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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. apparently they didn't read this thread. Luongo isn't exactly having a good series either... and chicago's goalie is.. menimee? meinee? I cant spell it... but he's been impressive.
  2. Kind of the same reasons people keep on breaking fishing regs too... the fines just don't deter the act. real deterrence will only come with fines in the 5000+ to 25,000+ ranges.
  3. I had a rather good looking girl who was a client of mine that did that for 3 years and BOUGHT A HOUSE... cash. yes. cash. I guess loonies add up. Hell if I was good looking and female I'd consider it... LOL... unfortunately I fit neither of those categories
  4. Hey folks. Does anyone know of anyone hiring for summer positions in and around calgary for 15-25 bucks an hour? I'm about giving up on southern alberta right now been job hunting for two weeks since school and even before school ended. If anyone needs a hard worker I'm willing to learn anything, I'd have a place to stay in okotoks for the summer PS if ya help me find work up there I'll help ya find fish on that darned Bow River *grin* SHOOT sorry mods this was supposed to be in the "non fishing related" area: having a rough day with everythying and anything today plz forgive me.
  5. The Canucks absolutely dismantled Chicago last night. Will be a short series if Chicago doesn't show up a bit more than that... Chicago really does need a better goaltender... Habs vs Pit... yikes. If they find a way to do it ... Halak will have to be god again.
  6. < insert that crazy fool from crocodile hunter's voice NOW > LOOKIT THE SOIZE OF THE 'EDD ON ERHH!!!!!!
  7. Thanks Rick! ...and he's right about the talking... never knew a trip from calgary to bullshead could go by without a moment of silence but rick proved me wrong
  8. speaking of that night chris, did you take the pics or did I... or did we not have a camera? I remember the fish but don't remember seeing any pics of them... so... I Don't believe you!! :D Your lying!!~ (mine must have been 27 1/4 )
  9. we might be, but if you REALLY look like that guy in your avatar no one here is going to want to piss with ya
  10. The kids had a snow day today here in cardston. power was out from 9 to 10am then from 11am to about 830PM... my basement was starting to flood too without the sump pump running... memo to me... save up and buy a generator! Got about 2ft of wet heavy snow had to shovel it all away from the house to slow down the flooding... got it under control now..
  11. ahhh even in this thread people are starting to wake up and see the officiating against canadian teams is a joke. It's pretty obvious. At least you guys won your series.... but don't worry when you play Chicago (a team the NHL and Mr Bettman DEARLY wants to see succeed) you will be royally screwed. I bet Ottawa fans feel like they just got bent over though... and they did...
  12. Ooooh yeah!!!!!!! I'm getting the itch already..!!
  13. That reminds me of one of the biggest things I've ever seen come out of the Bow... a 38 inch pike caught by Tom Windsor... though he didn't even want it and we had to twist his arm to convince him he needed a pic with the ugly ol thing!
  14. That is one of the finest pictures to ever show up here, well done!
  15. This thread's kind of going sideways though as it was for largest BOW river fish, although the big brown is from the bow system it is a glenmore lake fish ain't it? That's kind of like saying catching a 34 inch bull in the upper sheep system is a bow river fish too (although, it sort of is... along the same principles) Either was our good ol' buddy and forum sh*t disturber whenever someone starts talking about big fish, canadesis, will have some smartass comment about how it's a lie and not possible...
  16. not to be a smartalec, but those boat dimensions... 16 x 54? is that correct? I've never seen anything this big on the bow. Must be armed with guns to take out those jetboaters LOL good luck on the new venture!!! enjoy the journey it will take you on and the people you will meet!
  17. ha ha right on... that seems about right. if I look at all my logs anything caught (client or myself) that was a substantially larger fish than the normal for whatever place was being fished, the catch rate for the day was fairly low... I truly believe in "big fish" days... when the smaller stuff is afraid to be out in public!!
  18. That first one's just a beauty. well there all nice... but that first one is rad.
  19. and aqua. stellar fish. you got that look on your face like... holy shiznit... did this just happen?
  20. thanks for posting that for the non believers, hey does anyone happen to have that newspaper article of the massive brown taken from the carburn pond? it was 34 inches ... and a bow river fish. And (shockingly enough) less than a mile from the location I hit a monster like it.... if anyone clipped that article that would be awesome if they could post it. cheers.
  21. I take it Clive left the province for the day?
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