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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Awesome. I wish my pics of my trip where of this quality. Great shots and memories gents!
  2. Sweet Lord.... those are some wicked browns.
  3. I won't go saying I hld the longest streak ever, boys, but I had one running 7+ years when you get close then we can talk ::ice fish::
  4. I crossed off a bucket load this year : first large BC steel : 2008 - check king salmon : 2008 - check coho salmon : 2008 - check palmer ranch : 2008 - check pink (they call 'em reds in alaska) on a fly rod : 2008 - check I guess still on my wish list is: Tarpon - anywhere Yakoun River, BC - March / April some year. Fraser River sturgeon / chum combo trip. Finally meet that old boy - clive - on the crow someday.
  5. Fas Gas has coke n' coffee... lol... trust me I know... I am a Pepsi addict :)
  6. Taco. There's no booze in this town. You are correct. Although I heard the golf course applied for a license.
  7. Ok my assessmnet. The scratch shown by your red arrow and question mark... is where the hitch slid against the bumper before actually penetrating.... the big hole is where it went right in and at that time you woulda felt the "bump" at which time the hole was exteneded down as the vehicles pushed up against eachother.... The mark on the opposite side was probably cuased when the vehicles separated. That's my NON CSI assessment..
  8. I'll take a coffee and egg nog please (hold the coffee) Man how can you guys be wrecking the best drink ever by pouring it into something? Egg nog is made to have other stuff poured into IT!
  9. Ok this is my take... if you felt a BUMP.. then there's damage somewhere... that's a cheap plastic bumper that would crumple from an impact with a bug, let alone another vehicle... so look for damage elsewhere. If not, then this damage was probably cuased by the BUMP, and the angles of the hit... just my 2 cents... my wife backed into someone this year... did hardly any damage to their truck, but totalled a brake light and it's entire casing on ours.
  10. LMFAO! Yeah but the "cool-factor" value of the truck goes up. Nice pics... I gota do fraer river sturgeon someday..
  11. SJW... too easy.. that's me waking up in the morning next to the funbuster on the 29th day of the month...
  12. To me that looks like about the first side channel on the north side as you get close to carseland... it's the first real "fishable" side channel of many coming up... am I right?
  13. The trout are extremely tough there Greg when you sit in a coffee shop and don't get to the pond till 11am :) PS: these fish are early morning customers far as I know PPS: They're huge
  14. One of my best friends from calgary says he has insider info that kipper's on cocaine most days. Maybe that's why he's so inconsistent..
  15. Best wishes to everyone on the board for a merry christmas with family and friends.
  16. The best - start up a small one man guiding outfit and tell the wife all the growing pile of junk - is for "clients" to use :) worked like a damn charm...
  17. across from the policeman's boat launch?
  18. I bet there's reason your mexicanos wouldnt go anywhere near 'em and I am glad it would appear as though you didn't find out the hard way Cool trip and waita show 'em up!
  19. The kid moreso than the rod :) Sage shmage... I could outfish ya anyday with a willow branch and a peice of string.
  20. great thread. You pretty much summed up how I feel about it. I go for the sights, smells, sounds... of the outdoors. the fish just do not matter at all anymore. nothing beats walking through crisp crunching leaves... with the damp smell of autumn in the air... and fog on the river as it greats you with it's gentle babbling as you hum the tune from a river runs through it...
  21. A man kills a deer, guts it, and brings it home to the family. The father and mother decide NOT to tell the kids what there going to have for supper when it comes time to eat some of the meat. The father tells his kids... it's good, but were not going to tell you what it is until you try it... and then we'll give you a clue. so, the kids have a bite or two... and then try to guess. After several guesses they give up and one of them says..."allright... I give up... what's the clue?" Dad says ... "well, it's something your mom calls me sometimes" The kids spits out his bite and yells to the other "Don't eat it.... it's azzhole!" :)
  22. I don't think 5th in the conference one point behind 3rd and 4th... and having a game in hand on one of those teams... is "hanging by a thread"... despite the critisism in this thread, let's face it... the flames are playing pretty good as a team and they keep the losing streaks small. There a good team. I think they'll be in the playoffs and THATS when Kipper needs to be good. I think they need to play Curtis a lot more this regular season though.... look at Anderson for florida last night 41 saves in a 2-0 win over the Oil... that's a backup goalie playing his aZZ off for a spot (or a cheque) just like kipper did when he had solmething to prove. Put the backup in a LOT more... maybe Kipper will get pissed off too and I'd like to see himj angry and focused again... becuase right now he looks like a fat cat laying on the sofa in the sun.... that whole "who gives a rats ass" thing... if you can't see it I sure do..
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