. The real tragedy is the fact that because it's illegal the average smoker will not risk trying to grow it in fear of being caught. No one wants to buy from a dealer and pay too much money and have to associate with sketchy people but compared to the risk of cultivation over possession it is a no brainer for most people. If it were decriminalized savvy folks could produce their own and the number of large scale outfits would decrease. The first people that would drop out would be the lazy assholes who would have a kid living above a 500 plant grow. He's not going to able to make the money and will have to find some other scam. In my opinion it's the laws that are doing all the harm. It's great that the local police force can feel proud that they kept some dope off the street but they have done nothing to actually combat "the war on drugs". They've simply driven up demand until someone else can produce what they seized and ruined a family which none of us have been given any info about whatsoever. Why the hell didn't the mom know the father of her child was growing pot where the kid was living, seems odd to me, so I doubt the kid is any better off now. The visions of these grow op's where the house is all moldy with hazardous electrical work everywhere is not always the case. There is nothing in this particular article to suggest that the child was facing any health risks or in any danger other than being yanked by social services because of some law. This is high tech stuff and it's big business because of prohibition, plain and simple. Think if they were to ban alcohol (which considering the number of booze related deaths and crimes might not be a bad idea) people would still produce it and it would sure cost you if you wanted any. And people would want it, and the cops could bust down the doors on underground pubs and weddings and birthdays all over the land to rid the world of all the drinkers. Pot prohibition is getting us nowhere, it's a strain on resources to begin with (police,courts,jails) and it is allowing scumbags to have the opportunity to make huge amounts of money because of it. Huge pot producers don't want decriminalization, the risk is how they make the money. Some of the best pot in the world is being produced right under our noses. Look at the statistics in B.C. regarding grow op's, it more or less translates to one house on every block. Calgary and Edmonton are not all that far behind. This stuff isn't being transported by airplane or ships by Colombian drug lords, it's growing in our neighbors basements. It may be leaving by airplanes and ships headed to our comrades to the south but that is a whole other story. Legalize, regulate, tax. All the lazy stoners would still rather head to a smoking bar or a store to get their sack than put in the effort to grow it themselves so the gov. could have it's cut and for everyone else they could have it in with the tomatoes or in a closet with out fear of having their home and family taken away. News headline "City police have stated that marijauna cultivation is a growing concern" -no *hit people. To be clear I do really feel for this kid and I certainly don't condone having kids living amongst commercial operations but I really think we need to take a different approach. -
Smart Boy, Or Stupid Dad?
dube replied to darrinhurst's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
Well there is certainly one way to make 80k a year to smoke weed all day.....but as buddy in this story found out; if you're an idiot it can be a rather short career. High rate of on the job burn out. -
Smart Boy, Or Stupid Dad?
dube replied to darrinhurst's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
I'm sure the childs life will be much better now. -
Bones For Dogs-warning!
