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Everything posted by dube

  1. For a guy like this nearly 30 years in a cell has done nothing but allow him the time to become even more dangerous. I think it's very irresponsible to set these kind of offenders loose. Sad thing is if it happens again you can bet he'll off himself before he goes back to jail. I figure they should have beat him to it 28 years a ago.
  2. I like the tazer radar idea....it could cut down on talking on cells while driving too. This is getting like the bear debate. Is the crack head bluffing? Is this predatory or defensive? *hit too late. Good thing they usually are in pairs. I'm not the biggest fan of cops.....rather I just try to avoid dealing with them altogether. Having said that I have a few mutual friends who are cops and love hearing the stories. These guys are doing a pretty tough job generally working around people who have no respect for them whatsoever, but when they are forced to take matters more seriously they have serious explaining to do. I don't think any cop is going to impulsively pull the trigger on any weapon, I feel pretty confident that if lethal force is used it was necessary. I concur, if a cop gives you an order best you comply son.
  3. taze em, shoot em, run em down with cruiser. People need to know they can't just screw around. The guys that die are usually on some sort of narcotic and on the verge of a coronary already. On the other hand a slug in the thigh says business too.
  4. Oh and I also picked up on the little Edmonton dig too. Ouch! That really hurt my feelings. If you want my definition of retarded it's people who can't come up with a better dig than to compare living in one shitty city to another.
  5. go up to anyone who has a mentally "retarded" person in their family and say "hey I didn't know your________ was retarded" and see where that gets you. Clinical terms and poor slang are not really the same thing. Calling someone who is mentally challenged retarded these days is like calling a black person colored. The 1950's called and wants their shitty slang back.
  6. Not really defending anything aside from mentally challenged folks having the right to not being called retards.
  7. If you're going to be like that I'm pretty sure it's not too PC to call them retarded is it now; cmon dude.
  8. Totally drives a sunfire. Not his though, his girlfriends and he always has to "go" to pick her up.
  9. I have a new Toyota and in the manual it only states a min octane (87 I think - regular). My mechanic there said use regular and toss the odd tank of premium from time to time. I'll only fill with premium if I know I'm going to burn it all in one trip, I don't notice any difference in mileage and maybe a slight increase in power. For what it's worth I try to use only petro or esso fuel and I'll run out and walk before I'll use husky or mohawk. I've heard bad things about ethanol.
  10. Are you taking left over chili for lunch? I don't get it.
  11. Fine, maybe my opinions are a tad harsh for a lovely Saturday morning but heres what I'm getting at: There are nearly 7 billion ( 7 000 000 000 000) of us 2 legged upright bastards roaming this planet shitting wherever we feel like it, because we have the brains to do so; consciously. Other species are facing extinction on a daily basis as a direct result of our relentless growth. Someone here must know the estimated grizz population in north america. To me an eye for an eye hardly seems fair. I feel for anyone who loses a loved one for any reason but thats the point, this particular man could have died driving to where he was mauled to death. Again you can't really have a wild animal loose in urban areas attacking people but I think it's a joke how the clear solution doesn't extend to us as if we matter more in the great scheme of things. My apologies for the derail.
  12. O.k I got it....... Take head chopper, truck him out to the foothills and put him in a no rules cage match with murderin' grizz and let it go til one or the other is dead. You could have it tournament style and just keep replacing the contestants.
  13. Why don't they just put them in a zoo for 5 to 10 and then let 'em out and see if they are better? Of course I'm being facetious but it seems to me there is a bit of a double standard. I just don't understand the mentality sometimes. Less red tape to execute an animal I suppose. I'm not sticking up for the bear, it's an obvious solution to a serious problem, so why then.......
  14. How is it a leap? The bear displayed aggressive behavior and they killed it to prevent her from doing it again. Based on the fact that she was found in a populated area and chances were good it could happen again, like you said if the CO's never took care of her and she mauled someone else heads would roll. Do you think that violent humans are are more susceptible to rehabilitation?
  15. Woman are always better at dirty work. I thought it went without saying. It's my go to any time there is some hell to be raised.
  16. My biggest problem with this whole scenario is that wild animals are given capital punishment for overly aggressive behavior towards humans but humans who exhibit far more disturbing and violent behavior on each other for seemingly no reason whatsoever are examined and detained for psychiatric treatment. Who's a bigger risk to society on the whole: a sow grizzly feeling bitchy during the fall or some psycho who randomly cuts of the head off a fellow bus passenger ? AND then we have to pay for the sucker to sit in a cell for the rest of his pitiful life. SAD. Sometimes I wonder what gives us the right. Just watch the news for 2 seconds- we're a bunch of friggen animals shooting stabbing abusing day after day. If only it were as easy as tracking offenders down and euthanizing them. my .02$
  17. some people have way to much time on their hands. That is one of the grossest things I've ever seen. I'd rather have a vomit cake-it could come in an ice cream pail:)
  18. Well said LE. I would say thats the kind of attitude that is needed to survive on internet forums.
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