dube replied to fishinhogdaddy's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
Grapes, onions, chocolate..... like with humans lots of things are supposed to be bad for dogs. But as with humans everything in moderation. I never gave my dog chocolate as a rule but one day she was starting to drown in a pool of drool when I decided to give her one square of cadbury's, really slowly to make sure she got a really good smell. Of course as soon as I let go it was gone but she seriously looked like she died and went to heaven. Maybe wasn't safe but she's 90lbs. so I figured she could take it. We fed her frozen grapes for the longest time as a treat in the summer and then the ex learned of this grape business and they were suddenly forbidden. This dog is crazy for vegetables which is so bizarre, didn't like table peppers or lettuce, but would literally beg for any other fruit or veggie. Bones are tricky for sure, the only real bones she ever got were raw leg bones from butchers or markets although I'm sure she had a football size lump of rawhide and pigs ears sitting in her gut. She loved to chew so chew she did. The one thing I found that ever really made her sick was pot. She ate a big roach I accidentally left lying on the coffee table one night and we were awoken to her, what I could only describe as "tripping out ". Super dry mouth, lot's of panting and basically looking dizzy. It took me a while to figure out what was going on until it suddenly donned on me. It was the middle of the night so I just sat with her while the ex yelled from bed every 15 minutes "IS SHE O.K ?". I felt like *hit obviously and it was pretty scary, after about 2 hours she laid down and passed out. I never left anything laying around again but I have let her sniff it from time to time as she will almost instinctively eat anything you pass her but she will instantly turn her head. Kinda funny in the end, lesson learned. Sadly she went with her mom after the breakup and while at the time it seemed easy enough to see her whenever I wanted I quickly got tired of seeing her mom so I've essentially lost my dog, it sucks and I miss her. In my opinion dogs are mostly about good memories, sounds morbid I know but I've had enough dogs to know that in the end they are nothing but a heartbreak. I would never trade the times I spent with a dog but I will think long and hard before getting another one......the girl- totally over her. HA! Glad to hear yours is o.k FHD. -
I wonder if there is a special harness in those suits to contain their massive balls.
I think having kids makes b-days fun again although maybe not your own.......happy birthday, hope it's a gooder.
I remember my Grandma making these spam salad sandwiches: chopped dill pickles, miracle whip and mashed spam. I loved them, she made the most excellent buns and she would toast them and smother it with the spam mmmmmmmmmmm. I'm not sure I've eaten any spam since then and I'm positive I'd have to be bloody starving to death before I'd eat any now. My tastes have become somewhat more refined and prefer my food to be fresh, get it while you can- one day all our food may come in a can.
Norman, I believe the creek was called Clack Creek. It ran through the municipality of Roberts Creek, I saw guys pulling nice ones out of the salt and decided to have a crack upstream. I would guess this particular fish had not done the trip yet but the colors were brilliant nonetheless. It was actually quite funny because I was determined to catch some trout but everyone I talked to looked at me like I was retarded seeing as how it was full on coho season and some even went as far as saying there was nowhere to catch them. I tried my luck with the salmon as well but it had not rained in a week or so and anything in the rivers were pretty ratty and worse for wear and besides snagging them there was virtually no way to get them to bite. I was really quite pleased with myself for finding the cutty in the end.
Portable Gas Powered Water Pumps
dube replied to a topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
You will pay for it but when it comes to small engines I would never buy anything other than a Honda. Change oil when it gets dirty, new filter and plug every year and it will never let you down. Yes this is my shameless promotion for Honda, I have a compressor, generator and lawn mower all with Honda motors in varying HP and cannot say enough good things about them. On the other hand if you are only planning to use it a few times it may not be worth the extra cash or you could try to pick one up used which would cut the cost and would be excellent for what you need it for. my 2 cents -
I love how Grylls crawls into some carcass or another in almost every episode to stay warm over night. The camel in the desert was awesome, I swear they spend days looking for dead *hit just so he can gut the bloated belly, say how bad it smells and the proceed to crawl in. Mind you I did see one where he was in some Scottish bog and he "found" a dead sheep and he made a few cuts around it's ***hole and then peeled the hide off like pulling off a sock, he cut it again around the neck and was left with a woolly sleeping bag. I could see that being useful. I think the guy is a turd, Les Stroud of survivorman is awesome though. Personally I would not eat anything raw in the wild unless it was a matter of life and death. Fish are great as worm hosts, worms are sick. I have a friend who got a tapeworm from questionable sushi (she thinks) either that or some undercooked salmon, I don't need to describe how she found out she had it but lets just say it would make the toughest stomach turn. It was a salmon tape worm, can reach 10m in length and live for up to 15 years, as an ironic twist she was sad to find out they don't make you skinny only rob you of vitamins. Whats even worse is when you kill them you usually still have to pass it so you could have to expel a massive wad of worm in the end....literally. I'm pretty proficient at starting fires so I think I'll stick to cooking my food.